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  • Rick, aren't you a soldier?


    • Depends when.


      • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
        So in a combat situation when you have to be aware of your environement and ready to shoot anytime, you'd walk casually with the gun on your side?
        (suggesting the security is on of course)
        1) Leon isn't in a "combat situation" --nobody is firing at him
        2) Realistically he wouldn't always hold the gun by his side, but that's his default animation in a PS1 game. Both hands with gun facing forward at chest height or below is generally the best way to handle a handgun in combat/ready situations.
        3) Holding the gun upwards puts unnecessary strain on his arms. Combat situation or not, trying to aim after holding your arms up in a fixed position so long would make you a pathetic shot.

        Not sure what your point is.
        Last edited by News Bot; 03-01-2013, 02:37 PM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          1) Leon isn't in a "combat situation" --nobody is firing at him
          Not taking this one seriously, it's borderline retarded.

          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          2) Realistically he wouldn't always hold the gun by his side, but that's his default animation in a PS1 game.
          So now you're saying the contrary of what you said a few posts ago just because it's a "PS1 game"?

          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          3) Holding the gun upwards puts unnecessary strain on his arms. Combat situation or not, trying to aim after holding your arms up in a fixed position so long would make you a pathetic shot.
          So long? How long? I spend my time running when I play, and Leon doesn't hold his gun that way when he runs. Still, the proper way when running would be to hold it like Chris does in rebirth, pointing down. Also I'm not gonna waste my time trying to explain which position is optimal to shoot from between holding the gun near your head or facing the ground.

          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
          Not sure what your point is.
          My point is that sometimes you should try to avoid arguing about things you shouldn't argue about.
          Last edited by Rick Hunter; 03-01-2013, 02:46 PM.


          • they do it in the remake and loads of other games , Its stupid to just have the gun at your side because if it were real you would have a lot less chance to react to a Fast B.O.W attack because you would have to waste time raising your hands to try and aim.


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              So you defend a game that was actually scrapped with one reason being because it was an uninspired mansion clone of the first game? Makes total sense. I think someone doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.
              I think you don't have a clue what you're talking.

              Puzzle involving certain order of switches to obtain one of the four items necessary to progress? Check. (BH1 painting puzzle; BH2 library puzzle).
              Puzzle involving the use of gems to obtain one of the four necessary items to progress? Check. (BH1 tiger statue; BH2 chest statue).
              Puzzle involving a re-used item to position something during a portion of the game? Check. (BH1 square-crank; BH2 valve).
              Puzzle involving the same two items to access a new area? Check. (BH1 medals to get to the laboratory; BH2 medals to get to the old factory).

              Tell me more about how much BH2 Prototype sucks in the creative department.

              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              The G-Virus had no importance or backstory, for example, and was completely different from retail.
              Completely irrelevant. The G-virus never had any importance to future of the franchise, at all. Not even in BioHazard 4 Devil May Cry according to the information you posted. Only made a short of comeback in BH: Degeneration, and even then, it was mostly for fan service purposes. The thing about it birthing G-Humans, and transforming humans into Gods? Forgotten and put in the trash bin.

              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              Claire can't use the shotgun or magnum for balance reasons. Otherwise the game would be piss-easy.
              Claire can't use the shotgun or magnum because the developers couldn't think of any interesting way of making her game more challenging. So they opted out for the worst possible idea which was to decrease the number of weapons she has access to.

              In BH1, Jill was far weaker than Chris, and speaking from my experience in Arranged Mode, she can get into the decap. status after getting hit once by an Hunter. All the fancy weaponry for the Bazooka she gets also ceases to be so amazingly powerful against the common creatures (Hunters and Chimeras) and it's advantage is only clearer against bosses. In contrast, Chris can sustain more damage against pretty much enemy, gets more ammo for the Colt Python (particularly useful for dealing with Hunters due to the non-delayed shot) and has a higher rate of critical for the Beretta.

