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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • maybe the next Bzork update when it finally comes out will show the grenades working in action!


    • Well, at least I now know why the elevator's there in the RPD. Speeds up the game, once you get the power restored to it. There's at least one more time after you do that where you're going to have to go all the way to the top of the building and back down again - before you leave the RPD, that is. Going the long way around (the stairs) would be quite the pain. Of course, you guys probably figured this out before I did. -_^


      • Originally posted by Somnius View Post
        Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
        May I ask where these images originate from? The one with Marvin is from the factory, but the one with Elza is the RPD's third floor, right?
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by alinhoalisson View Post
          Dude, the grenades only work when they are EXTREMELLY CLOSE to the enemies. If the grenade did hit the zombies, they would've died.
          I've tested them with the dogs, and even when they were really close to them, it did nothing. See this on 4:50:

          The grenade does nothing to any other enemies.... besides the gorillas in the garage (sometimes it'll freeze the game, other times it'll do nothing). Watch the time in my video i told you to watch, its behind the shutter at the exact same spot the zombies are lol.


          • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
            The grenade does nothing to any other enemies.... besides the gorillas in the garage (sometimes it'll freeze the game, other times it'll do nothing). Watch the time in my video i told you to watch, its behind the shutter at the exact same spot the zombies are lol.
            Alright...either you are a big troll, or really...really naive!
            Do you know why the grenades "do nothing" on the enemies?
            Because it didn't hit them, it's range is very low. If it did hit them, it would play an animation of death for the enemies, but since the game is incomplete and these animations were not done yet, the game would freeze once the grenade hits the enemies.

            And yes, I watched your video, but it seems you didn't watched mine.
            If you insist on this, I won't reply next time.


            • Play nice guys, we don't need a long winded argument. It doesn't matter IMO.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • Originally posted by P.I.M.P. View Post
                the game is freezing for me when using toher weapons other than the handgun, can any1 suggest what i should do to fix this?
                You should be able to use the H&K Machinegun, RE2 shotgun, SPAS Shotgun, Redhawk, and hand grenades with Leon without problem in most locations, for Elza only the H&K and the Sig P228 pistol and sometimes the Redhawk.

                Better try it on a PSX emu with quick load / save function, you can save before equip a weapon to prevent restart all over again if your game crashes.
                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
                  The grenade does nothing to any other enemies.... besides the gorillas in the garage (sometimes it'll freeze the game, other times it'll do nothing). Watch the time in my video i told you to watch, its behind the shutter at the exact same spot the zombies are lol.
                  The grenades work on the gorillas (both male and female versions), zombie dogs and spider man. It also works on crawling zombies. As already stated, the grenades did not hit the zombies in your lobby video. If they did, they would've died or exploded (which will make the game crash).

                  May I ask where these images originate from? The one with Marvin is from the factory, but the one with Elza is the RPD's third floor, right?
                  From what I can tell, the one with Marvin is just a shoop job of this:

                  The other one is a recreation of the 2f hallway I'm working on (double doors in the back lead to the media room hallway):
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	640 media door.png
Views:	1
Size:	173.4 KB
ID:	402728
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • Just going through the extracted weapon models and the grenade launcher looks more like a pump action grenade launcher instead known as a China Lake Grenade Launcher.
                    The rocket launcher is missing but i'm guessing it's exactly the same as the one included in the trial edition.
                    Attached Files
                    Last edited by Mikhail; 03-14-2013, 12:26 AM.


                    • The rocket launcher will be used in the fight with Birkin. My source inside Capcom said this ;)
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                      Their struggle for existence is over for the time being. But a sin violating sanctuary isn't forgiven. This is not just an end. This is the end of a beginning.


                      • Originally posted by Newz Bot View Post
                        The rocket launcher will be used in the fight with Birkin. My source inside Capcom said this ;)
                        Who are you trying to fool?


                        • Oh no, Black~Crow is revealing the truth! I am News Bot, you have to listen to us or you will be banned!!
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                          Their struggle for existence is over for the time being. But a sin violating sanctuary isn't forgiven. This is not just an end. This is the end of a beginning.


                          • Obviously not you.


                            • Haha silly multi


                              • Originally posted by Newz Bot View Post
                                The rocket launcher will be used in the fight with Birkin. My source inside Capcom said this ;)
                                My source can beat up your source!

