I finally decided to register, been lurking around and hearing all sorts of news about Resident Evil 1.5! I remember the first time I ever heard about this version of Resident Evil 2 back when I was in middle school. I was extremely shocked at how much this game was already finished when it was scrapped. Now its years later and I'm college, and I can't believe the team is going to be finishing up the game, I've seen all of their work so far, and I just really want to say thanks. By the way the test room looks really cool! Can't wait whenever you guys are finished and release your final build, and please do take your time! Quality is better than quantity (as opposed to Capcom with this series these days -_-)
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by The_Wes View PostAll of us must say thanks to the team instead of "looking for Waldo" in every image they post...Originally posted by Ohmycod View PostIndeed, I hate it when people nitpick. Looking good so far IGAS.
I made a comment about the glass (and I support originalzombie's comment about the missing chair as well) because these are details that are very easy to miss or misinterpret. It took biohazard_star and me a while to figure out what a lot of the details are, not to mention deciphering the subtitles, and we STILL haven't found everything in the image. At one point, I thought that the glass was a microphone and the additional chair just a shadow! Even the camera angle is skewed in the original image (because the television was viewed at an angle from the right side), and the IGAS recreation depicts the upper-left corner of the table meeting the lower left corner of the door, which conflicts with the composition of the original background. The members of IGAS are no doubt even more adroit at analyzing fuzzy low-resolution images, but it couldn't hurt to point out small details.
And Wes, to think that such feedback would demoralize the Team would not be giving them enough credit; they have thicker skin than that. Hell, D.Birkin even took the time and effort to explain and demonstrate an extremely basic fact about the game's layout to Mikhail.
RaccoonSurvivor, I agree about the lighting, but as we've seen in the Advent series, IGAS will most certainly improve it well beyond the test-render phase.
I know this is a bit offtopic, but I wanna ask something to the Team or someone who knows the answer. I´m trying to understand how the pre-rendered backgrounds works, how the characters pass behind the objects and how change their size. Is this a correct way???
A layer of the table in front of the camera with a colision cube in his floor position. The floor have the same size of the room to change the character size when he walks along the room, and I put two walls with alpha channels to make colision. View with the correct perspective:
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostAnd Wes, to think that such feedback would demoralize the Team would not be giving them enough credit; they have thicker skin than that. RaccoonSurvivor, I agree about the lighting, but as we've seen in the Advent series, IGAS will most certainly improve it well beyond the test-render phase.Last edited by The_Wes; 05-03-2013, 02:03 PM.Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?
You dont change character size yourself. 3d engine gotta draw all 3d objects in particualr scene with same camera location, FOV (field of view), zoom, rotation as in prerendered scene camera.
Here is the basic outline of using prendered background with usual 3d stuff
1. The prerendered background gets loaded and 3d camera position, zoom, rotation, fov etc. will be set according prerender data
2. The background is drawn into 2d screen (display buffer actually)
3. All the 3d objects are driven into screen (using z indexing the frontmost object is drawn after farer object, this is default behaviour in psx by using OT (ordering table))
4. Masking: here is the hardest logic, all the objects that are behind stuff in prereneder screen are detected by engine using data provided with prerendered scene. That is if table is infront of player, the mask is applied and that particualr part (that is cut by mask) will be re-drawn (as 2d object into screen buffer) after the 3d object is drawn in screen display buffer.
For shake of simplicity I left out double buffering(witch basically means nothing more than at the time one screen is drawn the other is being displayed.... and then there will be switch of buffers to be displayed and old picture area gets redrawn.... but the 3d data drawing process is same)
btw, for that masking part, there are different ways to do it: either by seting up masks AND cutting stuff out manually and giving them simply Z value of position, and during 3d object displaying those are added as well. (i believe re1 did something like that, because after you extract image data you get those funny masked out partialpictures) or its done by engine by using mask data. Either way all objects that any 3d object can go "behind" must have a mask data and Z position data.Last edited by Marvin; 05-03-2013, 03:33 PM.ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies
This is much different Licker is bigger than those that appeared in the final version of resident evil 2, if you look closely her clothes are identical to those of the zombie cops 1.5, this Super zombie, Named by us researchers (The Licker). It was created by administering a zombie the G-Virus, it would be interesting to put it as mini-bosses in a laboratory room of 1.5.When I strike him he regenerates, his weakness is his head.
I found these images on deaths of leon by birkin, this animation is much more disturbing, after the player is killed by the transformation of birkin left a death sequence where william takes the player to the head is the crushes his head with his clawed hand especially spraying blood everywhere, it would be an animation to make combat more macabre for resident evil 1.5 .
DBirkin:What do you think?
