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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Boring? I want my house to look like that. It makes for a bizarre police department, but bar the slightly weird floor issues, it looks awesome.


    • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
      It's cool man. I disagree but I respect your opinion.


      • Originally posted by shanemurphy View Post
        There is more wrong with the backgrounds in 1.5 then grain or noise, it's they were just so god dam boring compared to retail. Give me a mansion inspired Police station over a generic one any day of the week.
        I completely disagree, I prefer that 1.5 RPD over that crap mansion like RPD we got Lol ! It's still nice and Huge ! but I prefer 1.5 It's much more realistic and the blue filter adds more to it. While it would look better if capcom lowered it a little bit it's still looking great even today I just love it.
        Last edited by Mrox2; 03-05-2013, 06:42 AM.
        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
        ^ Lol ...


        • Realistic doesn't always mean better. I personally find the 1.5 police station boring, lifeless and utterly devoid of charm. The BH2 station might be odd in terms of design, but it's that design which makes it more unnerving.

          While it works much better for a more "bleak" atmosphere, I don't think that's what the developers wanted to accomplish. A more unusual level design works better when trying to achieve the fear they wanted.

          On that, it's purely a matter of opinion which station is "better." Which is why people like the narrator of the comparison video come off as pisswanks.
          Last edited by News Bot; 03-05-2013, 06:54 AM.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            Realistic doesn't always mean better. I personally find the 1.5 police station boring, lifeless and utterly devoid of charm. The BH2 station might be odd in terms of design, but it's that design which makes it more unnerving.

            While it works much better for a more "bleak" atmosphere, I don't think that's what the developers wanted to accomplish. A more unusual level design works better when trying to achieve the fear they wanted.

            On that, it's purely a matter of opinion which station is "better." Which is why people like the narrator of the comparison video come off as pisswanks.
            Yeah Im not saying it's really very bad, The tried to do something different and special, I can see them going with RE1 Mansion style with the RPD in Retail RE2. Some kind of homage, happens again in RE5 LIN but that's the spencer estate so no wonder that it looks similar.

            Retail RPD looks ancient, I've never seen a Police Station like it before to be honest but I'd like to.

            That guy that made the video ... hmmm Crogers15 ? isnt he the 1.5 troll ? Wow .... oh look he talks about a pepsi law suite ... that room is made up anyway ... what law-suites ? I wouldn't even consider that Elza's first encounter since it wasn't there in the first place. Her first encounter with these things was when she crashed her bike Lol.
            Totally Unrealistic and Boring ? not totally maybe a little bit boring now because I've gone through it like over 100 times.
            Last edited by Mrox2; 03-05-2013, 07:36 AM.
            Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
            ^ Lol ...


            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
              Realistic doesn't always mean better. I personally find the 1.5 police station boring, lifeless and utterly devoid of charm. The BH2 station might be odd in terms of design, but it's that design which makes it more unnerving.

              While it works much better for a more "bleak" atmosphere, I don't think that's what the developers wanted to accomplish. A more unusual level design works better when trying to achieve the fear they wanted.

              On that, it's purely a matter of opinion which station is "better." Which is why people like the narrator of the comparison video come off as pisswanks.
              Fear? RE2 isn't even scary, it's about as unnerving as being in a museum, quite literally. 1.5 has by far the more unsettling environments and atmosphere, the cold, blood covered walls of the RPD are scary on their own let alone the huge amount of zombies that infest its offices and corridors. RE2's indoor environments are unique and detailed but speak no words of fear to me what so ever, interesting perhaps but not scary.


              • RE2's Police Station entrance sucked me in the first time and the incredible music sure helped to. Elza's game just starting in the station I admit isn't as powerful as a slow entrance.


                • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  Fear? RE2 isn't even scary, it's about as unnerving as being in a museum, quite literally. 1.5 has by far the more unsettling environments and atmosphere, the cold, blood covered walls of the RPD are scary on their own let alone the huge amount of zombies that infest its offices and corridors. RE2's indoor environments are unique and detailed but speak no words of fear to me what so ever, interesting perhaps but not scary.
                  Yes, BH2 was scary. I'll "speak words of fear" to you as much as I want, because whether something is scary or not is not your call to make for someone else.

                  On top of that, every single room in BH2 feels unique. 1.5 is just drab and every room is pretty much the same (with some notable exceptions). Personally.
                  Last edited by News Bot; 03-05-2013, 07:45 AM.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • Comment

                    • resident evil 2 was never scary to me even when I was a kid, I only jumped once and that was when the crows burst from the windows , resident evil 1 on the other did scare me as a child and I still get chills playing it to this day , with retail 2 I think they tried to emulate some of the old resident evil mansion style with the r.p.d , but it just comes off a tad odd looking ( to me) but I still like it , Like I always say I love retail It's a great game but I love the dirty gritty look of 1.5's r.p.d , that's just me though , im sure some people were scared of re2 , but re1 gives off more fear factor for me.


                      • 1.5 police department looks very realisic, but it does not mean the retail one does not. 1.5 looks like a robocop/terminator PD. RE2 looks like a big city PD, those big buildings with many government services.


                        • Incidentally, I've been in a few police departments that have pretty striking similarities to the R.P.D. in retail. It's not unusual for older buildings to be converted into police departments, though I don't know of any museums that have.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • Yeah, I've been in one Police Department without bathrooms, too.
                            Hail the heros of the revolution!


                            • RPD changed because its development team realized that the original building with a more modern style looked too boring, with all the corridors looking almost the same with just brick after brick after brick or also many concrete walls with only a few color differences.
                              They transformed the building into the musseum version RPD in order to favor a better atmosphere and a more creative design, and maybe the puzzles too.
                              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                Yes, BH2 was scary. I'll "speak words of fear" to you as much as I want, because whether something is scary or not is not your call to make for someone else.

