i just want to play some form of 1.5 without it crashing all over the place.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Marvin View PostMark Grass, tel us more about this what you show in your pictures, is this rewritten RE2 engine? It looks very interesting
'Mad Experiment' is the name of a basic debugger I created. It has the ability to run any PC executable, and utilize custom functionality for whatever purpose. That said, it only supports the SourceNext version of BioHazard 2 (what is shown in the pictures).
Several years ago, I stumbled upon a tool that disassembled the 'MAIN.SYM' file (located on the bio2 beta disc) to C Source code (link).
Last summer, I finally had the time to use that data and locate many of those c source structures inside the executable memory (thanks to some basic knowledge of assembly language). From there, only a few mem r/w functions were needed to manipulate the code, in real-time.
The STATUS structure I mentioned earlier handles Pause, Inventory, Save, Storage and File screens. I was lucky enough to locate several other structures, as well; the SAVE structure can be used to "Save the Game, anywhere", like the GS/AR cheat, and the PLAYER_WORK structure, that allows for a huge variety of character model tests:
For any changes to be permanent, the exe would have to be patched. I haven't implemented any 'patch' functionality for the app, yet, but an expert isn't required to do it manually.
I located the SUB_PLAYER_WORK structure as well, and can control partner AI (Ada, Sherry) through a gamepad. That structure will be essential to create a '2-player' or 'online co-op' mode.
Modifying the various structures can result in the '1.5 obtain item' screen, and using custom textures will be enough to create the inventory menu. I had also planned to create a 'debug flag' option, similar to the Bio1 beta (w/debug menu)... I just have to write the code. ;P
The source code for Mad Experiment has been online, for years. Same deal with the disassembly I used to locate the structures, etc.
All the information one would need is available to make a great debugger... I just don't think anyone is actually using it.Last edited by MeganGrass; 02-28-2013, 12:35 PM.I'm a blackstar.
Can't we have one thread per project? Why not use this thread for Team IGAS and make a new thread for Dark_Biohazard / Team96? Then all of the fans can visit and contribute to their respective camps / political parties. If there's already a thread for Dark_Biohazard / Team96, could someone direct me to it?
Hi everybody. I've been lurking for a while and, having read the comments, I'd like to add my useless 2 cents.
Like most people, I do really like 1.5 and I think it might have been a better game than the released RE2 (hence I've spent the last days in nerd's heaven with the public albeit buggy build). The reasons are the same as most of the supporters: the game looks scarier, more realistic and has a lot of quiet interesting features.
Some people posted about the scenario being bad adding the fact it was trashed by professional writer Noboru Nushimura as a proof. While I don't want to sound like a stubborn fanboy, I have to say that, having also worked with professional screenwriters, some of them even highly respected ones (no, I am not making this up), this doesn't prove anything. Most writers (like most people in general) have their own ideas about how things should be, which doesn't necessary mean that whatever they say it's pure gold. Like horror novelist Shaun Hutson says, just because you're writer it doesn't mean you really know what's good and what's not.
As for Kamiya saying he was ashamed for what he did with the RE2 prototype, you have to remember that these people are Japanese and Japanese people have an overly developed sense of honor especially when it comes to their profession (no, I am not mocking Japanese culture - but I got the chance to meet and work with some people from Japan and I know how dedicated they can be). A Western developer, under the same circumstances, would've probably said that he was simply inexperienced and might've even added that Mikami had teached him a lesson or something like that. Sometime ago, Yasuhisa Kawamura (scenario writer for RE3) said he was ashamed of his HookMan concept for RE4 (here's the source:
http://www.vg247.com/2012/03/15/writ...n-experiement/). Before working on RESIDENT EVIL, mr Kawamura was a writer for the manga Battle Angel Alita, so it's safe to assume he's neither an imbecile nor devoid of talent. Truth is, we don't know the real circumstances because we weren't there working on the game.
From what I see, the game story is intriguing. I actually kind of like that it has little to no connections to RE1 aside from the Umbrella Corporation and Raccoon City.Last edited by Braindead; 02-28-2013, 06:38 PM.
Also my 2 cents.
