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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by PROTOBOY View Post
    Elza also will able to use?? If actually does it have possibility to make it??
    Why? Elza has grenade launchers. Hand grenades are for Leon.

    Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    D.Birkin, I had a question about the saves. Will they conflict with retail 2 saves at all? I was wondering since saving had to be added in, so you guys must have come up with a custom save ID.
    We are currently using BIO1 ID. It will change to a different ID for demo and another one for final build.
    “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


    • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
      Why? Elza has grenade launchers. Hand grenades are for Leon.

      We are currently using BIO1 ID. It will change to a different ID for demo and another one for final build.
      The hand grenades are unique and 5 times better than the grenade launcher. Thats why.


      • Then play with Leon. ;)
        “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


        • Another question sir. Is the save code pulled from BIO1 since you are using the BIO1 ID?

          Thanks again sir!
          My Head-Fi Page


          • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
            Did you even play the 1.5 leaked build? The sewers are below RE1 standards in some areas. The backgrounds are pretty atrocious. I am not surprised they remade them. The only location that was probably reused due to time constraints ....
            There I have to disagree with you. I've probably been over the RE15 sewers more than anybody so far (including what's in the MZD build), save Enig and bio, and I've been able to connect almost everything with a counterpart in RE2. That includes the missing B1 rooms and what I've come to call the two unused "Alpha level" rooms. RE15's Central Hub (missing in the MZD build?) became RE2's Bridge Room. What I call "Keiji's Corridor" from the unused Alpha rooms became the long connecting corridor where Hunk's team got slaughtered. The Drain Tank, the L-Tunnels, the "Zombie Tunnel," the Save Room, the Crate Rooms, you name it - almost ALL of it got recycled (and in many cases extensively reworked) for RE2. bio's also right in pointing out that RE2 even adds a few extra areas (the two Roach tunnels, for instance). My current guess is that so much is missing or below gaming par in the 40% (MZD) build because they were in the process of jettisoning the original "green" level designs (Alpha level) for what they eventually went with in RE15 and hadn't finished the work on it. The Sewers you see in the MZD build represent a state of transition. That's why so little of it is playable and what is there is in a relative mess. I'm also guessing that Team IGAS is going to have to spend a lot of work on them - even more so than the RPD - and may end up having to reverse-engineer part or all of the corresponding rooms and associated room code from RE2 to make them work right. That's just a guess, though.

            I could whip up some RE15/RE2 Sewers comparison sets, like I used to do with my old RE15 background image sets, if you need visual proof.
            Last edited by RMandel; 05-20-2013, 03:15 AM.


            • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
              The hand grenades are unique and 5 times better than the grenade launcher. Thats why.
              I agree with you, especially that at least if THE TEAM want will be possible for all character's use all weapons, its so bad that RE2 isn't possible to use all weapons every character.

              Will be a good idea if you not only make possible to use grenades, but also the both characters to be able to use all weapons XD.


              • I think that both characters getting his/her own set of weapons it's better and more realistic since both character are going thru the game at the same time. I loved that in RE2 retail and It also gives more replayability(?).


                • But really it will be something new, something that many people will like I think.


                  • While they're at it, they could also make Leon's and Elza's scenarios totally identical! It would be a first timer for that too! But seriously, removing the few slight changes between characters makes no sense and actually draws from the experience. By all means, please no hand grenades for Elza and no grenade launcher for Leon.

                    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                    • Just a little tips.

                      You all know that when you press L1 or R1 in the item menu, you can have access to "secret" weapons, or ammos.

                      Let's say that you have selected ammos (for example 9mm), if on this item you press "Triangle" you can increase the amount of ammos!

                      By default it is 50, if you press Triangle now you have 51, and if you press again Triangle you have 52 , and so on, and so on...
                      Last edited by Hunk91; 05-20-2013, 08:44 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Hunk91 View Post
                        Just a little tips.

                        You all know that when you press L1 or R1 in the item menu, you can have access to "secret" weapons, or ammos.

                        Let's say that you have selected ammos (for example 9mm), if on this item you press "Triangle" you can increase the amount of ammos!

                        By default it is 50, if you press Triangle now you have 51, and if you press again Triangle you have 52 , and so on, and so on...
                        Yeah, we already knew like 200 pages ago..
                        Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                        • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                          Yeah, we already knew like 200 pages ago..
                          Did you even bother to read what he said?
                          He was not saying that you *Can* do it, he was suggesting that we change it from adding *1* piece of ammo, to *50* pieces of ammo. I also suggest this. Maybe someone can make a quick patch/hack.


                          • Pretty sure he's simply tipping about adding 1 unit, which has been known pretty much since when the leak happened.

                            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                            • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                              Did you even bother to read what he said?
                              He was not saying that you *Can* do it, he was suggesting that we change it from adding *1* piece of ammo, to *50* pieces of ammo. I also suggest this. Maybe someone can make a quick patch/hack.
                              Also, it seems you never played it because when you make a weapon appear in the inventory it already has 50 bullets.
                              Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                              • These idiotic suggestions and recommendations you guys are giving the team that stray from 1.5 are getting old

