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  • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
    Sad indeed, especially illegal.

    Attempting to profit from another's work, and possibly complicating and/or getting the entire project canceled with unnecessary attention... shameful.

    IGAS isn't going to profit, so what gives anyone else the right?

    The final product will be free, for everyone to enjoy.

    In addition, IGAS hinted to having professionals working to create high-quality PDF manuals. Again, they will be free.
    I am not duplicating their work nor using any of it. I am making a faux Playstation case and a faux Playstation cd (blank CD). I am not capitolizing on it at all. I will be charging what it will cost to get this stuff made, no gain for me at all. Just the pure production cost. Why would I charge extra because I spent time on it? Besides that would be a no no IMO.

    After doing a bit of calculating, each disc will be $.99 plus shipping. I guessed at $2 before because the final pricing was not set by he manufacturer.

    Some people think I will be having the game on disc, no, it will be a blank disc for you to burn the game onto. The manual, disc, and inserts are all my design and have no references to them, also I am not taking advantage of them at all, nor is what I am doing illegal. I am not provided any game, just a reproduction case.

    I will also be releasing the CD, manual, and inserts in PDF form, for those who don't want to buy a case/cd. It's not being forced on you. I am also making a instruction book for playstation EBOOTS. This will also be free.

    So many jumping to conclusions and misconceptions. I was working on the manual idea long before IGAS announced anything so them announcing it was kinda a blow to me. I thought I was doing something really cool and novel for the community.

    As I said before, the RAW images and PDF's will be available after production will have finished.

    There is nothing in my material that mentions IGAS at all. It's a fan created manual and case for display. Many have done, why am I so different?
    Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-28-2013, 01:01 PM.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Why people think already about jewel case and manuals? I myself do not know about demo release dates but people plan booklets based on incomplete information and something very precarious? I do not understand the meaning.
      “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


      • Hi,

        It's more for a novelty. I am basing my work on info I have gotten from elsewhere. So don't take offense, but what I am doing has nothing to do with your project. I am making a manual on how I think CAPCOM would have made one.

        I still look forward to your work, but I have been planning this for a LONG time, months even. I mean no offence at all, but you guys got me all wrong. This entire thing is for non-profit.

        Some information is guess work, other info in real. This is all based on the info I have gathered from extensive play with WIP build and from my source.
        Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-28-2013, 01:16 PM.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
          I am not duplicating their work nor using any of it. I am making a faux Playstation case and a faux Playstation cd (blank CD). I am not capitolizing on it at all. I will be charging what it will cost to get this stuff made, no gain for me at all. Just the pure production cost. Why would I charge extra because I spent time on it? Besides that would be a no no IMO.

          After doing a bit of calculating, each disc will be $.99 plus shipping. I guessed at $2 before because the final pricing was not set by he manufacturer.

          Some people think I will be having the game on disc, no, it will be a blank disc for you to burn the game onto. The manual, disc, and inserts are all my design and have no references to them, also I am not taking advantage of them at all, nor is what I am doing illegal. I am not provided any game, just a reproduction case.

          I will also be releasing the CD, manual, and inserts in PDF form, for those who don't want to buy a case/cd. It's not being forced on you. I am also making a instruction book for playstation EBOOTS. This will also be free.

          So many jumping to conclusions and misconceptions. I was working on the manual idea long before IGAS announced anything so them announcing it was kinda a blow to me. I thought I was doing something really cool and novel for the community.

          As I said before, the RAW images and PDF's will be available after production will have finished.

          There is nothing in my material that mentions IGAS at all. It's a fan created manual and case for display. Many have done, why am I so different?
          Then, why would you previously mention getting it pressed onto disc? What's the deal with the secrecy, "PM me for details" posts?

          Non-profit != $.99 plus shipping.

          You've contradicted yourself, several times.
          I'm a blackstar.


          • But I am not profiting, you are paying just for production. The discs are going to be printed. I had originally hoped to get pressed copies made but that might not be in my favor.

            The screcy in the beginning was because I might have had a chance to get bootable discs made, but that is long gone. They will be $.99 for a CD.