I'm a programmer for over 10 years, professionally and 'recreationally'
I agree with Mark Grass, that through (if) a semi-complete item list you can extract from the debug data you can pretty much recreate the game.
Lot of problems may be the final storyline and especially the dialogue. Also, the the dialogue and content (items et cetera) have to be consistent and must be extensively alpha- and beta-tested.
What I've seen from the code-injection, it doesn't seem like a far way to a real playable, bug-free (no engine is, I know) engine. IGAS team did already great work and their far ahead of the WIP demo as it seems.
Actually, most of the scripting could even be done with python in a python-vm (which isn't that hard to do and should be in a manageable speed on the PS1). Depends on various factors. But I guess it could work and beside that, it could save work altogether. Especially for modding later on.
Let's see what IGAS releases next. The playstation is pretty much charted ground if you're interested and invested some time (6 to 36 months). Also the demo scene group Hitmen's FAQ is already pretty good and there are lots of hardware files out there.
The biggest problem is the cost of time. People have real life, too. Some, at least ;) But I trust the high set goals of IGAS so far.
And I would have nothing against an alternative story-line. Hey, why not?
Also, the background and item renderings are a good standard, but not THAT good by nowadays standards, absolutely doable with a little experience in Blender or AutoDesk.
Don't want to bring false hope, but I think in 2-3 years we could reckon with a 'final' version. if IGAS keeps up the pace.Last edited by Pixman; 02-28-2013, 09:14 PM.
Originally posted by Braindead View PostSome people posted about the scenario being bad adding the fact it was trashed by professional writer Noboru Nushimura as a proof. While I don't want to sound like a stubborn fanboy, I have to say that, having also worked with professional screenwriters, some of them even highly respected ones (no, I am not making this up), this doesn't prove anything. Most writers (like most people in general) have their own ideas about how things should be, which doesn't necessary mean that whatever they say it's pure gold. Like horror novelist Shaun Hutson says, just because you're writer it doesn't mean you really know what's good and what's not.
As for Kamiya saying he was ashamed for what he did with the RE2 prototype, you have to remember that these people are Japanese and Japanese people have an overly developed sense of honor especially when it comes to their profession (no, I am not mocking Japanese culture - but I got the chance to meet and work with some people from Japan and I know how dedicated they can be). A Western developer, under the same circumstances, would've probably said that he was simply inexperienced and might've even added that Mikami had teached him a lesson or something like that. Sometime ago, Yasuhisa Kawamura (scenario writer for RE3) said he was ashamed of his HookMan concept for RE4 (here's the source:
http://www.vg247.com/2012/03/15/writ...n-experiement/). Before working on RESIDENT EVIL, mr Kawamura was a writer for the manga Battle Angel Alita, so it's safe to assume he's neither an imbecile nor devoid of talent. Truth is, we don't know the real circumstances because we weren't there working on the game.
Really, now that we have 1.5, the arguments for people "defending" this game are just really very lame. Hey, I enjoy the game, it's fun. I am glad if other people do as well, but please stop pretending as if it's some lost treasure, or that it is/was inherently better than retail 2. Because you're only trying to fool yourself in believing that.Last edited by doriantoki; 02-28-2013, 09:29 PM.
Well, it's pointless to compare a beta (~40%) and a final product like RE2 anyway.
It's obvious retail is better, they had time to correct and improve lot of things and they did great.
I'm not defending or sayin 1.5 is over the top but i prefer the ambience of the backgrounds, zombies (design & sounds) and the fact that elza isn't related to chris.
This is why 1.5 is "better" for me but that doesn't mean it's a better game overall.
I have no doubt that 1.5 is not as good as the retail.
It's just about feelings.
If i remember you said RPD's backgrounds are bad, looks empty and cheap or so.
Well it's exactly the opposite for me. I love them, cold, creepy and realistic.
Btw it's hard to believe you actually enjoy it, didn't you literally bashed the game after playing it ?Last edited by Hypnoz; 03-01-2013, 12:38 AM.
The people bashing the recently released RE1.5 demo, are just lame. They act like it is supposed to be better than a complete retail version. It is a treasure because it is actually a PROTOTYPE that wasn't meant to be released. We are LUCKY to get a chance to even play any version of it. And Capcom has made it about 80% complete according to the video I uploaded.
