Originally posted by Mrox2
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by D.Birkin View PostNothing changes if files are hidden. It is easier to rebuild with only exe and boot configurator. Why you need to extract files?We take care of issues.
I appreciate your work, but its not your content. We should be able to publicly have access to the files.Last edited by ccrogers15; 04-10-2013, 09:13 AM.
Originally posted by B.Zork View Postyou are right. maybe best we no pure build at all.
Those few of us who are mannered and intelligent enough to appreciate your hard work would be quite sad if they'd get no chance to compare the original, unedited build with the enhanced version created by your team, though...Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-11-2013, 11:46 AM.
Originally posted by Upaluppa View PostThose few of us who are mannered and intelligent enough to appreciate your hard work would be quite sad if they'd get no chance to compare the original, unedited build with the enhanced version created by your team, though...Easier to spot.
Originally posted by ccrogers15 View PostBecause i like to play around with the files and its cool to be able to check them out. Hiding them is kinda pointless.Working game is what is more important.
Last edited by D.Birkin; 04-10-2013, 09:57 AM.“How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”
Originally posted by D.Birkin View PostMaybe we can give you list of changes.Easier to spot.
You have bought the game with your own money and lots of it, too, I'm sure, so it is entirely reasonable if you choose to keep the original build out of public. Well, I'm perfectly fine with this...
...I just really want to know how much you have added and changed compared to the original build when your version is finally finished, that's all!
It's going to be quite a list, judging by how incomplete and broken the original build seems to be!Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-11-2013, 11:51 AM.
Long time member but also a long time lurker,
Mr Bzork, please don't let some stupid fucking idiots ruin your work. I don't care about a pure build and I certainly don't care for people who think they have a position to decide who has a right to access the data. Keep up the great work, I truly can't wait to see and play a new classic RE, esepcially since it's 1.5.
Thanks so much for your hard work!!
Only question I have, my first one by the way, either for D Birkin or yourself,
How much story assets do you guys have? I've read that the build had no files among other things but you say you have sources, so I'm assuming we will get a pretty realistic and close story to the original?4 Itchy Tasty.
while we don't want to spoil all surprises, the amount of story we can cover is pretty much all. in a certain way.
it is a game that was never finished. like with biohazard 2 and biohazard 1, you can see many changes to not only rooms but also what people talk and say between builds. what we do is construct full overview of everything we know of 1.5, make it a timeline, branch for variations, check it up with event flags in game code, unfininshed dialog and other things. then we look at where final go, what interviews say, and other things. then we see what fit and what maybe not fit. rewrite or exclude what is likely to be not relevant to a final scenario.
in end result all events and overall plot is accurate, but word-by-word dialog and object placement will be impossible to make 100% match for something that never reached a finished state in the first place. not to mention is hard to estimate how a translation by capcom would interpret thing and if we write translation the same way for translated things. fortunately, we sit on many informations and sources of confirmed fact. so full picture will be accurate, but with some blank to be filled by team and some creative liberties and tweak to insert what we feel is in good taste and proper additions.
Whatever. Its just that 99% of PSX games you can extract, play around with contents, etc.
While this 1.5 release was purposely encrypted for stupid reasons.
More typical 1.5 BS.Last edited by ccrogers15; 04-10-2013, 10:54 AM.
Or, he just told you exactly why the files are hidden.
PS1 games can be extracted and 'played around with' because developers didn't expect people to poke around their files when those games were released.
Their content is included with original Capcom assets, you have no right to access either.
The release wasn't even meant to be, more ungrateful people who demand for everything on a plate.
Originally posted by ccrogers15 View PostWhatever. Its just that 99% of PSX games you can extract, play around with contents, etc.
While this 1.5 release was purposely encrypted for stupid reasons.
More typical 1.5 BS.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by ccrogers15 View PostWhatever. Its just that 99% of PSX games you can extract, play around with contents, etc.
While this 1.5 release was purposely encrypted for stupid reasons.
More typical 1.5 BS.
we have had enough of people getting rude on here acting like they are entitled to this game when really we should think ourselves lucky we even got to play around with the buggy beta demo or what ever the other people want to call it.