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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
    Whenever I hear about this DXP fellow childishly ranting about Team I.G.A.S. accomplishments, I tend to imagine him wearing some sort of cult like RE 1.5 inspired cloak, hood, and robes, in a bizarre self made temple dedicated to RE 1.5, with an image of Elza Walker and the original (shitty) RE 1.5 ammo and weapon icons stitched onto his robe, chanting RE 1.5 themed religious chants and hymns in front of an altar playing RE 1.5 music, declaring himself the sole prophet and purist of RE 1.5, declaring Hideki Kamiya a false prophet who turned his back on the most godly and spiritual RE game in existence, and declaring Team I.G.A.S. heretics for altering the holiest of holies RE 1.5, and preaching spiritual liberation and spiritual enlightenment through purist RE 1.5, where there are only a few working rooms, shitty icons, no check or file menu, no working saves or item boxes, air jesus reigns supreme (hallelujah brothers!), and the revelation that if he can get his hands on the pure vanilla RE 1.5, it will lead all RE fans into a mystical RE 1.5 enlightenment and golden age, the RE 1.5 promised land.
    I just couldn't help but laugh in agreement. I somehow imagined him with a lifesized Elza doll and bowing to it like some kind of godess and asks it to be his wife and hold it repeating a line similar to William Birkin says about G "they will never take you away for me".


    • Whatever, the guy can bash all he wants. It's clear that him and no one else on his team can do the same stuff as IGAS. Let him bitch all he wants, it just shows that he's immature.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
        And the possibility of use the knife in real time with L1 without going into the menu to equip, like Resident Evil 4 would be fantastic. That is the only logical reason to have a box of standard arms in the inventary. German shepherds rules!!!
        I was under the impression that's what the other equipped weapon slot in the menu was for. I feel like I've asked this before, but in case I didn't what was that for? And as for the auto-aim and tactical reload? YES. PLEASE.


        • The "Standard Arms" slot is there so you can lug around the knife anywhere as a last resort weapon, without actually having it consume a precious slot in your inventory. I guess one of the feedback they got from RE1 was how useless the knife is, and how quick people were to throw it in the item box, never to be seen again. It was never meant as a quick press on-the-fly switch to the knife, 'course that ain't stopping the team from doing just that.

          EDIT: Guess I was proven wrong then. Haha.
          Last edited by biohazard_star; 05-17-2013, 10:20 AM.
          Seibu teh geimu?


          • Auto-aim, tactical reload, quick turn and the use of knife in real time will improve the gameplay A LOT. With this features 1.5 could be the more smooth and enjoyable classic Resident Evil ever. Exist a solution to keep all the people happy, include this options disabled by default. Make this feature unlockeable when you finish the game don´t have any sense, a lot of people wanna play the game with this improvements. If this options is turned off by default, nobody can complain. And if somebody complain, is an asshole. For me the team can make an option to change the zombies for pink horses, always the option is disabled by default, and I have to go to a secundary menu to turn on.
            Last edited by The_Wes; 05-16-2013, 11:22 PM.
            Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


            • I think pressing R2 should draw the knife honestly. R2 has always been a secondary fire type of thing in older shooters, so it seems more fitting. This way you can still tap L1 to switch to a new target.

              Team IGAS. I think for a mini game, you should have something like RE3's MERCENARIES. Where in which you must explore, rescue survivors, and get to the heliport/train to escape. All the areas in the game are traversable in Mercenaries. Perhaps start in the sewers and you can go to the precinct first or the factory/labs first.

              Lets say if you go the train route, you have to get key items to activate the train. Like get spark plugs, cords, or even turn the power back on for the train to work. Every survivor you save appears on the train. Now the helipad route will be different. You'd have to get the communications card, radio for help, the get to the roof and send a signal flare out. Then and only then will you be saved. Perhaps have the helipad as an endurance round where you fight off waves of enemies until the helicopter arrives?

              The more people you save the higher your score. The higher the score, the more points you get. This could go towards unlockables like EX files or stuff for the gallery, maybe even weapons for the main game.

              Well that's more like a hybrid of Extreme Battle and Mercenaries, but it sounds like it could work.

              There would also be a timer, and killing enemies will increase the time. A time bonus would be based on what enemy was killed and how it was killed. So kill Birkin with a knife and you'd get a huge bonus, kill him with the magnum and the bonus will be much less. Once the timer runs out, it's game over.
              Last edited by Zombie_X; 05-16-2013, 11:36 PM.
              My Head-Fi Page


              • Am i the only one who waits patiently?


                • Originally posted by Dust View Post
                  Am i the only one who waits patiently?
                  ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                  • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                    maybe only for a certain controller configuration to make it optional?
                    Assisted aim should be the only option to be removable from control scheme. ;) Filling controller settings with many options can be confusing for the user.

                    Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
                    And the possibility of use the knife in real time with L1 without going into the menu to equip, like Resident Evil 4 would be fantastic. That is the only logical reason to have a box of standard arms in the inventary.
                    What if I told you engine has some player data already for that but never used?

                    Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                    This is starting to look more and more like RE 1.5: Deadly Silence, and I'm loving it (as long as they give us the option to turn the additional features off, though).
                    Also, D.Birkin, I noticed that the auto-aim in the build is a bit "stupid", as it doesn't actually prioritize enemies based on proximity to the player; will you eventually be fixing this as well?
                    I love Deadly Silence except for resized JPEG backgrounds that look weird. I think assisted aim is a little stupid because it ignores collisions and inactive enemy work.

                    Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                    I say nay to quick turn and tactical reload. I don't think it was an original feature.
                    You can ignore them. They are only shortcuts. You can play the game without them and still be able to beat it. For "REbirth Mode" I have more appealing ideas.
                    Last edited by D.Birkin; 05-17-2013, 12:57 AM.
                    “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      This is why we can't have good things. "Oh noes! This game's too good ****, what a piece of shit it truly is!"
                      (Where **** represents multiple endings, unlockables, game modes, etc. that generally is considered a good thing 'cause they increase the value/longetivity of a product)

                      Yeah. It's not like I expect you to enter a room and have the game suddenly go all Gaiden/Deadly Silence on your ass with that stuff, just 'cause they showed they can manipulate camera and make textured rooms. Reeks of demake of RE4 Mercs if you ask me.
                      I am all for extra scenes, rooms and sounds because it was likely more would of been added had development not been restarted by capcom.

                      But this battle mode looks way to out of place.


                      • I really like the sound of assisted aim, quick turn, tactical reload, and especially assigning the knife to a different button. That feature would make me use it for sure, as I never ever used the knife in the old games except CV.

                        Small things like that can have a big impact on how smooth the gameplay feels and the overall enjoyment of it.
                        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                        • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                          So thats less appealing for the game than that battle mode that looks pulled right out of Dino Crisis 2? "Being truthful to what was to release" my foot.
                          I never said it wasn't appealing; in fact it's one of the things I praise RE3 for. However, that's a big thing to implement into the normal gameplay. I'm not opposed to them creating multiple endings and outcomes based off of what the player does, but the live selection element would feel shoehorned in. I'm perfectly fine with whatever features they add outside the main game. The art gallery they briefly demonstrated is a nice touch.
                          "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                          • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                            I never said it wasn't appealing; in fact it's one of the things I praise RE3 for. However, that's a big thing to implement into the normal gameplay. I'm not opposed to them creating multiple endings and outcomes based off of what the player does, but the live selection element would feel shoehorned in. I'm perfectly fine with whatever features they add outside the main game. The art gallery they briefly demonstrated is a nice touch.
                            Live selection seems like it would be easier to implement than the battle game.


                            • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                              Live selection seems like it would be easier to implement than the battle game.
                              I didn't really mean it from a technical standpoint. I meant it wouldn't feel like a subtle inclusion.
                              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                              • It won't make a blind bit of difference what I say, but please don't add in tactical reload, quick-knife and quick-turn. I don't mind auto-aim but keep it optional. I wouldn't mind if they were unlock-able, or separated into some sort of arrange mode. I believe they shouldn't be there in the main game as it would spoil the classic Resident Evil feel. I'll give specific reasons for why on each one:

                                Tactical Reload:

                                Don't you guys love counting down your ammo in your head, ready to go into your inventory then combine those bullets when needed? It's something small but it's one thing that makes Resident Evil what it is. I don't want to be able to reload when I'm not in the inventory.

                                Quick Turn:

                                This one is simple, it can make certain situations in the game much easier, which I don't like. Unless the game is specifically designed for it.

                                Quick Knife:

                                This one I suppose I'm on the fence for, because in DS I hated because it freed up an inventory slot, but since we have this standard arms thing, it wouldn't matter. But personal preference wise, I wouldn't like it.

                                Auto Aim:

                                It's simple, just keep it optional like in the other Resident Evil games. I like it this way, because I turned it off for most part of the game, but then I turn it on for boss battles.


                                In the end, what I say is, if the game wasn't originally intended to have these features, don't add them in to the main game, keep them for Arrange mode (Or IGAS mode, or what ever you want to call it). I might be moaning a little (which I am) but having these features in the game and not being able to turn them off would kill it for me. Peace.

