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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I woke up and saw that video in my sub word, awesome! Thank you for showing us the progress you have made
    I'm gonna go clean up now


    • Awesome video thanks for making another one

      what made you decide to use the robot lady voice lol

      Congrats on all the progress you have made and are still making


      • always nice to see so many positive feedback. keep in mind we are open to constructive criticism too. here is maybe note for few important things in video.

        -safe room and corresponding save point locations not final yet. video only demonstrate functionality now being activated and code written to make it work at full.
        -irritated irons is only due to reimplementing behavior of npc is pointless when other things also still update and change. priorities. development is non-linear.
        -d. birkin is a rockstar at what he does. he not only write all new code used in-game from scratch, he also streamlined and optimized already existing code.
        -videos are always edited in windows movie maker. would have used other solution, but lack of something made team decision of rolling with cheap 5 minute editing presentation over fancy design. lack of real voice did result in cuts and added useless in part 3.
        -i notice odd thing where people unable to tell difference between team content and capcom original content. interesting development and in strange way flattering when people mistake capcom's for ours and vice versa.
        -rooftop area now have wind ambience activated. hard to hear in video due to audio levels.
        -don't be upset or afraid if you don't see lots of end game and bonus content in videos.
        Last edited by B.Zork; 05-13-2013, 03:47 AM.


        • Really awesome vid! I love watching the game shape up the way it has, it's exciting to think about how the beta was so skeletal and now it is looking like the real deal.

          Something I'd like to address is the character animation for descending the staircase. The legs seem to move fine but the upper torso movement is very stiff and rigid; the arms are locked straight and to Elza's sides, the body sways somewhat back and forth to the sides. It seems like a placeholder animation. I was pleased to see the animations for having a two-handed weapon were corrected and more fluid compared to the WIP.

          Good job guys, and thank you for being so diligent.
          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


          • LoL, when choosing Elza you can listen to a german phrase "Elza meine Liebe, komm' spiel mit mir" which means "Elza my dear, come play with me". Just an easter egg or what do you think?
            Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


            • I really hope that some of the higher-ups at Capcom play this game when it is finished.

              As for any assistance you might need, I will dedicate every ounce of effort I can to help in any way possible or desired. It's too bad that a lot of the old Bioflames veterans have moved on with life (well, bad for us, not them), but I have learned a lot from them over the past eight years and I have (hopefully) not forgotten one bit of their important discoveries and conclusions.


              • Nice to see new stuff and fixed - the memory card idea makes more sense in a modern setting - typewriters were fine in RE1's mansion but after that it was just silly .. why would a police station, sewer managers office etc have them LOL

                Is there going to be a unique save point system - by this, I mean, will each save point look the same? So we know where they are..
                Like how each typewriter stands out in a room, you knew you could save there..

                Loving the new options menu and music - never heard it before even if it is Capcom's.
                And as always - and help needed, we can all help if needed
                Last edited by RaccoonSurvivor; 05-13-2013, 05:44 AM.
                "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                • This is getting better and better. Thanks for the video team I.G.A.S. and as always, looking forward to the next update/news. Keep doing what you guys do best.


                  • Thanks for the new video, I do like the save feature with the memory cards and the new item box design, great job Team!


                    • Great video, it's amazing to see the progress. But anyone could tell me what she says between 01:17 and 01:38, it's hard to understand because of the shotgun noise.
                      Last edited by TrueEvil32; 05-13-2013, 11:47 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                        I really hope that some of the higher-ups at Capcom play this game when it is finished.
                        It wouldn't surprise me at all if they observed the reaction to this project as it's been widely discussed since its announcement.

                        Capcom has been questioning where to take the series and I'm sure they want this project to happen as much as we do. A classic RE is in development and it's at no cost to them. If the reaction to 1.5 and the Revelations port is mostly favorable you can bet that it will influence their future decisions.
                        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                        • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                          It wouldn't surprise me at all if they observed the reaction to this project as it's been widely discussed since its announcement.

                          Capcom has been questioning where to take the series and I'm sure they want this project to happen as much as we do. A classic RE is in development and it's at no cost to them. If the reaction to 1.5 and the Revelations port is mostly favorable you can bet that it will influence their future decisions.
                          We can only hope I swear if Claire isn't in RE7 I will scream hehe .. Leon and Chris need to take a backseat from now on, seen too much of them as of late
                          "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                          • Seems like there's always something new and neat when you go to sleep these days. 2013's a giving gaming year so far - Capcom's firin' up some good official releases too.


                            • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
                              We can only hope I swear if Claire isn't in RE7 I will scream hehe .. Leon and Chris need to take a backseat from now on, seen too much of them as of late
                              I wouldn't scream for claire however I think she has taken a long enough vacation. It would be nice to see other minor characters ie. Sherry have more major roles. They should bring Rebecca back also or someone of the sort.


                              • Carlos Olivera, Ark Thompson, Rebecca Chambers, Barry Burton, Nicholai Ginofaev

