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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    Someone theorized a while back that the paper targets could have a number written on each one, which you have to put together in a specific stall order, in order to get the keypad code for the armory. The order you have to type the numbers in would probably be listed down in a silly RE-style diary file or something. Either that or it's supposed to unlock the vent or the cabinet beside it, which you can pick up a "driver" from (probably a screwdriver). The ripped BGs do not really indicate any other interactable object/hidden compartments in the room.

    Yea, the key items in 1.5 don't really seem to be ornate, unlike the ones in retail (chess-themed plugs... really? ). The keycards could very well be used on the electronic security doors in the RPD like the prison, armory, media room (although this one has a voice recognition lock) and probably a few more in the missing rooms we haven't seen of yet (maybe the radio room). It could also be used for a secure cabinet like the one in the lab operating room.
    yeah I did that paper target puzzle in resident evil 1.5 2d , but since that was a fan game I wasnt sure how accurate it was , but It was a cool puzzle none the less.


    • Originally posted by geluda View Post
      There's also the pocket watch in the Trial Edition that seems to be missing from this build of 1.5.
      The one in the Trial is a regular wristwatch, believed to be Ada's personal item.
      Seibu teh geimu?


      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
        The one in the Trial is a regular wristwatch, believed to be Ada's personal item.
        Yeah it's a wrist watch sorry my bad.


        • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
          the so called "atmosphere" is more resembled in the original alpha version of prototype. coming out right from the artist vision... this is the resident evil 1.5 i love the most. and this is what I saw first place anyway back in days. scary and cold. .. survival. does not have to be story line.

          So the early model of leon is on the WIP release or not? .... damn I would love to play a game with that version of Leon. Dear Sir BZork, big please, add him as bonus character!

          I remember awhile ago Dark Biohazard posted a WIP render he was working on of this very design that looked really awesome. I asked him if there was a possibility of a 1.5 mod after the team's release with the character swap. Hopefully he does it cuz I actually like the design too. Not as Leon mind you but I like to see this guy as a different character


          • RE4 version not found one made for RE2 anywhere unless it's a released skin pack
            Last edited by Mikhail; 03-01-2013, 10:14 AM.


            • Originally posted by ParasiteAdam View Post
              I remember awhile ago Dark Biohazard posted a WIP render he was working on of this very design that looked really awesome. I asked him if there was a possibility of a 1.5 mod after the team's release with the character swap. Hopefully he does it cuz I actually like the design too. Not as Leon mind you but I like to see this guy as a different character
              LOL it's more than likely just me but the early design of Leon with short hair and and dressed all in blue reminds me of D.DARK from street fighter ex


              shame they didn't keep any of the beta outfits for the special key locker in retail 2


              • where did i see blue zombies similar colors before .... hmmm... interesting
                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                • Originally posted by Marvin View Post

                  where did i see blue zombies similar colors before .... hmmm... interesting
                  I love deep fear played it last month


                  • Originally posted by Sly View Post
                    Thing is, the guys working on the game openly admitted it was a bad game. Why is it so difficult for some people to just believe that fact ?
                    On the flip-side they'll eat up anything else Mikami or Kamiya say. But when it comes to 1.5? Lying/don't know better/wrong.
                    Last edited by News Bot; 03-01-2013, 01:58 PM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Leon's gun holding stance is completely ridiculous.
                      Enlighten us about how someone is supposed to hold his/her gun while walking around.


                      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                        Enlighten us about how someone is supposed to hold his/her gun while walking around.
                        Pretty much anywhere aside from against your face. Much like keeping your finger against the trigger at all times, it's a pointless and dangerous way to handle a gun.

                        A handgun is meant to be held either by your side (like in retail) or both hands at the front (like Bruce/Sheva/Jill).
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          Enlighten us about how someone is supposed to hold his/her gun while walking around.
                          I'll answer this, you always face the gun down towards the floor because if it was to accidentally go off the worst that could happen is someones foot or leg being hit. Nothing more. It's thought by any job that involves fire-arms.
                          4 Itchy Tasty.


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            A handgun is meant to be held either by your side (like in retail) or both hands at the front (like Bruce/Sheva/Jill).
                            Tell me, have you ever handled/used firearms?


                            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                              Tell me, have you ever handled/used firearms?
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • So in a combat situation when you have to be aware of your environement and ready to shoot anytime, you'd walk casually with the gun on your side?
                                (suggesting the security is on of course)

