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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Sorry to be honest but every time I see Alin post he comes off as a dick so its no surprise this happened


    • I forget how this arguement even started but I know I did start off by asking how the original gator fight played out


      • Yes...I that seems to happen all to often on here :/


        • I sure hope both the Gator and final Birkin forms are very challenging


          • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
            I sure hope both the Gator and final Birkin forms are very challenging
            I'm sure atleast the gator battle will be more challenging than the release...easy once you know how. How much is known about the forms of Birkin?


            • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
              I'm sure atleast the gator battle will be more challenging than the release...easy once you know how. How much is known about the forms of Birkin?
              I imagine it like many other RE battles challenging until you get the pattern down. As for the transformations other then a really crappy quality screenshot and a short video on the Biohazard complete disc not much is known about the fight itself


              • Originally posted by Myfatsackfag
                You know what's not challenging? Raping and putting your corpse with my Siamese children.
                Would still make a better game than operation raccoon city


                • The "green" smudge in the picture is really just the water effect. Start up the game and warp to the alligator room, then take a picture of it with your cellphone. It's pretty much guaranteed that the part where the green area is supposed to be will appear lighter than the rest of the area submerged in water. As for the authenticity of the rooms, someone really should've posted the next part:

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	00000199.png
Views:	1
Size:	99.0 KB
ID:	402790Click image for larger version

Name:	00000201.png
Views:	2
Size:	86.9 KB
ID:	402791Click image for larger version

Name:	00000205.png
Views:	2
Size:	99.5 KB
ID:	402793

                  It's about as legit as you can get, otherwise the control deck wouldn't look like the way it is now, or would have all those glaring layout differences (stairs, no protruded area by the railings), which could only happen if Capcom made it that way and then changed it later. Also note how "green" the final-build control deck looks in comparison with the official early version of it.
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	00000202.png
Views:	1
Size:	89.4 KB
ID:	402792Click image for larger version

Name:	biohazard047.JPG
Views:	2
Size:	49.1 KB
ID:	402794
                  Seibu teh geimu?


                  • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                    The "green" smudge in the picture is really just the water effect. Start up the game and warp to the alligator room, then take a picture of it with your cellphone. It's pretty much guaranteed that the part where the green area is supposed to be will appear lighter than the rest of the area submerged in water. As for the authenticity of the rooms, someone really should've posted the next part:


                    It's about as legit as you can get, otherwise the control deck wouldn't look like the way it is now, or would have all those glaring layout differences (stairs, no protruded area by the railings), which could only happen if Capcom made it that way and then changed it later. Also note how "green" the final-build control deck looks in comparison with the official early version of it.
                    I assume the thing in front of Elza might be the ladder down to the boss?


                    • I could be wrong but isn't that a bridge that goes across and the ladder should be in the area to the left if she continued walking in that direction?


                      • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                        The "green" smudge...someone really should've posted the next part:


                        It's about as legit as you can get, otherwise the control deck wouldn't look like the way it is now, or would have all those glaring layout differences (stairs, no protruded area by the railings), which could only happen if Capcom made it that way and then changed it later. Also note how "green" the final-build control deck looks in comparison with the official early version of it.
                        There's no ruler in that image...that appears to be the only difference though


                        • The ruler makes me think the water level is adjustable, possibly from the control panel above.


                          • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
                            There's no ruler in that image...that appears to be the only difference though
                            Is that an actual backround or is it fan made?


                            • I assume that after you do the puzzle above the water raising malfunctions and you have to go down to fight the mama gator. After you defeat it you run out of the area through the door looking things at the bottom while being chased by the water. This would prolly mark the end of the Sewer area


                              • One or the other must be, either that or they are not from the same gen of the sewers

