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  • Originally posted by BiohazardCat View Post
    @News Bot,

    I completely disagree with you, I think you are totally wack and full of shit. But more importantly, you don't now how to read. I wasn't talking to you nor do I give a crap about your response to me. What I wrote wasn't addressed to you. And you are flat out wrong about the Progenitor Virus and you know jack about the Clay Virus. But I didn't come here to argue about it with you, I don't care about you. Why you tried to respond to something that wasn't addressed about you is because you are trolling.
    You are of course free to prove me wrong. But considering the sources I use for my information on Progenitor and Clay are the very people who wrote both of them, I don't see that happening anytime soon, nor do you judging by the lack of substance in your responses.

    On another note; I don't care about your 1.5 question. I corrected your incorrect information on Progenitor/Clay, because I personally want to ensure people aren't misled when correct information is readily available.


    • C'mon, guys. If you're at least gonna argue with News Bot about something like this, do so with actual evidence/sources/references to back up your cause -- and not just throw out shit you pull out of your ass ... 'cause that's like just giving him a free ride to franchisely own you from here till Kingdom come or something.


      • Great news all!

        I have started making a manual for the teams final build of 1.5. I, and a few others, are working on making a faithful manual for 1.5, more specifically, The Teams completed version. We have already found a place that can print the inserts for the custom cases as well as the manual. The manual is about half done right now but will be completed in a weeks time. The manual will be faithful to how retail has it laid out, but there will be changes for what 1.5 offers.

        Now who would be up to professionally printed case inserts as well as a 16 page manual? It will be like a manual found in a retail game and the back inlay will be as well. These will come in a clear CD case and all.

        Here are some WIP images from the manual:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	missionsetup copy.jpg
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ID:	402842Click image for larger version

Name:	tableofcontents copy.jpg
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ID:	402843
        Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-08-2013, 08:48 PM.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • ^^ This reminds me of how indie developer Watermelon created a brand new RPG for the Sega Genesis, Pier Solar, and made some EPIC packaging (fully detailed manual, box art, plus soundtrack!). Too bad Capcom would rain hell on Earth on anyone who tried to sell a boxed version of Team IGAS' RE 1.5, because otherwise I'd be all over that.
          Last edited by Lead belly; 04-09-2013, 03:52 AM.


          • Since the Clay Virus is out, I assume that Resident Evil 1.5 will be about the G-Virus and if so, the Team may be interested in a recently published resource on the G-Virus called The Biology of Evil part 3 which is one of the editorials put out by Project Umbrella, the third part of the Biology of Evil is primarily about the G-Virus and is lush with information. It is available at and I think the writers/researchers on the Team will find it useful.


            • The G-Virus had different characteristics in 1.5 and a much smaller role than it does in the final edition, so The Biology of Evil may not be very applicable.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                The Progenitor Virus in BH5 has the exact same characteristics as in BH0, BH4 and REmake. However, some are downplayed in favor of others. For example, in the scrapped versions of BH4, there was a heavy focus on the virus' ability to make certain humans immortal. This is barely evident in BH5, but hinted at in one of the files.
                Actually, you have those same hints about immortality, albeit with different viral and genetic strains, in BH6/RE6. I'm talking about Jake and Sherry's cases, of course. Sherry can regenerate from otherwise fatal injuries - and fairly rapidly to boot - thanks to the "fixed" G-virus present in her system. Jake has a similar (albeit lesser) ability, as well as abnormal strength and speed. His situation is a case of genetic manipulation, since he inherited his dad's altered genes (the "Wesker children" project reference in BH5/RE5). Virtual immortality is implied in both cases, if you think about it - since aging can be interpreted as a form of "injury." That of course goes back to those early Umbrella experiments ... and leads by an indirect route back to Newsbot's point about ideas concerning the Progenitor Virus.

                If Capcom ever chooses to go down the immortality road again, direct or indirect, it's going to add a whole new tone to the franchise.
                Last edited by RMandel; 04-09-2013, 06:13 AM.


