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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
    I like shooting the zombies in the morgue since the game does not seem to freeze when I shoot them there with the shotgun.
    well, dunno but if you shoot em in their legs, game does not crash. learned with our friend at psmuseum
    Last edited by yurieu; 03-09-2013, 06:18 PM.


    • I tend to play the factory sections quite often. It's fun to see what would have been..
      My Head-Fi Page


      • Love to fight the two Gorillas, they are the "1.5 exclusive" enemies and they have strong resistance, 4 shotgun shells needed at close range (also 4 magnum bullets! but I think the magnum has not all of its power in this version).
        I hope the Team put a bit more gorillas to fill some long empty areas.
        The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


        • Originally posted by StuntmanSnake
          Was I just burned? Someone, please, let me know if I was just burned. I'm curious!

          Shinichi999 - That sounds great. If Leon spoke that language I'd figure he would sound similiar to that. Good job.
          Thanks! I want to improve this demo with better acting and sound effects!


          • Would you guys be opposed to the team adding in Hunters at all? Maybe in the labs? How about creating more zombie types?
            My Head-Fi Page


            • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
              Would you guys be opposed to the team adding in Hunters at all? Maybe in the labs? How about creating more zombie types?
              I have a feeling the team doesn't plan on adding anything in that isn't in the actual game. However they should go out of their way to make an arrange-like mode which could features their own hunter creations in the lab


              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                Would you guys be opposed to the team adding in Hunters at all? Maybe in the labs? How about creating more zombie types?
                i think its a curious idea. Hunters + grenades = RE remake.


                • I feel that there aren't enough enemy types in 1.5. Zombies, Gorillas, Baboons, Man-Spider, Dogs, Birkin.. It's not as varied as BIO1. Even if they add their own zombies it will be for the better.

                  I think the arrange mode would be cool. Maybe have Leon start out in his civilian clothing from Sep. 96. Elza would have some clothes similar to what Jill wore in Directors Cut. The enemies will be randomized as will be he weapons and items. Maybe enemies will be stronger and more plentiful. The same can go for ammo. Maybe there could, be less ammo and health, thus making the game more strategic. Even new camera angles could be added, some rooms have a different design or lighting, and the flow of the game can be different. That's a good idea.

                  For enemy types, I'd like to make up one called "Hunter Zeta". It would be an evolved form the the normal Hunter from BIO. It could be faster and stronger, but also has the ability to regenerate if not finished off swiftly. It would be down, start to convulse, blood splatter would be seen and a gushing sound would be heard (like when Birkin mutates), and finally the hunter would get up.

                  Or how about what if there were Crimson Head Hunters? Oh that's scary as shit. You kill em, leave, return later and they are mutated with red scales and longer claws along with the ability to poison you.
                  Last edited by Zombie_X; 03-09-2013, 08:24 PM.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Good ideas so far guys :-) what about the famous "lucky shot" like in re1. I would love to have that in 1.5


                    • Are you talking about random headshots? I'd like to see them come back in some way.
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • I don't think it would be that difficult to implement? There are several handguns in 1.5, maybe one of them could have a higher "critical hit rate" than the others?
                        Last edited by doriantoki; 03-10-2013, 12:04 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                          Or how about what if there were Crimson Head Hunters? Oh that's scary as shit. You kill em, leave, return later and they are mutated with red scales and longer claws along with the ability to poison you.
                          Speaking of crimson hunters and new hunter types what about the G-Virus? The only G-creature we've seen were adult bodies and mutants based off of human DNA. I wonder what kind of crazy concoctions you could come up with by mixing the G-Virus with say zombies, hunters, or heck even tyrants. Imagine a G-Tyrant if something like Birkin wasn't bad enough.


                          • ^ We already got one, the tranny Morpheus Tyrant with high heels in Dead Aim. It becomes a massive blob at the end of the game, like Birkin, after it sustained too much damage.
                            Seibu teh geimu?


                            • Thanks for the tips on the 2F back roof, Enig and bio_star. Guess I'm gonna have to either come up with a plausible reason for Elza to go that way in my series (since I'm combining elements of both games) or redo the video. MD Media and a voice recognition lock ... hmmmm ... I'll have to think that over. My old "H&K in the van" side quest is pretty much out the window anyway - although I was right about someone being in the van, and it being a woman. Lucky guess on my part, although I never imagined it would be Linda/Ada who you find in there.

                              As to that "driver" bit - it might be a nut driver instead of a screwdriver. Same idea, slightly different tool. We've got vents like those where I now work (at both floor and ceiling level, BTW - it's a warehouse-sized processing center) and they're fastened to the wall with hex head screws. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, it's like a regular screw except it has a hex head, like a bolt. Those have to be put in and taken out with a nut driver instead of a screwdriver due to their hex heads. Then again, maybe a nut driver is a bit too sophisticated for such a game.

                              Finally, let me make something clear about that video to the new folks in here. The Radio Room and Medical Room backgrounds are placeholders. The Radio Room is c2keo's work and the Medical Room is a "flipped" version of the unused one found in the RE2 Trial. Both have the wrong dimensions for the actual rooms in RE15 - but those backgrounds are all we have to work with for now. That's why I and others (like MB and the other PMODders) use them in our efforts. I flipped the Medical Room so it would better conform to what's supposed to be in RE15 but it's still "wrong" - and c2keo's Radio Room is obviously so. Look at biohazard_star's plan view of RPD 2F and you'll see why.
                              Last edited by RMandel; 03-10-2013, 05:08 AM.


                              • Yes. Well it can be either one, as long as it unlocks the archive corridor vent. :p

                                Speaking of "nut", the elevator in 1.5 actually has its motor located in the power room. If you line up the ground floor maps with B2, the small alcove in the power room is actually directly below the elevator shaft. This would mean that restoring power is most likely a two-part process where you restore power to the basement and the ground/upper floors separately. Restoring power to the elevator probably necessitates fixing the motor which requires the use of the "nut" item (directly analogous to fixing the clock tower gear in retail):

                                Click image for larger version

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                                Seibu teh geimu?

