will ther be an update from the team today?
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostWould you guys be opposed to the team adding in Hunters at all? Maybe in the labs? How about creating more zombie types?
True, it was just an idea. I thought maybe they would be in some sort of Arrange Mode where the team has some of their own enemies tossed in, while the Original Mode would be untouched. Perhaps even a Beginner Mode where there are less enemies and all your guns are stronger?Last edited by Zombie_X; 03-10-2013, 12:07 PM.
I wouldn't mind them modeling the final Birkin form off of G4 Birkin. I mean use the same AI and animations, but have a custom model and sounds.
Creating a hunter should be possible if they use the gorilla as a base. The attack patterns are quite similar from what I can tell. It'll take a lot of work though, and I doubt they'll do it if they're trying to make their work as authentic as possible. I wouldn't mind a Nightmare mode like in retail though.Seibu teh geimu?
I see their patterns too differents: Gorillas run at character and punch with a double handed cross chop, and they can also hang on the roof and grab or punch the character from there. Hunters can`t hang on the roof and normally atack with a quick slash or perform a long jump slash.
I wonder about the Manspider, there is only one in the released demo and his AI is awful, I hope they give more challenge if they appear in another rooms in final build.
Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View PostI see their patterns too differents: Gorillas run at character and punch with a double handed cross chop, and they can also hang on the roof and grab or punch the character from there. Hunters can`t hang on the roof and normally atack with a quick slash or perform a long jump slash.
I wonder about the Manspider, there is only one in the released demo and his AI is awful, I hope they give more challenge if they appear in another rooms in final build.
Originally posted by RMandel View PostMD Media and a voice recognition lock ... hmmmm ... I'll have to think that over.
I think that the MD Media is located within Chief Irons' office because he's probably one of the only people who is cleared to enter the room. The MD Media is probably made available only after Irons' death (maybe Leon or Marvin is the one to shoot him after his transformation?).
As for the MD Player, an interrogation room is the most fitting place to have such a device. When Elza first meets Roy, he probably delivers a speech similar to Marvin's in RE2, and locks her out of the room shorty after forcefully dismissing her. Following Roy's death at the hands of John later in the game, the room is now open for Elza's uninhibited investigation, thus allowing her to pick up the MD Player. As far as Leon's scenario is concerned, the door to the southern portion of the Mirror Room is locked from the inside when he first reaches the area, and by the time he returns, Roy has already been killed, allowing him to collect the MD Player.
In this way, Irons is to Leon as Roy is to Elza.
Most of you have seen my videos.... Just re-posting them for the new members who have not!
Leon using grenades and showing the animations/explosion
Leon Vs Gorilla - Knife Only
Glitched shutter zombie
Elza/Sherry secret entrance cut scene
Resident Evil 1.5 - Leon/John/Sherry/Marvin/Ada cut scene
Resident Evil 1.5 - Birkin Boss Fight (Knife Only - Leon)
Resident Evil 1.5 - Birkin boss fight (Knife Only - Elza)
Resident Evil 1.5 - Zombie Roy Cut Scene
Lobby, spawning zombies.