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Originally posted by News Bot View Post
Both Colvin and I have contacts in CAPCOM. Some of them we both know personally, some he knows that I don't, and some I know that he doesn't.
I don't expect you to believe everything I say. However, when I say "I can't reveal my sources", I mean it. So when someone like you constantly dicks around repeatedly asking me to reveal them despite me telling you several times now that I cannot for many reasons, it is irritating. If you PM'd me, I could give you further information that would lay your little worries to rest, but you don't appear to have the foresight to do that and would rather bitch.
The book deal wasn't made with me, although I am helping with it, and is not about "Resident Evil facts." Your doubt matters nought.
I thought about sending private messages to you, but you seem to be so nasty on here, I thought I better not.
And the book deal, I will believe it when I see it.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Originally posted by News Bot View PostG was included mainly for plot purposes. It wouldn't have been included at all if it served no purpose in it.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostConsidering I was the one who conducted that interview and have spoken to Mr. Kawamura quite extensively since then, I think I'd know what he meant. The "God" refers to Birkin's plan to create a new human race, which is the closest possible thing to a God there is, and something which was also used as a big focal point for Wesker.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostRegeneration ability was G's main attribute. Sherry didn't inherit superhuman strength because she wasn't a complete G-Human, but the concept is the same. While "G-Humans" aren't a focus anymore (because Birkin is dead), they are still part of the plot.
Originally posted by News Bot View PostSure, but what makes you so sure 1.5 had less ammo than BH2 despite the fact that an easier game was something CAPCOM had planned from the outset based on the reception from the first game? Thus far, we just have a bunch of superfluous weapons.
I'm curious about one thing, though. Why do you say 1.5 was an easier game than BH1? Hideki Kamiya has the habit of making his games particularly hard and with insane difficulty modes too (Dante Must Die, for example).
Originally posted by News Bot View PostThe crossbow's implementation was designed around the Licker, yes. While it is good for Zombie crowd control also, its silence was actively designed around the Licker (or the other way around, I can't recall the interview). I'm not actually sure if the specific crossbow Claire uses is actually capable of firing three bolts at once, so it's unlikely it was added specifically for that feature.
Originally posted by Black~Crow View PostFinally you notice my post! Anyway, I am not asking you to reveal anything, just asking you to not say something is a FACT when you will not reveal why. This is the reason you get into so many arguments here. The outsiders including myself, don't know any new details about the games, but talking to us like we do, is what is annoying. OK, you can't reveal the reasons why, but why do you want to argue your point without any proof. It doesn't make any sense.
I thought about sending private messages to you, but you seem to be so nasty on here, I thought I better not.
And the book deal, I will believe it when I see it.
I don't care how you feel about the book, quite frankly. I'm not sure why you even brought it up.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by Black~Crow View PostWhy don't you make your own website with all of your claims and answers to people questions, that way you don't have to force your opinion down people's throats, on this forum?
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostIn case you haven't noticed, he has one and it's called Project Umbrella - and pretty much every single article that's put up there is full of source citations with comments on when, where, and what the various bits of information stems from. Just 'cause you don't like what you hear or reality doesn't live up to your fantasies doesn't give you the right to be an ass (nor does your Internet connection)Last edited by Black~Crow; 03-01-2013, 06:15 PM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
Originally posted by Black~Crow View PostWhy don't you make your own website with all of your claims and answers to people questions, that way you don't have to force your opinion down people's throats, on this forum?PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by StuntmanSnakeCould someone explain to me what the argument is about, this time?
However, Black Crow does occasionally make up various random theories that he yells about, ignoring any evidence he doesn't like, so take what he says with a pinch of salt big enough to pickle a shark.
Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostBasically, Crow doesn't like that News Bot won't reveal his sources, which News Bot can't do as they've asked not to be revealed (at least not yet, there's apparently a book deal underway). Crow now basically tries to claim everything News Bot says is lies until he tells the TRUTH, which is basically,'reveal all your sources, screw yourself and us out of further information, and do it because otherwise I won't believe you.' Nothing anyone else says matters.
However, Black Crow does occasionally make up various random theories that he yells about, ignoring any evidence he doesn't like, so take what he says with a pinch of salt big enough to pickle a shark.Last edited by Black~Crow; 03-01-2013, 06:34 PM.I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!
...yeah. First you made up the stories about Alzaire and Inflames having the 80% version of 1.5 (they don't, and wouldn't have been offering four figures for the copy the Curator had access to if they did), then claimed Dot50Cal is really the Curator and owner of 1.5 (even though it was Dot who exposed the Curator's ebay trolling...). I seem to recall you've also claimed that the whole Colvin thing is really a trick and such.
Of course, you also often claim you're joking, but with no evidence but your word to support that, we assume you're totally serious.