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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Zombie_X, just post pictures of the printing and material receipts so people will be able to verify, without a shadow of a doubt, that you aren't profitting from the production of the case and manual. As for why people are getting pissed off at you, since the team will be releasing their own version of the case and manual, I guess some people see your move as agressively pre-empting the team's work. If someone's gonna be burning their restoration build on a disk, then I guess the team would want the entire package to be from them (cover, manual and all), and not a mix of their's and some other guy's stuff, since it is their work being featured.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 04-29-2013, 03:33 AM.
    Seibu teh geimu?


    • There are also some grammar issues in the manual ~
      Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


      • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
        There are also some grammar issues in the manual ~
        There are typos also.

        Also, I thought it would have been perfect if Marvin's RE2 speech was used for the manual introduction, also a part of RE2's intro, I think they explain everything that happens in RE1 well enough.

        Anyway, non profit or not, I don't care anymore as I wouldn't buy those manuals especially with all the problems with it, no offense but the grammar isn't that good. You seem to use commas and full stops willy nilly and there are sentences in the incorrect place, also there are sentences which should have been concatenated with other sentences, remember to always proof read as-well. (Yeah, people could comment on my own grammar but I wouldn't be the guy who writes up documents.)


        • The moment any money started changing hands would be the moment that Capcom would be far more likely to make contact. Be a very dumb move.


          • Yes that's what I was thinking. 99$ or 0.1$ is still profit and I understand you would need to cover the costs of shipping but this is supposed to be a free project anyway downloadable with a pdf manual. Furthermore why is it up to anyone to create a manual that never existed? That just sounds like someone trying to get famous from something they have no involvement with.

            Now in the interest of not changing the subject any more, are the team planning on using re 2 music to fill in the gaps, as well as the 1.5 source soundtrack?


            • As everyone keeps saying - it's all well and good doing it in images for people to make themselves, or to have as PDF (like what PC games do)
              but to try and make profit out of someone elses work (Capcom's original and Teams release) isn't good is it?

              Not to mention, the images used and some of the wording just reeks of fan-made .. a REAL PS1 manual would not read like that..
              The font too - it's too schoolboy looking and looks cheap .. sorry but it's true. Such as using concept art for images - big no no for professional looking work.. Trust me - I did a graphic design course in Uni - have a good eye for detail.

              The Team will release their version anyway so its rather pointless really apart from personal usage.. Marketting it though

              Just sayin.. Don't mean to sound nasty or nothin'
              Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 04-29-2013, 09:19 AM.
              "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


              • Its fine. I'll hold off then. It will be 100% free..I said it would be.

                Anyways lets forget about this. Sorry Team, sorry fans, forget about it.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Manual contains some errors. Soft reset does not work like you wrote. It feels a little generic. Exclusive info is about Leon and Elza profiles?

                  Who wants keys to Barry's heart? We have 128 types now. Old cap was 72. Maybe a Colt Python key?
                  “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                  • Yes it has errors. Thats one reason why I pulled it. I aaalso did not want to conflict with your project anymore. But as I said this was not based on teams IGAS' s work. It was what I think the manual would be.

                    It's been pulled and the new info is not on it as the source didnt provide it as they promissed. It's a bit of a mess up that I want to correct. No hards fe loo ings I hope team? I don't wabt to jeopardize the project so I won't submit it for pri nting.

                    I will continue to change it though and release a more accurate version as a download.

                    READ BELOW
                    Me nor my partner, ever wanted to capitalize on the modding teams build. We wanted a realistics "what if" manual, such as what if RE1.5 did get released. I theorized the manual would have been similar, so I used RE2's manual as a base. I never wanted to steal their work or charge for it. This was by the fans for the fans.

                    I had initially wanted to charge only productions costs of the disc, and once I had enough funds, I would place the order. Somewhat like a donation drive to do it. This way once the order was placed, anyone could get a manual, CD, and insert for free. That's why I asked $.99 for a dsic. I blame myself for not wording it properly, but that's what I intended to do.

                    I hope you all understand that we never wanted to get money for our work, time, and effort. This was non profit 100%. My wording and how I promoted it caused all this commotion.

                    So to the community, Team IGAS, B.Zork, and D.Birkin, I am sorry. I didn't mean any harm or ill will. I thought I was doing something good for the community, something cool and unique. But perhaps it was meant not to be.

                    The manual you guys have now is not 100% done as per the errors within it. They will be corrected, the manual will get a slight overhaul, and it will be released in due time for free, just not in printed form. It will be JPEG or a PDF. Until then guys, I am sorry and lets move past this.
                    Last edited by Zombie_X; 04-29-2013, 06:10 PM.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • D.Birkin and B.Zork, what keeps the team motivated after all these months of busy lives and trying to make a living?


                      • Why not?


                        • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                          D.Birkin and B.Zork, what keeps the team motivated after all these months of busy lives and trying to make a living?
                          Clearly, it's the taste of bread and butter.


                          • @Zombie - Dude, just stop. You're making yourself look bad.

                            ....where's dur butter monster when you need him?
                            I'm a blackstar.


                            • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                              D.Birkin and B.Zork, what keeps the team motivated after all these months of busy lives and trying to make a living?
                              Challenge. Bugfixes are interesting to program because you need simple solutions. For example I am working on a fix to mix grenade launcher and grenade rounds correctly. Capcom left many bugs with new features.
                              “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                              • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                                Challenge. Bugfixes are interesting to program because you need simple solutions. For example I am working on a fix to mix grenade launcher and grenade rounds correctly. Capcom left many bugs with new features.
                                It seems like you have a love of programming through and through. I'm relieved that you're satisfying your bug-fixing urges with the BH1.5 code! Bread and butter is okay, but I think that spicy olive oil would be healthier and tastier!

