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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Dbirkin: Do you have other projects after resident evil 1.5 ?

    It would be nice please enter a secret boss in resident evil 1.5 as it happened with the fifth transformation of birkin in resident evil 2.

    Dbirkin : i thought this zombie grease in resident evil 1.5 was the chief of police (brian irons).
    Last edited by blackpower; 03-27-2013, 02:51 AM.


    • Originally posted by Chris' Boob View Post
      Plz post a picture of nude elza singing yankee doodle dandy (you know what I mean, with a hat and fireworks and what not)
      When someone mentioned Leon being a pedo someone drew it within 3 and a half hours. It's nearly been 12 hours and no one's done this....

      Come on you lot!


      • Originally posted by BeefWellington View Post
        The birkin pic looks badass. Where did you get that?
        Thanks!!! I create this pic using concept arts of Biohazard France.

        I have a proposition for the team. Why don´t you create more games like this in the future with crowdfunding financing? You know the engine, how to program and have a very talented artist. I´m sure a lot of people in the world pay for something like that. You can fill the hollow of this type of games in the actual era... Another thing, i´m an amateur writer. If the team consider the option of create new survival horror games, i will be proud of help you with the script!!!
        Last edited by The_Wes; 03-27-2013, 05:35 AM.
        Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


        • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
          I can only speak for myself, but I say let's let "da Team" fix what needs to be fixed first - the rooms and the gameplay engine. All this other stuff - FMVs, cutscenes, etc - can be fixed later. You know, laying the foundation before you build the rest of the house? And for what it's worth, "the Team" is welcome to anything I'm coming up with in my own little project ("A Story of RE1.5") if it will help fix or fill in holes in the actual story.
          We have the story laid out already.

          Originally posted by Graco View Post
          I know it's hard to tell how long something will take, but from your perspective does it look like your project will be completed in 2013? I don't want to sound impatient and by all means I would much rather you take your time on it, it's just a general curiosity of mine and if it ended up not being released until 2014 the wait would be well worth it.
          Maybe full game will be released in late 2013 or sometime in 2014. We want to release something in 2013. Doing plans is hard when task schedule is so clumsy and the engine needs many patches. For example: save points and item boxes have no specific triggers to work with room data. FILEs have no activation trigger either because they share data with items from inventory. I have added experimental save procedures but all they do is calling save screen when you activate an Save_box zone. FILEs have all procedures injected but no way to communicate with item pickup routine yet.

          Originally posted by blackpower View Post
          Dbirkin: Do you have other projects after resident evil 1.5 ?
          I am stuffed enough with 1.5.

          Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
          Why don´t you create more games like this in the future with crowdfunding financing? You know the engine, how to program and have a very talented artist. I´m sure a lot of people in the world pay for something like that.
          Currently reading Caliban Cove. Very interesting story. I like all background information about S.T.A.R.S. in that book and Rebecca is one of my sentimental favorite characters. Who knows about making it a game?
          Last edited by D.Birkin; 03-27-2013, 06:48 AM.
          “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


          • D.Birkin: In some angle views, the blood and the metal cylinders jumping out of the gun is not shown. It can be fixed?

            I think fix the broken animation and includes the lost ones is fantastic, but change or improve the animation of the character is an error. If Leon don´t hold up his gun up or move robotically, the game lost part of his particular esthetic and “retro taste”.

            I don´t think the final version of the Team must be the more identically possible to the 80% beta. I think the game must be a collage of the good ideas seen in the differents betas. It would be perfect if you use german shepherd in the precint and doberman in the factory.

            Another thing, in the game the standar handgun (Browning HP and Sig Sauer P228) has capability for 15 rounds, in the reality the two guns only have 13 rounds. Is not a critic, I only want to help!!! You are doing an awesome work.

            And again sorry for my english, i´m not sure if you can understand me XD.
            Last edited by The_Wes; 03-27-2013, 07:21 AM.
            Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


            • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
              We have the story laid out already.

              Maybe full game will be released in late 2013 or sometime in 2014. We want to release something in 2013. Doing plans is hard when task schedule is so clumsy and the engine needs many patches. For example: save points and item boxes have no specific triggers to work with room data. FILEs have no activation trigger either because they share data with items from inventory. I have added experimental save procedures but all they do is calling save screen when you activate an Save_box zone. FILEs have all procedures injected but no way to communicate with item pickup routine yet.