            How about this, the CD is free and all you have to do is pay shipping?
            Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-28-2013, 01:32 PM.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • You're just hijacking their work, just saying.


              • Not really Rick. if it's of my own design and nothing of theirs, how s it hijacking? Care to explain. Like I said, I have been planning this long before they even mentioned it.

                No matter, this project will still see the light of day. I've already talked this over with my other team members and they will not falter. As far as they are concerned, we are doing no wrong, not hampering the team, nor hijacking anything.

                I do want to see what The Team is going to offer in terms of manuals and inserts.

                Now lets get back on topic and not derail the thread any further.

                An Team, please don't be mad at all. This is not capitalizing on your work at all and is non profit.
                Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-28-2013, 02:16 PM.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  Also that's quite a change!!

                  Huge improvement, and the originals weren't even bad! The fact that IGAS went back and painstakingly amended their backgrounds to match the ones seen in an old SCEA video just further proves how dedicated they are to making a product as faithful and accurate as humanly possible. I hope the modding community will forgive and correct me if what I'm about to say is out of line, but this is an unprecedented fan effort in the entire history of fan efforts, and will rightfully go down in history as such; no other fan project past or present could even hope to approach its scope or depth of code alteration / expansion.


                  • yeah, its easily the best RE fan project ever. anyone who disagrees is butthurt. you guys are gonna go down in e-history.


                    • I agree with that. Once the project is finalized, there's potential for a nice and huge making of going through all the work they've done. It'd be very useful to show people the insane amount of work behind such a project.


                      • I personally don't care about pressed discs regarding prototypes/betas. It is known that they are never in production form. Just CD-R's with handwritten text, getting those in ORIGINAL state is truely better than production version of black disc.
                        ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                        • Soooo anyway back to 1.5 stuff. I was curious. The Dark Biohazard project? Completely unrelated I know but I remember it was originally planned as a 1.5 recreation mod right? I don't remember the modders name behind it, the project was long dead when I ran across it, but some 1.5 stuff was supposed to have been in the story right? How accurate was some of the story related stuff in this mod? I'd like to know for something I'm writing


                          • Originally posted by B.Zork View Post
                            hmm... what is with sudden attempt to monetize and commercialize this? is this sudden street market of silver factory is alive? another week, another sad
                            Originally posted by Marvin View Post
                            I personally don't care about pressed discs regarding prototypes/betas. It is known that they are never in production form.
                            @ Zombie_X - I appreciate the effort, but pretty much this. I'd be interested in printed manuals and inserts for sure, although any sort of work involving a disc would require the final build to be put into production and would essentially make it a repro, something which would have to be worked out between parties. Manuals and inserts I'm all for but it's probably best leaving discussion about discs until some time in the future, as right now there is no hurry to get the printing work done and once the team are happy and release their work the public can leave it up to them selves as to how they wish to burn their media.
                            Last edited by Guest; 04-28-2013, 07:11 PM.


                            • Hi,

                              But the discs aren't going to be pressed. It will be a blank CD with a custom label. It's not a repro, no code will be distributed. You must burn the disc your self. I know what a repro is, and this project between me and two others is not that.

                              I am not commercializing their version of the game at all nor am I monetizing. Non profit is non profit B.Zork. This manual bit has nothing to do with your project. I was commissioned by another member to make a manual/case/cd to be distributed to the public at only production cost. My CD's will be free, just pay shipping.

                              I understand you point of view but honestly the case and manual is not up to me anymore. The final files have been sent out to be printed. The disc can be held off for a bit though. The manuals and cases are still coming though.

                              I don't understand why I am being jumped on. Other companies make repro SNES/NES carts with full manuals, boxes, and game code. And they charge a ton. Why is it my non profit project gets the hate now.

                              I'll say one final thing to those who disagree. This project will still happen like it or not. Don't agree? Don't like it? It's going to be free, just pay shipping. I'll be releasing the jpegs tonight for everything, so there.

                              Simple as that. Now, LETS GET BACK TO 1.5!

                              HERE'S THE MANUAL:
                              Click image for larger version

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                              Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-28-2013, 10:17 PM.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • And there he goes again with his disks and manual.

