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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Marvin View Post

    enough about guns stance and gun walking, let's move on to aiming, much more fun!

    I am not saying it is right or wrong, just fun from google... leon rpd hat costume model aimed gun just like that

    That image is a firing line of practice, and the image is very old.... additionally Leon is holding his gun in that image sideways in reference to numerous action films, and that latter practise in truth is more likely to jam your gun than actually fire it. I know you're being silly but I just wanted to point that out.

    I haven't kept up on who said what, but modern SWAT teams and Special Forces teams have a point man, who walks in front with two hands on the gun viewing targets down line of sight directly in front (be it handgun or rifle) and other members behind walk with two hands on their gun, pointing downwards and towards the side to avoid the accidental chance of shooting something they don't intend to target (and to quickly lift their gun for targeting) and normally at the end have a tail person who looks mostly the other way and sweep views behind them while holding the gun in the same position as the point person. I know this because my friend is in our Armed Defenders Squad here and thats specifically what he told me is/should be standard clearing positions worldwide. If anyone wants to know why the hell I asked, we used him and some of his workmates for a short film a year or two back.

    Armed Police are also supposedly told to not raise their gun in the air as well, but that probably doesn't stop some officers from running around with it pointed up in the air like idiots, but I'd still say the majority of them point their gun with 2 hands when needed. I'm sure all of this sort of stuff can be easily found for clarification online.
    Last edited by Rombie; 03-01-2013, 06:45 PM.


    • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
      YOU knew all along!


      • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
        Basically, Crow doesn't like that News Bot won't reveal his sources, which News Bot can't do as they've asked not to be revealed (at least not yet, there's apparently a book deal underway). Crow now basically tries to claim everything News Bot says is lies until he tells the TRUTH, which is basically,'reveal all your sources, screw yourself and us out of further information, and do it because otherwise I won't believe you.' Nothing anyone else says matters.

        However, Black Crow does occasionally make up various random theories that he yells about, ignoring any evidence he doesn't like, so take what he says with a pinch of salt big enough to pickle a shark.

        What kind of things is News Bot revealing? Story elements in 1.5?


        • I haven't actually revealed anything in some time, Crow just has an issue with me.

          Generally with the whole 1.5 good/bad thing, most stuff is readily available.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            I haven't actually revealed anything in some time, Crow just has an issue with me.

            Generally with the whole 1.5 good/bad thing, most stuff is readily available.
            Have you revealed any more of the character bios? They were really interesting I'm looking forward to more.


            • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              ...yeah. First you made up the stories about Alzaire and Inflames having the 80% version of 1.5 (they don't, and wouldn't have been offering four figures for the copy the Curator had access to if they did), then claimed Dot50Cal is really the Curator and owner of 1.5 (even though it was Dot who exposed the Curator's ebay trolling...). I seem to recall you've also claimed that the whole Colvin thing is really a trick and such.

              Of course, you also often claim you're joking, but with no evidence but your word to support that, we assume you're totally serious.
              I can't have any fun with you around. But um, what I thought was that inflames had the 80% version, Alzaire? I can't keep up with my conspiracy theories.

              I thought dot50cal was the curator because what Markgrass wrote on the other thread. And it was a coincidence don't you think?

              I never claimed Colvin thing was a trick, just that he is KNOWN to trick people and it is hard to believe what he says. The leaked images thing, seemed like a ploy to throw people off about why the game is being released.

              Also, I don't expect News bot to reveal his sources, I just like to know what I am reading is the truth. Because he says he can't reveal all the facts, I feel a lot of what he writes is his opinion. I guess the book will reveal everything, if it isn't a bogus story?

              And...... the Capcom employee initials T.B stands for Total Bulls***

              It's a Conspiracy Theory!
              Last edited by Black~Crow; 03-01-2013, 11:40 PM.
              I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


              • Regarding the cross-bow;

                Honestly I think the developers were just trying something different with the weapons, so that both characters didn't end up too similar. The crossbow, in all it's iterations, sucks major balls, unfortunately. But the grenade launcher > shotgun, IMO.

                Which raises another point; Police actually DO use a type of crossbow to send messages in a hostage situation, however, the crossbow in RE2 is a "hunting" type crossbow? Did anyone else go "huh?" when they read the item description?
                Lickers are probably the only "real" threat in RE2, and even then ... not by much. But the crossbow is pretty terrible against them, especially if one or two bolts miss. Grenade or acid rounds are much more effective. And there's plenty of grenade rounds to take care of the zombies, too. And grenade rounds work better as a crowd control. In that same though, I don't think I have ever, in my entire time playing the series, ever wasted one round on a crow. Overall, the crossbow just isn't particularly useful. They could've given Claire more variety of rounds for the grenade launcher (freeze? another variety, maybe?), and I would've been just as happy.
                The grenade rounds, when used like a shotgun, kills zombies ALL the time, and hits a wide radius when aimed upwards. On that thought, why carry two guns in your inventory, and ammo for both, when you can just lug the grenade launcher around, and its various ammo. Makes more sense. If RE2 was more difficult and ammo was more scarce, maybe it would make sense to take the crossbow out every once and awhile, but there's tons of ammo for the grenade launcher lying around. Another point for the grenade launcher, forgot to mention, the flame rounds are great on the zombie dogs, as well. It really has all the bases covered.


                • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  I haven't actually revealed anything in some time, Crow just has an issue with me.

                  Generally with the whole 1.5 good/bad thing, most stuff is readily available.
                  I was never able to locate what you did reveal in the first place. I only ever saw where you briefly announced that you'd be allowed to.
                  "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                  • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                    I can't have any fun with you around. But um, what I thought was that inflames had the 80% version, Alzaire? I can't keep up with my conspiracy theories.

                    I thought dot50cal was the curator because what Markgrass wrote on the other thread. And it was a coincidence don't you think?

                    I never claimed Colvin thing was a trick, just that he is KNOWN to trick people and it is hard to believe what he says. The leaked images thing, seemed like a ploy to throw people off about why the game is being released.

                    Also, I don't expect News bot to reveal is sources, I just like to know what I am reading is the truth. Because he says he can't reveal all the facts, I feel a lot of what he writes is his opinion. I guess the book will reveal everything, if it isn't a bogus story?

                    And...... the Capcom employee initials T.B stands for Total Bulls**

                    It's a Conspiracy Theory!
                    I know Mark had said John was going to be a curator of some Resident Evil museum, but that never happened. It's too bad really. I would have loved to drive over and check out his collection on display.

                    With Colvin I had thought he was going to screw them over. He did in a sense as they had to release a build in order to stop him from selling a copy and also releasing a emulator. Now he thinks he's some hero for getting them to release it. In my eyes he's scum for trying to sell it but whatever. It's not my business to meddle in.

                    As for News Bots sources, I trust what he writes completely. It's fully understandable he can't reveal something. What if you had worked out a deal to get X information then leaked your source and X information online? Think you'd see anymore info from them? I can also understand why you don't believe him. Without proof it's hard to actually believe someone, but I know he doesn't spout random crap online. That would tarnish him and the community IMO.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      I know Mark had said John was going to be a curator of some Resident Evil museum, but that never happened. It's too bad really. I would have loved to drive over and check out his collection on display.

                      With Colvin I had thought he was going to screw them over. He did in a sense as they had to release a build in order to stop him from selling a copy and also releasing a emulator. Now he thinks he's some hero for getting them to release it. In my eyes he's scum for trying to sell it but whatever. It's not my business to meddle in.

                      As for News Bots sources, I trust what he writes completely. It's fully understandable he can't reveal something. What if you had worked out a deal to get X information then leaked your source and X information online? Think you'd see anymore info from them? I can also understand why you don't believe him. Without proof it's hard to actually believe someone, but I know he doesn't spout random crap online. That would tarnish him and the community IMO.
                      And your point is? I already stated my opinions and there is no need to comment on them, I do like to have fun with some of the moderators and well known people here, even though they think I am out to get them and make them out to be bad people. And My curiosity gets the best of me, only online of course. So, I don't mean any harm to people here.
                      Last edited by Black~Crow; 03-02-2013, 12:13 AM.
                      I have received 135,000 infractions at The Horror Is Alive!


                      • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                        And your point is? I already stated my opinions and there is no need to comment on them, I do like to have fun with some of the moderators and well known people here, even though they think I am out to get them and make them out to be bad people. My curiosity gets the best of me, only online of course.
                        I was adding what I knew to what you were talking about. These were also my opinions and everyone is entitled to them and to share them. No need to be like that with "And your point is?". We are all free to comment here and I chose to. If me commenting on something you said is wrong then what is right? There is no specific point to my comment, I was merely fleshing out something you touched on and gave my views on it.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                          And your point is? I already stated my opinions and there is no need to comment on them, I do like to have fun with some of the moderators and well known people here, even though they think I am out to get them and make them out to be bad people. And My curiosity gets the best of me, only online of course. So, I don't mean any harm to people here.
                          Well...yes. You keep saying people are lying through there teeth and, in the case of Dot and Inflames, trying to scam the community (because why else would they be trying to raise money for something they already own?) and no, I don't find it funny any more than your 'Shut up and don't post' comments on another thread.

                          Everyone is allowed to comment and reply. Even you. If you weren't, I wouldn't be allowing you to spread bullshit rumours about my friends and people I respect. But everyone has a right to comment and I am, frankly, getting very tired of you using that right up to the hilt while yelling at others that THEY are NOT allowed to comment. And no, I don't want to hear, 'But it was just a joke!' because I frankly get enough complaints about your posts and behaviour to know that no one else finds you funny...or thinks you're trying to be.

                          Hell, I know several people who think you're a troll and need banning for your disruptive influence.


                          • Guys, have you thought about dubbing the new dialogues of the characters using close voices to the original ones?
                            I think it would be an excellent idea, it can be organized a casting call and would be massive.
                            This could create a much more realistic setting, even to organize castings of voices with other languages for the game: French, Italian, German and Spanish.

                            What do you think?

                            Sorry if I write something wrong, I speak Spanish
                            Last edited by shinichi999; 03-02-2013, 06:32 AM.


                            • Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
                              Also, I don't expect News bot to reveal his sources, I just like to know what I am reading is the truth. Because he says he can't reveal all the facts, I feel a lot of what he writes is his opinion. I guess the book will reveal everything, if it isn't a bogus story?
                              The book is exclusively about BH1.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Originally posted by shinichi999 View Post
                                Guys, have you thought about dubbing the new dialogues of the characters using close voices to the original ones?

                                if this is the case, im pretty good at mimicing voices from real people,movies to videogames. if bzork did do a casting call id make sure mine is top quality