              I am stuffed enough with 1.5.

              Currently reading Caliban Cove. Very interesting story. I like all background information about S.T.A.R.S. in that book and Rebecca is one of my sentimental favorite characters. Who knows about making it a game?
              That last one! I always thought Caliban Cove should been turned into a ps1 era game Its a shame they never did.


              • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
                D.Birkin: In some angle views, the blood and the metal cylinders jumping out of the gun is not shown. It can be fixed?
                It is fixed.

                I think fix the broken animation and includes the lost ones is fantastic, but change or improve the animation of the character is an error. If Leon don´t hold up his gun up or move robotically, the game lost part of his particular esthetic and “retro taste”.
                Making the game not look like prototype is our aim. Replacing some animations is the key. We cannot leave broken animations because of sentimental favoritisms. This does not mean all animations will be replaced with smoother ones. Only some not working or looking bad. We are making 1.5 complete like retail but not a clone.

                Another thing, in the game the standar handgun (Browning HP and Sig Sauer P228) has capability for 15 rounds, in the reality the two guns only have 13 rounds. Is not a critic, I only want to help!!! You are doing an awesome work.
                P228 loads 13 bullets but can also mount 15 bullet magazines from P226. Browning HP was moved to 13.
                “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                • Dbirkin:Where have they gone jill and chris during the history 1.5 ?


                  • I'm loving this upto now, it's like i've played one of my holy grails. next on the list an mgs2 or gta3 beta please

                    to Dbirkin, I love 1.5's zombies and their sound effects and ai more than the retail version of 2, they sound so much more creepier and eerie. but if i've noticed correctly there is only one civillian zombie model (male anyways). In the final touched up version will you be adding more models (even if "ported" from the retail RE2), thats one of my main gripes about 1.5

                    thanks alot for the awesome work anyways, alot of effort has obviously gone into this


                    • Originally posted by Don Piano View Post
                      In the final touched up version will you be adding more models (even if "ported" from the retail RE2), thats one of my main gripes about 1.5
                      Their goal is to stay faithful to the original product, so it would be a very bad idea.


                      • I'm curious as to how challenging the team will make the final Birkin forms.

                        Birkins forms in RE2 while they were menacing and could dish out big damage they just didn't have enough health to really get much done.
                        Last edited by Deathlygasm; 03-27-2013, 12:20 PM.


                        • In my opinion I don't think the Team should add new enemies, characters or anything else that differs the game from the restoration and instead into something completely different.

                          Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of extra game modes and such like they're adding (Like the Battle Colosseum, if that's being added in), but adding in enemies like Salem and Gorgotha that didn't make it any further from the artwork just makes it a lot different then playing 1.5. Obviously it's the Team's project but that's just my opinion, what do you guys think?


                          • after 1.5 the team could make any kind of resident evil game they want , must be so cool to have the tools to do that , I would most definitely welcome a Caliban Cove fan game. But 1st let's see how there 1.5 project comes along

                            Mr birken just want to say thanks for answering all our questions and MrBZork as well of course

                            and to akimbo Id be fine either way if the team adds a few extra B.O.W.S so be it , if not then thats fine as well. I just wanna play elza all the way through lol.


                            • I hope one day that will become resident evil 4 a survival horror game as the previous chapters of the series ,writing the whole story.


                              • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                                We want to release something in 2013.
                                D.Birkin: Here's an idea, when you get the RPD complete, you could design a basic playthrough for Leon & Elza's scenarios up to the point of entering the Sewers, then the Demo ends, like a Trial Edition. You could disable the Debug Function for that build, so there is no cheating, letting us preview a rough progression to the point of escaping the RPD. Doesn't have to be a final cut, just a Demo to show how a real game progressing RE 1.5 will feel like. Even if the Files and such aren't working, just having a progressive playthrough with weapons, ammo, and items laying around, more complete cutscenes, up to the escape would be interesting.

                                But regardless of what you choose, any stable, bug fixed, more complete demo than the "Magic Zombie Door" build would be appreciated by the community.
                                Last edited by Eteponge; 03-27-2013, 03:08 PM.

