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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
    D.Birkin does Team IGAS have access to more than one build of RE 1.5, and if not, then do you have access to supplied data or info or assets from someone who does have a more complete build than the one you are working from?
    More builds no, more data neither, more information yes. Dummy messages from cutscenes are also of great help for crafting the story as it was intended to be. We took a few liberties to glue it better but the story will remain pure 1.5 with holes filled. Fixing broken messages was the very first step. Many ideograms were broken in the factory and in Elza's escape scene from the precinct.

    Originally posted by Alfred View Post
    I just noticed that the font displayed on the picture is the font carried over from RE1 to our Build of RE1.5. So is it an external program you're using or actually some sort of in-game debugger tool from the original developers?.
    It is a model viewer I created for GTE tests. It runs under 1.5 like picture illustrator. Hi-res mode too. Font comes from RE2 PAL, it provides all accented characters.
    “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


    • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
      See rick everyone else sees it except you quit being a dick
      this is an old dicussion, the dude looks like chris a lil bit, but he was not, he had a name(grant bitman).

      Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
      More builds no, more data neither, more information yes. Dummy messages from cutscenes are also of great help for crafting the story as it was intended to be. We took a few liberties to glue it better but the story will remain pure 1.5 with holes filled. Fixing broken messages was the very first step. Many ideograms were broken in the factory and in Elza's escape scene from the precinct.

      It is a model viewer I created for GTE tests. It runs under 1.5 like picture illustrator. Hi-res mode too. Font comes from RE2 PAL, it provides all accented characters.
      i luvs technical informashun.
      Last edited by yurieu; 03-23-2013, 10:00 AM.


      • Originally posted by yurieu View Post
        this is an old dicussion, the dude looks like chris a lil bit, but he was not, he had a name(grant bitman).
        We never said he was Chris, Rick just didn't want to believe he was supposed to look somewhat like him, and you do know it's just a reskin of Chris, right?


        • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
          More builds no, more data neither, more information yes. Dummy messages from cutscenes are also of great help for crafting the story as it was intended to be. We took a few liberties to glue it better but the story will remain pure 1.5 with holes filled. Fixing broken messages was the very first step. Many ideograms were broken in the factory and in Elza's escape scene from the precinct.
          Intriguing. What sort of information does the team possess, if you don't mind me asking? Story-related or perhaps info on gameplay path/route (where items are picked up, enemies in each room, which doors are locked, puzzles, etc.)?
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • They said that 1.5 was running on an updated version of the RE1 engine as opposed to 2 which I am pretty sure is a new engine.


            • Better not spoil, there is no surprise when knowing a game before playing.
              “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


              • I was just wondering, is it possible to add support for analog? Like in the RE1/2 Dualshock versions
                Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 03-23-2013, 10:33 AM.


                • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                  Well, sorry I didn't 100% accurately recall in every minute detail a post I read *once* over a month earlier.

                  Anyway, I'm done arguing stupid shit. There's better things to discuss like D. Birkin showing up and talking with the community.
                  Who's arguing? I'm certainly not arguing with you, I just think it's important to not paint the wrong image on people and misrepresent the things that people have said. If you think that's an argument then I'm sorry for reposting it for everyone to read. :/


                  • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                    Better not spoil, there is no surprise when knowing a game before playing.
                    Bzork said it'd be FULL of surprises! Plus the fact that we don't know how the story plays out it'll be just like playing a new Resident Evil game on release . In fact this feels just like being back in 1996 anticipating for the sequel to RE1


                    • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
                      Two pages the all the screenshots
                      In all the screenshots I see a different model than RE1's Chris, the body is not the same, and the hair style is not the same as well. Therefore, it's not a clone.

                      Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                      See rick everyone else sees it except you quit being a dick
                      The dick is telling you to change your defective glasses.


                      • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
                        We never said he was Chris, Rick just didn't want to believe he was supposed to look somewhat like him, and you do know it's just a reskin of Chris, right?
                        Well, i think its different, but they look like each other. i tried to search that veedeo but no success, youtube is flooded by 1.5 gameplay


                        • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                          In all the screenshots I see a different model than RE1's Chris, the body is not the same, and the hair style is not the same as well. Therefore, it's not a clone.

                          The dick is telling you to change your defective glasses.
                          It is a clone just with very minute changes so that it doesn't look like Capcom just copy/pasted Chris over from RE1. But it is based on his model, video documentary footage shows his model and animations in much greater detail.
                          Last edited by Guest; 03-23-2013, 11:15 AM.


                          • If you use that logic, Brad Vickers is a Chris clone and Claire is an Elza clone even though the models are completely diffrent.

                            They have nothing in common.


                            • The textures are clearly different, but why Capcom wouldn't reuse assets and make some quick changes for a really early prototype is beyond me. I can't remember where it comes from but there is wireframe footage of the early Leon model going through his handgun animations and you can see the clear comparisons to Chris' model. Perhaps someone can post it, unfortunately I can't remember in exactly which video the footage is located.
                              Last edited by Guest; 03-23-2013, 11:26 AM.


                              • They didn't even reuse Leon's 1.5 model for RE2, and now you believe they would have kept Chris for 1.5 even though they clearly don't look the same? The body as well as the hair (Leon is more voluminous on the left side) are both different.

                                These are just silly speculations and people got used saying it's a retextured clone, which it isn't. But I let the masses think whatever they want, it's not really my problem after all.