              There were plenty of ways of making the game far more challenging for Claire, but guess what? They did a piss-poor job on it. There's not even any differences between the stage progression because both characters can pretty much do the same shit as each other and have access to the same items minus the personal one (which are pretty pointless in the grand scheme of the game); little worthless changes. At least, BH2 Prototype could still mess with some of these things in order to provide different experiences to the players. BH2 doesn't have that luxury.

              BioHazard YouTube Channel
              BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


              • 1) Haha, right, just like Leon's 1.5 stance then.

                2) Not at all. Just saying that it's unlikely anyone would hold a gun in a single position so long when actively faced with threats.

                3) You're completely correct about how Chris does in REmake. The gun is meant to be down the entire time.

                So you have no point then, as expected.

                Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                they do it in the remake and loads of other games , Its stupid to just have the gun at your side because if it were real you would have a lot less chance to react to a Fast B.O.W attack because you would have to waste time raising your hands to try and aim.
                Incorrect, it's actually better and easier to bring a gun up and aim than it is to bring it down.

                Now, I know that we've all seen the TV guys using the ready position where the handgun is being held right by the shooter's head, with the muzzle pointed up. The only place this works is on TV. In fact, there are some things that are really wrong with this position.

                To begin with, we learned long ago that it is quicker and more accurate to bring a gun up into a target zone than to bring it down to the target, and it is much easier to focus on the target and not have it obscured by the movement of gun and arms. In addition, we let gravity help us stop the upward motion of the gun at the precise point that we want to deliver our shot.

                Another weakness of the TV-ready position is that the crook can easily stiff arm the gun hand of the shooter and prevent the lowering of the handgun. Even a small woman can block a large man from lowering his handgun simply because her whole body has become part of the block.

                In the low ready position, should a crook jump out and attempt to block the shooter from raising the handgun, the proper response is to just start shooting. The bad guy will quickly figure out that he has feet, shins, knee caps and other vital body parts in the general area that the citizen is delivering bullets. Even a really stupid bad guy can be expected to let go pretty quickly.

                The low ready position also lends itself to movement. As you exit a bad situation, or as you move through your own house, remember to move your handgun in the same direction that your eyes move. Then, should you see an immediate threat, the gun is quickly raised to the vital zone and a shot can be delivered, if necessary.
                It is often called Hollywood, because it makes for great close-ups with the gun in frame. In the real world, it's called the suicide hold. It is unstable and any sudden impact to your body causes the gun to whip in your hand, often toward your own head. It's hard to gain your sight picture without first blocking your view falling, takeaways and everything else bad can be attributed to upward muzzle carry while clearing a house.
                Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                I think you don't have a clue what you're talking.

                Puzzle involving certain order of switches to obtain one of the four items necessary to progress? Check. (BH1 painting puzzle; BH2 library puzzle).
                Puzzle involving the use of gems to obtain one of the four necessary items to progress? Check. (BH1 tiger statue; BH2 chest statue).
                Puzzle involving a re-used item to position something during a portion of the game? Check. (BH1 square-crank; BH2 valve).
                Puzzle involving the same two items to access a new area? Check. (BH1 medals to get to the laboratory; BH2 medals to get to the old factory).

                Tell me more about how much BH2 Prototype sucks in the creative department.

                Completely irrelevant. The G-virus never had any importance to future of the franchise, at all. Not even in BioHazard 4 Devil May Cry according to the information you posted. Only made a short of comeback in BH: Degeneration, and even then, it was mostly for fan service purposes. The thing about it birthing G-Humans, and transforming humans into Gods? Forgotten and put in the trash bin.

                Claire can't use the shotgun or magnum because the developers couldn't think of any interesting way of making her game more challenging. So they opted out for the worst possible idea which was to decrease the number of weapons she has access to.

                In BH1, Jill was far weaker than Chris, and speaking from my experience in Arranged Mode, she can get into the decap. status after getting hit once by an Hunter. All the fancy weaponry for the Bazooka she gets also ceases to be so amazingly powerful against the common creatures (Hunters and Chimeras) and it's advantage is only clearer against bosses. In contrast, Chris can sustain more damage against pretty much enemy, gets more ammo for the Colt Python (particularly useful for dealing with Hunters due to the non-delayed shot) and has a higher rate of critical for the Beretta.

