Originally posted by J0shuaKane
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View PostIf you would,please post the bathroom/pack so I can see the difference compared to my idea. If it works out hopefully IGAS will use my concept in their build. Would not mind taking part in gaming history.
Originally posted by MarkGrass View PostThis was a quick, lazy attempt to recreate the "1.5 item obtain" screen
Quite simply, the Status Menu was modified in realtime to produce the effect. I forgot to leave the large item avatar onscreen, but you get the point.
The entire 'hack' took about <5 minutes, using information readily available (that I, myself, put out there,) Using that same information, the map can easily be modified, as well.
As someone mentioned previously, the information and tools are available. I think the people who complain do it simply because they can't do anything themselves. Even with 'hack.exe', information, people... I think people bitch just for the sake of bitching.
Ya know? The leaked build has been out for awhile... haven't seen anyone do anything that remotely resembles IGAS' work. Some people like to talk loud about big game, but can never seem to back it up.
Who said we can't do it ? you ? then you're wrong.
Maybe we didn't show anything yet but that doesn't mean that we don't know how to do it.Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
^ Lol ...
Originally posted by MarkGrass View PostWOW! You're a hacker!!!Hey everybody, let's give a round of applause to the next Bill Gates!
The five minute comment retranslates to this: It took me <5 minutes to isolate and code the structure into a function that can be applied in realtime, using an application that I developed myself, using information I discovered myself.
Go ahead, with your butthurt self.
Curse you and your silly application full of bugs (Pity) lmfao, I don't even care about your tools anymore as we have our own tools now.
Just don't keep bragging .... BloatFat ...
Yourself Yourself Yourself ... Ok no need to brag about it.Last edited by Mrox2; 05-15-2013, 02:00 PM.Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
^ Lol ...
Originally posted by MarkGrass View PostMy pompous-ass will brag as much as I please to do so. Don't forget, "your tool" was built upon public information that I released and explained to it's creator. ;)
Originally posted by MarkGrass View PostUntil bloatfat came along, people were still trying to figure out how to properly edit something simple as a TIM texture...
Originally posted by MarkGrass View PostThe source to bloatfat has been online for years, for anyone to fix/edit... oh, wait, I'm sorry - I forgot you can't program in c/c++.Visual Basic? Pascal?!
And don't be acting like you won't be downloading the next subversion.Last edited by Mrox2; 05-15-2013, 02:18 PM.Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
^ Lol ...
Originally posted by MarkGrass View PostNo, nobody helped.
I begged, pleaded and searched high and low in the Bio/RE community for someone with actual programming skills. By the time PmData appeared, I had already figured everything out, myself. Enrico threw in little bits of info here an there, but didn't produce any actual code class, structure or variables. If someone else actually helped, their name would be placed beside my own [within the exe's resource, etc].
I even reverse-engineered Bio1.5 data, well before anything was made public - in fact, the functionality has laid dormant in biofat's code, waiting for the official release of 1.5.
I received external, professional help with the newest subversion of biofat, and not a single crash reported. Works on XP, 7 and 8.
As for TIM Viewer, ever heard of STP?
Distant Memories began it's life with biofat.
You and your Team96 were fine with your own product... until IGAS came along and stole the spotlight.
Just fucking stop, bro. You can't win this argument. It's old, and tiring, and I'm quite sure that I'm not the only one who is sick and fucking tired of your petty "I can do that, too!!!" but-produce-no-real-results drama.
You're the master mind behind drama here.Last edited by Mrox2; 05-15-2013, 02:34 PM.Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
^ Lol ...
Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View PostIf you would,please post the bathroom/pack so I can see the difference compared to my idea. If it works out hopefully IGAS will use my concept in their build. Would not mind taking part in gaming history.
Originally posted by biohazard_star View PostDo you mean to say the sewer access connected to the helipad? From what we can tell, Leon and company exclusively uses the garage service bay manhole in order to get to the sewers; Elza and John, on the other hand, use the helipad acccess. If anything, the helipad route is probably unblocked when an event flag is triggered after Leon enters the sewers through the garage, same with Elza getting access to Leon's route. It's quite similar to how you can backtrack through Claire's sewer route in Leon's scenario in retail, and vice-versa just for the heck of getting some additional supplies; both the helipad access and service garage would make for some nice spots to place some off-path ammo/health supplies.
Thanks for your help, bio. I mean that.
Oh, and the Service Bay access to the Sewers isn't unique to Leon's game. There's embedded dialogue (i.e. a broken cutscene) in the MZD build where John helps Elza push the crate off of the manhole. Perhaps that's a Team IGAS addition? D.Birkin or B.Zork will have to answer that one.
I've always found the many RE hacking tools you've released over the years quite useful, Mark. Keep up the good work.Last edited by RMandel; 05-15-2013, 03:09 PM.
I'm posting this here because the moderators on the "other" board are the ones causing flames, and of course they only post there because they'd get banned pretty easily anywhere else, but on RE123 they can do as they please and nobody dare going against them.
The Mortician, started the shitstorm.
He brainwashed DXP and his team members in believing that the stuff Team IGAS shown was fake, and or easily reproduced in RE2 PC without producing any proof, just assumption.
His team members, after some posts trusted him, and you can clearly read DXP "explosion" about this project, some pages after The Mortician "I know it's a RE2 PC mod" posts.
You have only to read his post from this page and forward, he ruined the community.