So, if we were able to get the most complete version and the full motion videos, fix it and then we can really compare it to the retail version. People here love to complain about everything!Last edited by Black~Crow; 03-01-2013, 01:05 AM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Originally posted by Hypnoz View PostI'm not defending or sayin 1.5 is over the top but i prefer the ambience of the backgrounds, zombies (design & sounds) and the fact that elza isn't related to chris.
This is why 1.5 is "better" for me but that doesn't mean it's a better game overall.Last edited by doriantoki; 03-01-2013, 01:46 AM.
Originally posted by doriantoki View PostI think it's telling how quickly they turned around retail 2, which is a far superior product both technically, and otherwise. .. Really, now that we have 1.5, the arguments for people "defending" this game are just really very lame. Hey, I enjoy the game, it's fun. I am glad if other people do as well, but please stop pretending as if it's some lost treasure, or that it is/was inherently better than retail 2. Because you're only trying to fool yourself in believing that.
I'll never stop defending it. Finished or not, there's only one real Resident evil 2 and "1.5" is it. I think that defending the retail release, which is an uninspired mansion clone of the first game - is very lame.
Originally posted by Black~Crow View PostThe people bashing the recently released RE1.5 demo, are just lame. They act like it is supposed to be better than a complete retail version. It is a treasure because it is actually a PROTOTYPE that wasn't meant to be released. We are LUCKY to get a chance to even play any version of it. And Capcom has made it about 80% complete according to the video I uploaded.
So, if we were able to get the most complete version and the full motion videos, fix it and then we can really compare it to the retail version. People here love to complain about everything!
Originally posted by Deus Flux View Postthere's only one real Resident evil 2 and "1.5" is it. I think that defending the retail release, which is an uninspired mansion clone of the first game - is very lame.
Some people posted about the scenario being bad adding the fact it was trashed by professional writer Noboru Nushimura as a proof. While I don't want to sound like a stubborn fanboy, I have to say that, having also worked with professional screenwriters, some of them even highly respected ones (no, I am not making this up), this doesn't prove anything. Most writers (like most people in general) have their own ideas about how things should be, which doesn't necessary mean that whatever they say it's pure gold. Like horror novelist Shaun Hutson says, just because you're writer it doesn't mean you really know what's good and what's not.
2) Having the 1.5 scenario draft myself, I can say that while it would probably have made a decent spin-off, the story simply wasn't very interesting. The G-Virus had no importance or backstory, for example, and was completely different from retail.Last edited by News Bot; 03-01-2013, 03:45 AM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
here we go again.....
To....... each .......... there ........OWN.
some people will enjoy what 1.5 had to offer and some people will prefer retail and some people would of liked aspects from 1.5 implemented into retail and some will enjoy both just as equals if people cant respect other peoples opinions then just go away , stop trying to fight there opinions , if that's what they want to think then let them , whats the big deal ?
I love retail 2 and will always enjoy it as it is my fave but I actually still prefer a lot of things from 1.5 , if some people can't except that then sod off .
just a few things from 1.5 I love
More gore
Zombie design ( awesome faces)
gun holding animations similar to the way Chris and Jill hold there guns in the GC remake
setting, I will always prefer the R.P.D from 1.5 and I love the outside areas site a , b ect
prefer the design of birken in 1.5
love the clothing damage and blood stains
Elza can use a freaking shotgun unlike Claire and she can use the magnum unlike Claire , Claire's game can get dull with grenade launcher all the time.
Music from 1.5 sounds great as well from what I have heard so far.
I don't care if the creators of 1.5 were not pleased with how 1.5 was shaping up I enjoy what 1.5 had to offer but like I said I still love retail version.
People can enjoy both.
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View PostPeople can enjoy both.
Leon's gun holding stance is completely ridiculous. He holds it right up to his face, something anyone with even the slightest gun training would laugh at. Technically, REmake, 4 and 5 are all wrong in that regards too even though they hold it further away, it's a ridiculous stance altogether and puts unnecessary strain on your arms.
Claire can't use the shotgun or magnum for balance reasons. Otherwise the game would be piss-easy.
All the best tracks of 1.5 made it into the retail version.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium