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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
    I hope they do another public build soon.
    Birkin mentioned earlier that they want to release a legit demo several months from now. No date announced.
    "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


    • What the **** are people talking about? I've heard some pretty dumb suggestions in my short but colorfull life but someone even asked if they could make the game with the RE4+ over the shoulder view.
      Two player? Have these people even played the early REs?

      I'm sorry I don't mean to bite anyones head off, I just refuse to play the current build, I don't want to spoil any surprises, that said I am only human and have played a few rooms in the RPD, but that's it.
      So when I see all those bloody thumbnails of vid's on youtube showing boss fights i've not seen yet it really ***** me off.

      The best suggestion in this perticular situation? NOTHING! They are trying to make the RE2 that Capcom abandoned, not the RE2 that some random internet guy/girl thinmks would be "cool".


      • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
        Ah people from countries where feminine traits=weakness. Gotta love the bigotry. This is what made Leon an interesting character in RE2, IMO. In many ways, Claire was stronger and more butch. It was a nice reversal on the expected "roles" from the first game. Too bad that went flying head first out the window with RE4 and on.
        Butch Dyke?


        • Originally posted by Deathlygasm View Post
          Butch Dyke?
          If they had made Claire a lesbian, that would have been awesome.


          • -
            Last edited by Deus Flux; 01-21-2014, 07:52 AM.


            • Claire could be gay. The closest to a romantic relationship we see is Steve, who she treats mostly with confusion.

              Hell, bar Leon and Ada we don't have much sexual certainty from any of the characters.

              It's also completely irrelevant to the story. While it would be nice to see more gay characters in games there's no point if it's just a, 'Oh, by the way, I'm gay - but since there is no romance in this game at all it doesn't matter.'


              • yeah when it comes to romance in the re series you don't see much of it other than leon and ada, I think she only kissed him in the darkside chronicals , so not sure it it counts lol.

                maybe elza falls in love with john...... (joke) lol

                but romance isn't really needed for resident evil series most people would say.


                • Romance can fuck right off.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • I liked Leon being more caring with Ada and Claire, even helping Sherry and stuff. In RE2 Retail he was a ROOKIE 1st day on the job - so he wouldn't be so hot with a custom shotgun huh - Chris is STARS with proper marksman training so go figure.
                    Sure in 1.5 he was fully with the RPD but who's to say he wasn't new to the job in 1.5 aswell .. might not be his first day but hey - if any of you guys were put in their situation, would you do so well?? hehe

                    As for Claire kicking ass, blowing up walls and shit - you go girl! It's nice to see woman as strong characters for a change.
                    This generation has slipped back into the 80s style of men saving the girl and the day (RE4, Uncharted etc)
                    It's nice to see woman do well in games too (Parasite Eve, RE3, Tomb Raider)

                    @chrisliam2 - No she kisses him in RE2 aswell .. you need to play the canon scenario (Claire A, Leon B), its easier to imagine she survived aswell instead of falling down a massive shaft into blackness LOL
                    Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 04-18-2013, 06:04 AM.
                    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                    • Wtf .... what the hell is going on here lol ...
                      Leon being gay because of his hair ? noooo just no.
                      Claire a lesbian ? .... seriously no ...
                      That's even worse than ...
                      Originally posted by !ResidentEvilForever!
                      Really bad project! I'm Lesbian dry.gif
                      Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                      ^ Lol ...


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        Romance can fuck right off.
                        Romance or gay romance lol? Nothing wrong with a bit of romance, it's a great motivational drive for a character. Romance > your typical motivations like saving the world from a tyrannical bio terrorist.
                        Last edited by Guest; 04-18-2013, 07:49 AM.


                        • Jill & Chris happened. I don't care if Capcom acknowledge it or not.

                          They boned hard at some point and we all know it.


                          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                            Romance or gay romance lol? Nothing wrong with a bit of romance, it's a great motivational drive for a character. Romance > your typical motivations like saving the world from a tyrannical bio terrorist.
                            No romance at all. It is not a focus of the series and it shouldn't be. The times they have dabbled in it (Claire and Steve, Jake and Sherry) have been embarrassing at best and fit only for shippers and hentai artists.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              Romance can fuck right off.
                              Yeah. If it serves the narrative no purpose, it has no place being in it. I hate this logic that if something just isn't there, the dev is "denying" it or "excluding" it. And if including it severely damages your overall presentation/product, then it really shouldn't be included. (Of course, I'm totally for the "Barry Burton - Father of the Year" dating sim where the player, as Barry Burton, has to approve/disapprove of the relationships his children end up dabbling as they go from high school to their mid-20s)

                              I hate games such as Dragon Age, that so desperately tries to push character relationships and romance way too hard (especially homosexual ones) ... playing Dragon Age 1-2 with a male character (male especially), who's not a complete asshole, feels like you accidentally walked into a weird place or something where everyone's popping blue pills. And the funny thing is, the game itself doesn't even try to justify this by creating a universe where same sex partnership appears to be a perfectly common thing. It's only you, the main character, the walking sex machine that'll plug any hole.
                              Last edited by Carnivol; 04-18-2013, 08:29 AM.


                              • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                                No romance at all. It is not a focus of the series and it shouldn't be. The times they have dabbled in it (Claire and Steve, Jake and Sherry) have been embarrassing at best and fit only for shippers and hentai artists.
                                Since when have either of those groups even needed canon inspiration to craft their nightmare fuel? XD They are a special sort that can turn anything into shameless slash, whether Capcom puts in the odd romance or not. I don't disagree, I just think that in my case the mantra would be "Shoehorned romances can fuck right off".

                                Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                                Yeah. If it serves the narrative no purpose, it has no place being in it. I hate this logic that if something just isn't there, the dev is "denying" it or "excluding" it. And if including it severely damages your overall presentation/product, then it really shouldn't be included. (Of course, I'm totally for the "Barry Burton - Father of the Year" dating sim where the player, as Barry Burton, has to approve/disapprove of the relationships his children end up dabbling as they go from high school to their mid-20s)

                                This. It frightens me, but I totally support the notion. XD