                • Originally posted by RMandel View Post
                  Actually, you have those same hints about immortality, albeit with different viral and genetic strains, in BH6/RE6. I'm talking about Jake and Sherry's cases, of course. Sherry can regenerate from otherwise fatal injuries - and fairly rapidly to boot - thanks to the "fixed" G-virus present in her system. Jake has a similar (albeit lesser) ability, as well as abnormal strength and speed. His situation is a case of genetic manipulation, since he inherited his dad's altered genes (the "Wesker children" project reference in BH5/RE5). Virtual immortality is implied in both cases, if you think about it - since aging can be interpreted as a form of "injury." That of course goes back to those early Umbrella experiments ... and leads by an indirect route back to Newsbot's point about ideas concerning the Progenitor Virus. If Capcom ever chooses to go down that road again, direct or indirect, it's going to add a whole new tone to the franchise.
                  Jake is normal and Wesker did not have any altered genes until he received the variant virus in 1998, by which time Jake was already born. The only thing Jake inherited from Wesker was his natural genetic resistance to the Progenitor Virus and viruses genetically based on or related to it. He probably inherited his father's naturally strong genes on top of that, since Wesker was by birth a superior human.

                  Birkin's goal with the G-Virus was to create a new superhuman race, while Spencer's was the same with the Progenitor Virus. However, they differed on one point. The Progenitor Virus could only adapt to certain humans, while the G-Virus was designed to adapt to all humans. Spencer wanted Birkin to develop a virus that could realize his plan of a new human race, and this was the virus that Wesker received (he likely would have received the G-Virus if it was completed by then). This is probably also why Spencer approved the G-Virus Project even though it deviated from the traditional value of a B.O.W.

                  The G-Virus is able to create "G-Humans", but can only do so if it is allowed to adapt to the body in a similar manner to t-Veronica, which can also create "superhumans" in a somewhat different manner.
                  Last edited by News Bot; 04-09-2013, 06:20 AM.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                    Until D.Birkin throws these dogs another bone, it's whatever.

                    Pikachew? Retail chew with 1.5 flavor.
                    “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                    • I would kill someone if they put that tetris puzzle in a game again. It literally made me rage quit back in the day.


                      • is it kill of random person like in movie the box or could we make a pick of your designated target for kill?


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          The G-Virus had different characteristics in 1.5 and a much smaller role than it does in the final edition, so The Biology of Evil may not be very applicable.
                          The first part, that the G-Virus was different in 1.5 does seem obvious. But the latter part of your statement, that it had a much smaller role in 1.5 is completely and utterly baseless. There is no evidence of that at all. Doctor Birkin, the creator of the G-Virus was still the primary antagonist of 1.5 as he was in retail. The G-Virus is colloquially called the Immortality Virus. Either the central focus of 1.5 is the Clay Virus (and it most definately was as I asserted earlier) or the G-Virus. Obviously in this fan-made project, the Clay Virus has no part in it as one the developers already indicated. I don't know where in the world you are getting your plot and story details on 1.5 from. There is absolutely nothing to suggest the G-Virus was going to play a smaller and insignificant role in 1.5 than in retail. And even if that were true, and it isn't, but hypothetically, then what, pray tell, is the Virus of 1.5 going to be? Every Resident Evil game has had a Virus (usually a new one made up along the way) that becomes the central focus and also the reason for the presence of new enemies and new BOW types. Sometimes the disease is not a virus but a parasite, as in Resident Evil 4, for example.


                          • Well, I know this is not the place, but, if Progenitor/Clay/Mother virus strains were:

                            A Strain: Administred to Jessica Trevor causing her dead > Later somehow derivates into Uroboros project
                            B Strain: Administred to Lisa Trevor > later derivates into G virus research
                            E Strain: First manufactured virus named T-Virus

                            So, I`m missing C and D strains, wich were those?
                            The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                            • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                              I would kill someone if they put that tetris puzzle in a game again. It literally made me rage quit back in the day.
                              Do you mean the Water Puzzle from RE3? I don't see why that would be in the game, it was horrible.


                              • ^But so is 1.5 too, so I think they'd be a match made in heaven

