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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Sir birkin, i am glad to meet you. I've been getting caught up to speed. I lost internet right after you guys were gracious enough to release MZD, and i noticed RE3 tracks are a definite rip off of certain 1.5 tracks. I believe RE3 tracks would be a great balance.

    i need to be caught up to speed, right after MZD was released I lost internet, I see the team has revealed themselves but what have i missed? It seems like people are talking like they have 80% build story info lol.


    • I understand but I feel retail tracks don't fit well with the rest of the musicals core to 1.5. It's too bad that there weren't more tracks on the beta.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • I always had a hunch RE3 was made from the bones of 1.5 and listening to the music confirms it. Seems like ueda decided to slip that 1.5 music feel into 3, and it worked. IMO 3 has AMAZING tracks


        • D.Birkin, we all know that the Trial Edition will be a valuable resource for backgrounds and layer masks, but I'm curious if there were any other hidden secrets in the Trial Edition you are able to make use of, ones perhaps we haven't found before?

          There's only one place I can think of that might be a good resource for 1.5 material and that would be the very early biohazard 2 Beta 1 build. Capcom left resources on the Trial Edtion for all sorts of unknown reasons, what 1.5 material might be stored on an even earlier build that wasn't intended for public viewing is anyone's guess, but mine says it might be a slight bit more interesting than we think.

          Theoretically Beta 1 is earlier than the Trial Edition and with that it's likely 80% build backgrounds and masks should have survived due to less background work being completed (relative to the Trial Edition) at the time. Also Capcom were likely less concerned with purging 1.5 data, so it's possible things like music tracks, audio files or anything could have survived on early Biohazard 2 builds.
          Last edited by Guest; 03-30-2013, 01:56 PM.


          • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post

            This is good to engine for improving?

            The earlier the better. Christmas is too later.

            Thanks but I.G.A.S. has a beta testing team ready at my signal.

            Model and animations are only there to fill holes. They do not matter.
            I really like everything I've seen, it really does look like a professionally released game. I can't wait for this to be released! I've been playing WIP and RE2 to hold me over. It's funny, the game was announced in 1996 and will be released TBA 2013 or 2014. Longest delay in video game history.
            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


            • Originally posted by Graco View Post
              I really like everything I've seen, it really does look like a professionally released game. I can't wait for this to be released! I've been playing WIP and RE2 to hold me over. It's funny, the game was announced in 1996 and will be released TBA 2013 or 2014. Longest delay in video game history.
              Even longer than Duke Nukem Forever difference here tho is that the game won't suck!


              • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                Longest delay in video game history.
                Hahahahahaha, I can not agree more


                • John - Chief Irons______________Leon
                  (Click on the image to see a full-size version!)


                  • HIPNOZ: was only a question about the fate of the characters in the first chapter of the series, everything here. DBirkin:i can't wait to play with resident evil 1.5 on my Playstation.
                    Last edited by blackpower; 03-30-2013, 03:39 PM.


                    • Originally posted by blackpower View Post
                      HIPNOZ: was only a question about the fate of the characters in the first chapter of the series, everything here. DBirkin:i can't wait to play with resident evil 1.5 on my Playstation.
                      Yes, but the team doesn't need to be asked questions to which no-one has the answer...this is just one of those things...those who know, don't say and those who say, don't know


                      • The team has become sort of an image compared to jesus among us here, a real pariah. But they deserve it, check out the work they're doing. heh heh


                        • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
                          The team has become sort of an image compared to jesus among us here, a real pariah. But they deserve it, check out the work they're doing. heh heh
                          A pariah? You mean messiah?


                          • either yeah.


                            • Originally posted by Biohazard 1995 View Post
                              John - Chief Irons______________Leon
                              (Click on the image to see a full-size version!)
                              Nice! I've only seen the five mutations of Birkin artwork recently and it's definitely really interesting. I guess they might have scrapped them during the development of the Retail 2 because they all look similar in a way, only a couple of changes compared to the big differences in the RE2 ones mutations. Do you think that much like on RE2, Elza and Leon would face different mutations? For example, whichever character makes it to the Factory first, fights the first form. The other character fights the second one as Birkin begins mutating, so on and so fourth. Although that's completely guessing, what do you think?


                              • Thanks REMandel and Mrox2!

                                Well, here the first version of my sewer cutscene reconstruction:

                                This is the first version of it, I still have some tinkering to do.

                                I hope you like it!

                                Note: I'm not part of the team I.G.A.S, I clarify because some people think that!

