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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • A lot of people say Team IGAS got their 40% build from the Curator. Maybe, just maybe, that's possible. Though many claim he never owned the disc, just borrowed it for media data. However, MrBZork did defend Curator at one point, claiming he was "just misunderstood", or something like that. But I seriously doubt that asshat Curator would give up his (possibly owned) disc to aid the RE community. Though in the Team's Letter where they discussed the 'Magic Zombie Door' build's release, they did mention that the person who purchased the game for "close to 10k" apparently hated this forum and bioflames with a passion, but still agreed to the project "because they wanted to see it happen". So, maybe it was Curator who provided the disc, but who knows.
    Last edited by Eteponge; 03-21-2013, 09:31 PM.


    • As for Kim's source, the 80% build, sounds like it was either a capcom employee, or a former capcom employee, and with his silence still ongoing even after the current RE 1.5 release a month ago, seems he either no longer has it, or no longer cares, or is lost to the internet ether and is unaware.


      • The sad thought of the fact that the 80% build could be lost forever


        • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
          A lot of people say Team IGAS got their 40% build from the Curator. Maybe, just maybe, that's possible. Though many claim he never owned the disc, just borrowed it for media data. However, MrBZork did defend Curator at one point, claiming he was "just misunderstood", or something like that. But I seriously doubt that asshat Curator would give up his (possibly owned) disc to aid the RE community. Though in the Team's Letter where they discussed the 'Magic Zombie Door' build's release, they did mention that the person who purchased the game for "close to 10k" apparently hated this forum and bioflames with a passion, but still agreed to the project "because they wanted to see it happen". So, maybe it was Curator who provided the disc, but who knows.
          The person who shelled out close to 10k...did this person hate THIA before this project came to light, or after? I was under the impression that it was the latter.

          Who else besides curator would not be a big fan of the community prior to this project, and why?
          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


          • Before. So so before. Given the bitching in just this thread alone you should be able to work out why so many people could hate this community, the 1.5 community, or the Biohazard/Resident Evil fan community in general.


            • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
              Before. So so before. Given the bitching in just this thread alone you should be able to work out why so many people could hate this community, the 1.5 community, or the Biohazard/Resident Evil fan community in general.
              Ah. Well, I should probably clarify that I was curious as to whether it may have been a specific incident than the actions of a group over time. The last time I was ever really active in the community was before you merged New Blood and when I would frequent bioflames. That was a long, long time ago though.
              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


              • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                Ah. Well, I should probably clarify that I was curious as to whether it may have been a specific incident than the actions of a group over time. The last time I was ever really active in the community was before you merged New Blood and when I would frequent bioflames. That was a long, long time ago though.
                There have been...incidents in the past, where people who had, or were thought to have a copy of 1.5 were hounded by the community to release it, like a pack of ravenous you can't really blame anyone who gets hold of it for wanting to stay away, or even despising the community
                Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 03-22-2013, 03:01 AM.


                • Originally posted by Gaia Revane View Post
                  Based on what we've seen of the 80% build, it seems quite similar to Beta 2 of retail. Most of the game is there, but it's still quite buggy and a lot of things are missing, including some enemy AI, certain cutscenes etc (and the build we have now would be a perfect analogue to RE1's alphas). Since the Team are intending to fill in ALL the gaps from scratch with their restoration though, I'd imagine it would seem more complete and cohesive than the 80% build, simply because it wouldn't have all of the incomplete backgrounds and programming that we've seen in Beta 2.
                  That's my impression, too. I've said it before and I'll say it again - the 40% build (or our version of it, the Team's Magic Door build) - plays more like a somewhat refined version of one of Martin Biohazard's PMODs than a real game. Then again, it was always meant as an in-house demo to show off selected aspects of the game, rather than being a full game in and of itself. The 80% would be more like RE2 beta 2, given what scant evidence we have from the surviving stills, videos, and other sources. Almost a complete game, but still not quite there yet. I'll even go so far as to speculate that the original FMVs (which had been done by that point, per the sources) had not yet been added to the game in that particular build - but that's speculation. If the 80% build ever does show up, and by some miracle some or all of them are there, I'll gladly eat one of my Gobstoppers.
                  Last edited by RMandel; 03-22-2013, 04:45 AM.


                  • per the sources
                    What sources?
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Hey everybody! Haven't been on THIA since January . . . What'd I miss? I guess those screenshots didn't turn out to be mu-HOLY HELL A PLAYABLE BUILD WHAT?! WHAT?!!! WHAT!!!!!

                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      EDIT:Is Slowpoke too big? I picked a bigger pic deliberately on account oh how badly I missed this turn of events . . .
                      Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 03-22-2013, 06:35 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                        As for Kim's source, the 80% build, sounds like it was either a capcom employee, or a former capcom employee, and with his silence still ongoing even after the current RE 1.5 release a month ago, seems he either no longer has it, or no longer cares, or is lost to the internet ether and is unaware.
                        This is sad.
                        "Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015


                        • 1 hour ago, from Kamiya:

                          I said ENOUGH. RT
                          @Chris22gizmo: are u selling a playstation version of BIO2 1.5 GAME maybe through PayPal transaction!
                          Wait, 1 minute ago, from Kamiya:

                          RT @Chris22gizmo hideki if u can sell Biohazard 2 1.5 sealed through capcom and u I'm willing to sign contract of Game protection?
                          Not sure if...
                          Last edited by ProjectNight; 03-22-2013, 06:46 AM.
                          "Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015


                          • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                            Before. So so before. Given the bitching in just this thread alone you should be able to work out why so many people could hate this community, the 1.5 community, or the Biohazard/Resident Evil fan community in general.
                            Rather, Internet in general. Really, there's nothing particularly wrong about the BH "community", assholes dominate the world, we all have to deal with it.


                            • Originally posted by Sly View Post
                              Rather, Internet in general. Really, there's nothing particularly wrong about the BH "community", assholes dominate the world, we all have to deal with it.
                              There are plenty of 'GIMMEGIMMEGIMME' fans in the 1.5 fanbase. Most of these jump on the opportunity they get to beg and moan for a release regardless of who has the beta - sure they're all over the internet, only some actually threaten to kill the people who own 1.5. This has happened all over the internet, but I've seen it prevalent here as well - especially when the Colvin drama came along and everyone jumped on the 'RELEASE IT NOW PLEASE' bandwagon with utmost disrespect to the team. I'm not surprised they are distancing themselves, just look at the daily arguments in this thread.


                              • Originally posted by ProjectNight View Post
                                1 hour ago, from Kamiya:

                                Wait, 1 minute ago, from Kamiya:

                                Not sure if...
                                He says you're a fool.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