Originally posted by blackpower View PostThis is much different Licker is bigger than those that appeared in the final version of resident evil 2, if you look closely her clothes are identical to those of the zombie cops 1.5, this Super zombie, Named by us researchers (The Licker). It was created by administering a zombie the G-Virus, it would be interesting to put it as mini-bosses in a laboratory room of 1.5.When I strike him he regenerates, his weakness is his head.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by News Bot View PostNope.
NOTE: Regis Licker Boss in Outbreak retains more human features and has clothes on - shows Lickers are mutation and not a BOW (at least before RE5)
The Licker is a mutation thanks to the T-VIRUS changing inside the body - this is also how Crimson Heads were created in RE Remake (if you left them for an hour or so after leaving the mansion, they mutate with CLAWS and are RED and FASTER) - Not a coincidence.
So the Licker is a furthur mutation of a crimson head - I know they weren't in RE2 but still .. they are mutation due to V-ACT of the T-VIRUS.
Only in RE5 were they used as a real BOW and created in labs. As for the stronger Lickers on RE2's Lab - either they had a higher dose of T due to the setting - remember the anti-BOW gas .. HmmmLast edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 05-04-2013, 02:42 PM."I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"
Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View PostThe Lickers in RE2 and Outbreak's Hellfire (Apple Inn) scenario were an accident - like the zombies.
NOTE: Regis Licker Boss in Outbreak retains more human features and has clothes on - shows Lickers are mutation and not a BOW (at least before RE5)
The Licker is a mutation thanks to the T-VIRUS changing inside the body - this is also how Crimson Heads were created in RE Remake (if you left them for an hour or so after leaving the mansion, they mutate with CLAWS and are RED and FASTER) - Not a coincidence.
So the Licker is a furthur mutation of a crimson head - I know they weren't in RE2 but still .. they are mutation due to V-ACT of the T-VIRUS.
Only in RE5 were they used as a real BOW and created in labs. As for the stronger Lickers on RE2's Lab - either they had a higher dose of T due to the setting - remember the anti-BOW gas .. Hmmm
Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Postso it goes zombie>crimson head>suspended>licker>super licker?
Crimson Heads are created with a specific mutant form of the t-virus. Lickers are created with the mass-produced form of the t-virus. They are similar in that they are created due to activation of the virus in their bodies in response to external stimuli (incapacitation for Crimson Heads, starvation for Lickers), but they are otherwise completely separate creatures.
Suspended is a freak mutation. Not exactly a Licker, but close.
The "Improved Licker", the gray type in BH2, was a type of Licker created for the purpose of B.O.W. use. It is stronger because it was improved by Umbrella.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
You see smoke trails here? Same scene and same weapon.
Room 110? It is not flipped. :O Same size and shape as red highlight. See?
I you don't mind me asking, how have you decided on the floor tiling? Were you able to deduce through whatever means exactly what the flooring was? Because in spirit of the bad cell phone bioflames image I think this room might look nice with an expensive blue carpet!It would create some contrast between the table and the floor making that big huge table stand out a mile and make the room look a little less bare giving more colour to the room.
Of course don't take that as an insult because the room looks amazing, I couldn't produce anything near as good as that, but it's not how I always pictured that room, I always believed the floor was actually a blue carpet (despite the colour tones of the cell phone) and not cold floor tiling.Last edited by Guest; 05-04-2013, 04:34 PM.
The area where John is standing, I always thought that was a bankers lamp there with frosted glass, not a book. It seems the light from it is bleeding onto the back wall in the inflames image. I thought that was some type of cabinet over there.
Just wondering on why the change, or if I am totally wrong.
Originally posted by geluda View PostNice to see the conference room! I realise this is still a WIP but just thought I'd offer my input anyway. The lighting seems to be a bit darker in the Bioflames shot with smaller light sources and darker shadows, and the camera angle seems to be a tiny bit closer in to the corner of the room. One noticable thing is that the proportions of the table and its objects seems to be a little off, either the table is too big or the objects are too small. It's hard to tell exactly what the colour tones are in the bioflames image because of the poor cell phone images, but I actually like the slight blue tinge to the room.
I you don't mind me asking, how have you decided on the floor tiling? Were you able to deduce through whatever means exactly what the flooring was? Because in spirit of the bad cell phone bioflames image I think this room might look nice with an expensive blue carpet!It would create some contrast between the table and the floor making that big huge table stand out a mile and make the room look a little less bare giving more colour to the room.
Of course don't take that as an insult because the room looks amazing, I couldn't produce anything near as good as that, but it's not how I always pictured that room, I always believed the floor was actually a blue carpet (despite the colour tones of the cell phone) and not cold floor tiling.sigpic
"Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."