                There were plenty of ways of making the game far more challenging for Claire, but guess what? They did a piss-poor job on it. There's not even any differences between the stage progression because both characters can pretty much do the same shit as each other and have access to the same items minus the personal one (which are pretty pointless in the grand scheme of the game); little worthless changes. At least, BH2 Prototype could still mess with some of these things in order to provide different experiences to the players. BH2 doesn't have that luxury.
                I don't know what I'm talking about, from someone so insistent on asking me questions. Heh.

                I'm not sure why you just gave me a list of puzzles when I never mentioned them or included them in my initial regurgitation of a developer's statement. Go take it up with Kamiya if you have an issue.

                The G-Virus was used extensively in the Devil May Cry version, it just wasn't what the main character was infected with. It came back in GS4 and Degeneration, "fan service" or not. It was never intended to turn humans into Gods, it was named the "God Virus" because William's goal was to create a new human race-- like a God. Hardly forgotten when Sherry happens to get most of a G-Human's traits.

                Decreasing the amount of weapons is much better for a game intended to invoke a sense of fear and rationing of items. While BH2 is easier than BH1 (a conscious decision due to criticism against the first game for its difficulty), having so many weapons only detracts from the "survival" aspect. Incidentally, one of Claire's unique weapons is designed with one of the game's most common enemies (Licker) in mind, rather than just "here's a high-powered weapon you'll get an even more powerful version of later that will render this one worthless."

                I also don't think 1.5 is a bad game or even unoriginal. It's just not as good or interesting as BH2.
                Last edited by News Bot; 03-01-2013, 03:12 PM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • in "your" opinion


                  • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
                    in "your" opinion
                    Basic safety procedures for handling a gun aren't really a matter of opinion.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      I don't know what I'm talking about, from someone so insistent on asking me questions. Heh.
                      I fail to see the correlation between the knowledge you have from your inside sources and the knowledge you have from the games released.

                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      I'm not sure why you just gave me a list of puzzles when I never mentioned them or included them in my initial regurgitation of a developer's statement. Go take it up with Kamiya if you have an issue.
                      You regurgitated a developer's statement to make a point. Which was incorrect. I elaborated why BH2 was in no way less of a clone of BH1 than BH2 Prototype (which, from my personal observation so far, seems like a clone only in the gameplay sense). No issue here.

                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      The G-Virus was used extensively in the Devil May Cry version, it just wasn't what the main character was infected with.
                      Gameplay purposes, from what I understand.

                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      It was never intended to turn humans into Gods, it was named the "God Virus" because William's goal was to create a new human race-- like a God.
                      The ultimate goal for Dr. Birkin was to create and breed G-humans, an evolved super-human species, by using the G-Virus.
                      Yasuhisa Kawamura Interview on Project Umbrella

                      Seems the perfect description of what humanity could ever hope to achieve closest to a Godhood status.

                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Hardly forgotten when Sherry happens to get most of a G-Human's traits.
                      Regenerating abilities? Game-changer.

                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Decreasing the amount of weapons is much better for a game intended to invoke a sense of fear and rationing of items.
                      Not necessarily. Few weapons and large amount of ammo can break a game without much of a problem. Lots of weapons but little ammunition can force the player to rationalize and make the best use of those weapons in the proper occasions.

                      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Incidentally, one of Claire's unique weapons is designed with one of the game's most common enemies (Licker) in mind, rather than just "here's a high-powered weapon you'll get an even more powerful version of later that will render this one worthless."
                      The crossbow designed to deal with Licker? Are you serious? Even in Extreme Battle Mode, it's crystal clear that the greatest purpose of the Crossbow is to tear down the hordes of incoming zombies with as much as 6 bolts for each. Besides, the Crossbow against Lickers only works in long ranges and when facing them one on one. Any of these conditions not there and the player is in serious risk of being incapacitated by the Lickers.

