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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
    What did I say, wow this has pissed off soo many people here and sadly some people just want to live up with the drama goin on around here ...
    first of all did I even say he was Dominion ? Dominion Dominion Dominion .... this isn't just the name of the god modder and creator of DarkBiohazard it could have another meaning eh ? but apparently some got butt hurt. just dont jump to conclusions please. Im sure somebody in the team can help Bzork post comments here, Im sure the guy has a lot to say and express but hes limited, Hes really awesome but I don't understand a bit of his posts :S

    P.S. Who said I'm hating on Team IGAS ? Of course they are the best !
    I love them soooo much !
    It seems like you can't sleep thinking of B.Zork being Dominion, why so obsessive?


    • Originally posted by curse420 View Post
      If my psychologist saw all of you people he'd probably propose a theory on a new mental distress called '1.5'. Wherein individuals exhibit exorbitant amounts of babying along with fanboyism and oh yes the need to criticise anything with a pulse.
      Pretty sure it'd just be classified as "just another obsession" -- however, get someone to shoot/kill/maime someone over it and 1.5 will reveal its true colors; Video Games.


      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        Pretty sure it'd just be classified as "just another obsession" -- however, get someone to shoot/kill/maime someone over it and 1.5 will reveal its true colors; Video Games.
        Just step back. I got this...

        Everybody just chill the fuck out! You're acting like this over a video game from the nineties!

        There, that should do it. Anyone who is sane will see the error of their ways now. You're welcome.


        • Sorry bout the semi stupid behavior, If it was ;P
          1.5 should be added into the list of the most occurred mental issues in the world if there was one ?

          Thanks for chilling us out AsteroidBlues !

          Its really just a crappy game .... not worth fighting over.
          Last edited by Mrox2; 04-11-2013, 02:52 PM.
          Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
          ^ Lol ...


          • I'd like to get back to friendly conversation and 1.5 discussion now, if that's possible.
            I find it quite disturbing that people can get into full-blown war mode because of a canceled video game...

            Anyone interested in unlimited ammo codes?

            There you go:
            _C0 Nr of Examine Spots in Room
            _L 800AFBB4 00??
            _C0 Lock Camera
            _L 801FFECD 0001
            _C0 Music Off
            _L 800BBD80 0000
            _C0 Item Menu Slot Amount 6
            _L 800B0FBC 0006
            _M 0x000B10AD 0x0000FF03
            _M 0x000B10B0 0x0000FF08
            _M 0x000B10B4 0x0000FF07
            _M 0x000B10B8 0x0000FF09
            _C0 INFINITE AMMO MP
            _M 0x000B10BC 0x0000FF0C
            _C0 INFINITE AMMO SPAS
            _M 0x000B10C0 0x0000FF0D
            _M 0x000B10C4 0x0000FF0E
            _C0 INFINITE AMMO MG
            _M 0x000B10C8 0x0000FF13
            _M 0x000B10CC 0x0000FF05
            _M 0x000B10D0 0x00003222

            Use this one for Elza instead of the other Handgun Code:
            _M 0x000B10AC 0x0000FF04

            Wrong format, my fault, give me a minute to fix them...
            I've created them with TempAR on my PSP...
            Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-11-2013, 03:25 PM. Reason: Embarrassing, that's what this is...


            • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
              B.Zork is a spoke-person.
              I never really understood why people consider him to be "just" a spoke-person. I find that slightly insulting.


              • If only Kamiya saw some of the stuff posted here, he would have known that 1.5 really does generate a lot of horror, well the discussions about it anyway.
                Seibu teh geimu?


                • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                  Tby a3lmk ttklm englezy 3dl bs b 3shra dollars ? 9j ! a7sn mn Google, for real.
                  w sh5bark ya Dominion ya 5neeth ? after all its up to you.
                  Hi i have been trying to sign to this site a long time ago but could not (im not a spam) anyway in case no one understand what did he say:

                  do you want me to teach you english well for only ten dollars ? really ! better than google, for real.
                  and how are you dominion you faggot ? after all its up to you.

                  this is what he said i know it because im arabic.

                  really brave of you Mrox2.


                  • @Broom,

                    Thank you for translating. Now I understand what they said.
                    Last edited by BiohazardCat; 04-12-2013, 07:55 AM.


                    • Someone's looking a bit schizophrenic.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Conversations like these are why I haven't been on the forum as much the past 2 weeks


                        • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          Someone's looking a bit schizophrenic.
                          So because someone understands what was said and you didn't, this leads you to diagnose with schizophrenia? You are quite the amazing conversationalist and communicator, apparently you also have some license to practice psychology (*intended sarcasm). It's also baffling that you continue to post in this thread even though you are on record as hating Resident Evil 1.5, others have called you out for being the egotistical asshat that you are, even hundreds of pages ago, but you continue to stick around and prove their assertions every step of the way. Why you are here and not on your own site's forums posting about how grand Resident Evil 5 & 6 are, how you fapped on the discs of both last night, is puzzling to say the least. Though I will say after discovering you were behind Project Umbrella, despite how awesome some of the editorials are (and some of them are really good), I've decided not to bother going back to Project Umbrella. Most of the folks in the forums over their share your hatred for Resident Evil 1.5 anyway.

                          Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
                          Conversations like these are why I haven't been on the forum as much the past 2 weeks
                          You haven't been missed, so please go away for another two weeks!
                          Last edited by BiohazardCat; 04-12-2013, 08:03 AM.


                          • Some people here seem to need forced vacations.


                            • Originally posted by BiohazardCat View Post
                              So because someone understands what was said and you didn't, this leads you to diagnose with schizophrenia?
                              I believe it was quite clear he was attributing the condition to Mrox2.


                              • Click image for larger version

Name:	tumblr_inline_mkqwstM28c1qz4rgp.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	60.6 KB
ID:	402845
                                Most of the users on this thread described in this picture. You know exactly who you are. Cant we just seriously start rolling ban hammers and just be done with these fuckers? Its really depressing that dipshits like Biohazardcat come in here and just fuck with everyone. Just for common sense ban fuckers like these so its possible for us to have a proper discussion on the topic at hand
                                Last edited by BeefWellington; 04-12-2013, 08:15 AM.
                                PSN Gamercards

