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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
    ...double puke...
    I see you have an eye for things. Gun's not just about shoot'n, i'ts about reload'n! You'll know what I'm talkin' about!

    On a serious not expect (or ask for) FMVs, voice acting, new modes, or mysterious strangers who sell you heavy armaments at ridiculously low prices (It's only a matter of time before someone actually asks for that lol) has been previously stated that everything from the 80% build will be added, so no Galgotha, no Majini AND NO EL GIGANTE!!!
    please for the love of god...stop asking


    • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
      @D.Birkin: Will you add the "I'm afraid of you zombies-animation" which can be seen in all old RE games if you walk back in front of a zombie? Also, will you correct the animations of heavier weapons like the shotgun or the Franchi SPAS, because the actual seems a little off, especially when you're about to run. But I kinda like the way like Elza holds the weapon with both hands like Jill in RE3, so I would appreciate if you would leave it there on the final product.
      A) Maybe.
      B) I am using mixed retail and 1.5 animations. Best combinations will be moved to finalized models.

      Originally posted by blackpower View Post
      DBirkin: it would be great a raid mode for resident evil 1.5 .
      What is this raid mode? I already have extras planned. I am not convinced if more are necessary.
      “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


      • Raid Mode is a mini game in Revelations. You progress through 20 levels, rank up, obtain item power ups, and get stronger weapons. I don't think 1.5 needs this though.

        I think some form of Extreme Battle or 4th Survivor should be cool to have, but they aren't a really needed.

        D.Birkin, has the progress of this restoration been moving along smoothly? I hope you guys haven't hit any snags.
        Last edited by Zombie_X; 03-26-2013, 05:52 PM.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Raid Mode is essentially a compressed story mode - featuring the exact same levels from the story of Revelations with the same enemy types that were used (with varying difficulties) but in a multiplayer game mode using any character from the game that uses RPG-like systems like levelling and enemy healthbars. It would be pretty pointless. Mercenaries RE3 style would be better than that in an old school environment. Plus, 1.5 isn't multiplayer, which was Raid Mode's main appeal


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            D.Birkin, has the progress of this restoration been moving along smoothly? I hope you guys haven't hit any snags.
            I cannot say it has not. Making progress is progress of goodness. I wish I could show a picture but I do not know what to post.
            “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


            • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
              I cannot say it has not. Making progress is progress of goodness. I wish I could show a picture but I do not know what to post.
              well you guys are amazing im sure you can pull it off and you have us cheering you on lol.


              • I suggest the next thing Team I.G.A.S. shows is something that'll make an Adam Jensen quote appropriate.


                • I'm cheering for sure. Finally a finished version of 1.5. I don't care that it's not all of CAPCOM's material as IGAS seems to be just as good if not better than them. I truly mean that.

                  And no worries if you can't post a screenshot. One question are you guys going to change Leon and Elza's idle pose? I know in the near final build, Leon did not hold his gun up while in is idle pose. Will this be implemented? I think all you'd have to do is swap some animations around.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Plz post a picture of nude elza singing yankee doodle dandy (you know what I mean, with a hat and fireworks and what not)

                    that's what you can post
                    Last edited by Chris' Boob; 03-26-2013, 06:42 PM.


                    • Possible evolution of Birkin in 1.5???

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Birkin evolution.PNG
Views:	3
Size:	257.2 KB
ID:	402820

                      The manspider being impaled by the second mutation. Sorry for my english!!!
                      Last edited by The_Wes; 03-26-2013, 06:59 PM.
                      Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                      • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
                        Plz post a picture of nude elza singing yankee doodle dandy (you know what I mean, with a hat and fireworks and what not)
                        Oh, God - here we go again ....

                        I can only speak for myself, but I say let's let "da Team" fix what needs to be fixed first - the rooms and the gameplay engine. All this other stuff - FMVs, cutscenes, etc - can be fixed later. You know, laying the foundation before you build the rest of the house? And for what it's worth, "the Team" is welcome to anything I'm coming up with in my own little project ("A Story of RE1.5") if it will help fix or fill in holes in the actual story.

                        That evolution of the RE1.5 Birkin looks really good. Thanks for the image!


                        • The birkin pic looks badass. Where did you get that?
                          PSN Gamercards


                          • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
                            Possible evolution of Birkin in 1.5???


                            The manspider being impaled by the second mutation. Sorry for my english!!!
                            Thing is I am beyond certain you are EXACTLY right tho i've never seen the 3rd transformation but the 4th one has poor screenshots

                            Must say that 3rd one looks pretty fucken scary especially with the mouth on his stomach
                            Last edited by Deathlygasm; 03-26-2013, 09:47 PM.


                            • There's no weapon upgrade system in 1.5 which means they'd have to include one just to make Raid Mode possible and even then there wouldn't be online support. It'd have poor replay value and require entirely too much time to make. I'd rather just see what the team has in store for us.

                              D. Birkin,

                              I know it's hard to tell how long something will take, but from your perspective does it look like your project will be completed in 2013? I don't want to sound impatient and by all means I would much rather you take your time on it, it's just a general curiosity of mine and if it ended up not being released until 2014 the wait would be well worth it.
                              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                              • I don't care about voice acting or FMVs, I just want a fully playable game with a plot similar to what was originally intended in the game. Just have subtitles instead of voice acting and a black screen with white text describing what should be going on instead of spending the time on FMVs.