                      BioHazard YouTube Channel
                      BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                      • Colvin posted that he has a source at Capcom, on the RE 123 forum, when he threatened to leak the prototype demo. And he worked on Project umbrella with News Bot. So, it is safe to say, news bot is getting his inside information from a Capcom employee that Colvin knows.

                        And I know he says he can't divulge proof of any of the stuff he states, but then he acts like you are supposed to know what he is saying is the TRUTH and not his OPINION. This is why I don't believe everything he says. I get annoyed when I read his comments. It is like he talks down to people like we have the same inside information he claims to have. And I really doubt Capcom would make a book deal with him about Resident Evil facts!
                        Last edited by Black~Crow; 03-01-2013, 04:08 PM.
                        I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                        • enough about guns stance and gun walking, let's move on to aiming, much more fun!

                          I am not saying it is right or wrong, just fun from google... leon rpd hat costume model aimed gun just like that

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	12.5 KB
ID:	402678
                          Last edited by Marvin; 03-01-2013, 04:12 PM.
                          ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                          • I stated that it was one reason it was scrapped. Which it was. Whether it's "incorrect" or not doesn't really matter to me since it wasn't my decision, and you should take it up with Kamiya if you care so much.

                            G was included mainly for plot purposes. It wouldn't have been included at all if it served no purpose in it.

                            Considering I was the one who conducted that interview and have spoken to Mr. Kawamura quite extensively since then, I think I'd know what he meant. The "God" refers to Birkin's plan to create a new human race, which is the closest possible thing to a God there is, and something which was also used as a big focal point for Wesker.

                            Regeneration ability was G's main attribute. Sherry didn't inherit superhuman strength because she wasn't a complete G-Human, but the concept is the same. While "G-Humans" aren't a focus anymore (because Birkin is dead), they are still part of the plot.

                            Sure, but what makes you so sure 1.5 had less ammo than BH2 despite the fact that an easier game was something CAPCOM had planned from the outset based on the reception from the first game? Thus far, we just have a bunch of superfluous weapons.

                            The crossbow's implementation was designed around the Licker, yes. While it is good for Zombie crowd control also, its silence was actively designed around the Licker (or the other way around, I can't recall the interview). I'm not actually sure if the specific crossbow Claire uses is actually capable of firing three bolts at once, so it's unlikely it was added specifically for that feature.

                            Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                            Colvin posted that he has a source at Capcom, on the RE 123 forum, when he threatened to leak the prototype demo. And he worked on Project umbrella with News Bot. So, it is safe to say, news bot is getting his inside information from a Capcom employee that Colvin knows.

                            And I know he says he can't divulge proof of any of the stuff he states, but then he acts like you are supposed to know what he is saying is the TRUTH and not his OPINION. This is why I don't believe everything he says. I get annoyed when I read his comments. It is like he talks down to people like we have the same inside information he claims to have. And I really doubt Capcom would make a book deal with him about Resident Evil facts!
                            Both Colvin and I have contacts in CAPCOM. Some of them we both know personally, some he knows that I don't, and some I know that he doesn't.

                            I don't expect you to believe everything I say. However, when I say "I can't reveal my sources", I mean it. So when someone like you constantly dicks around repeatedly asking me to reveal them despite me telling you several times now that I cannot for many reasons, it is irritating. If you PM'd me, I could give you further information that would lay your little worries to rest, but you don't appear to have the foresight to do that and would rather bitch.

                            The book deal wasn't made with me, although I am helping with it, and is not about "Resident Evil facts." Your doubt matters nought.
                            Last edited by News Bot; 03-01-2013, 04:26 PM.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                              leon rpd hat costume model aimed gun just like that
                              This one is the real gangsta shit yo.


                              • The ammunition in games are always fun. Take silent hill for instance, you have a 2 boxes of handgun bullets on park bench... wtf?

                                Why do I have funny wheeling if real life zombies would come that I will never find a gun nor bullets and just shit myself in basement and eventually die from starving like Dario Rosso promesed!

                                "I am not leavin! NEVER! Just get a way from me!"

                                it is scary that you all know so much about guns... how to handle them and so on.
                                ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies

