Originally posted by ccrogers15
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostI think RE3 presented a giant leap in VO quality for the series.
The best voice over in that game was Jill. Catherine nailed the part. Disappoints me they dropped her voice. RE1 and RE3 jill was cooler, and the voice fit her tough girl attitude. I think because of RE Remake they changed her Voice to over sexualize her.
Originally posted by Rick Hunter View PostResident Evil 2 had relatively good voice acting. Ada, Leon and Claire were very convincing and nobody here can do something similar.
Marvin's VA was fine. His lines were just translated badly and were awkward as all fuck. Only so much anyone could've done with it.Last edited by News Bot; 05-23-2013, 03:29 PM.PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
Originally posted by News Bot View PostMarvin's VA was fine. His lines were just translated badly and were awkward as all fuck. Only so much anyone could've done with it.
As for Jill's RE1/DC voice actress, she sounds like a Great Lakes tomboy to me, and not in a bad way, but rather in a plausible way; it made it easier for yanks like me to relate to her.Last edited by Enigmatism415; 05-23-2013, 03:38 PM.
Well, only RE1 struck me as having really bad and funny voice acting, but as said previously, it felt so forced it was probably done on purpose. I usually expect the best in video games and especially anime, and I honestly always enjoyed RE2's voice acting, especially Leon and Ada. Ada had such a serious and sexy voice... so much better than in all other games in which she appears.
Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Postthe worse voice acting award would have to go to sega saturns Deep Fear game , very fun game but the voice acting is just lol.
One guy tries to talk like a lady clearly he his gay but no gay person talks like that , even some that do talk feminine.
look at 1:01 on the video.
Originally posted by ccrogers15 View PostI agree with you, aside from the minor characters and carlos VO that is...
The best voice over in that game was Jill. Catherine nailed the part. Disappoints me they dropped her voice. RE1 and RE3 jill was cooler, and the voice fit her tough girl attitude. I think because of RE Remake they changed her Voice to over sexualize her.