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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I never really liked her BH3 outfit, because in the middle of a zombie outbreak the first thing you go to wear is a boob tube and a mini skirt. Perhaps as a bonus costume it might have been a decent choice but for the main costume? I could never take it seriously, it's not exactly deal breaking or anything but it was a bit of a poor taste for a first choice. Are there any concept drawings of other costumes? It would have been interesting to see what the choices were.


    • I believe the novel's explanation fits perfectly.

      Tight fitting clothing and keeping her arms free and bare - imagine her doing all those dives, flips and dodges in a heavy jacket or something LOL
      Jill did if for ease of movement .. making her faster.

      A for the jumper wrapped around her waist, when she finally escaped the city, she'd have a pullover to wear if it got cold (naturally)
      "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


      • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
        I believe the novel's explanation fits perfectly.

        Tight fitting clothing and keeping her arms free and bare - imagine her doing all those dives, flips and dodges in a heavy jacket or something LOL
        Jill did if for ease of movement .. making her faster.

        A for the jumper wrapped around her waist, when she finally escaped the city, she'd have a pullover to wear if it got cold (naturally)
        The skirt just seems impractical. It more or less limits her leg movements.


        • Originally posted by Mr.BioHazard View Post
          The skirt just seems impractical. It more or less limits her leg movements.
          If we go with the theory of easier movement, sweatpants and a t-shirt would've been a better choice...
          Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


          • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
            If we go with the theory of easier movement, sweatpants and a t-shirt would've been a better choice...
            Any one of her alternate outfits seemed like they would of been perfect.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	fatjill3.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	36.3 KB
ID:	402992
            Last edited by ccrogers15; 05-24-2013, 05:04 PM.


            • In September it's typically in the 60's-70's. So it's not terribly cold IMO. It's not uncommon to see women wearing skimpy clothing in September, but late September might be pushing it.

              Her attire is kinda weird for a zombie apocalypse situation. I'd probably wear thick/padded clothing, gloves, and a turtleneck. You figure arms are more susceptible to bites, so keep them covered. Also zombies go for the jugular, so a turtleneck might offer more protection. I don't want bare skin showing..
              My Head-Fi Page


              • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  In September it's typically in the 60's-70's. So it's not terribly cold IMO. It's not uncommon to see women wearing skimpy clothing in September, but late September might be pushing it.

                  Her attire is kinda weird for a zombie apocalypse situation. I'd probably wear thick/padded clothing, gloves, and a turtleneck. You figure arms are more susceptible to bites, so keep them covered. Also zombies go for the jugular, so a turtleneck might offer more protection. I don't want bare skin showing..
                  it would be tiring to run around it such hot clothing. especially carrying weapons around.

                  @rick hunter: i will have to put a raincheck on your challenge, my mic died a couple months ago while playing rock band. i havent even been able to play the dir en grey songs !
                  i won't keep you waiting long though, i just have to borrow one. i am already practicing my lines. i will do one or two each from leon, marvin, chief irons, and william birkin.


                  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                    In September it's typically in the 60's-70's. So it's not terribly cold IMO. It's not uncommon to see women wearing skimpy clothing in September, but late September might be pushing it.

                    Her attire is kinda weird for a zombie apocalypse situation. I'd probably wear thick/padded clothing, gloves, and a turtleneck. You figure arms are more susceptible to bites, so keep them covered. Also zombies go for the jugular, so a turtleneck might offer more protection. I don't want bare skin showing..

                    Eh, it can be kinda nipply in late September in Wisconsin like you said. I mean hell, it can be nipply in early September, Wisconsin is moody haha anyways, If Jills shirt she has warped around her waist was thinking and wearing that before night fall then I can see the outfit working. In fact i don't feel like she'd be cold at all anyways with her adrenaline running.
                    Last edited by Mr.BioHazard; 05-24-2013, 07:35 PM.


                    • Replies: 11,985
                      Views: 1,006,531

                      o my goodness!


                      • Originally posted by Mr.BioHazard View Post
                        Eh, it can be kinda nipply in late September in Wisconsin like you said. I mean hell, it can be nipply in early September, Wisconsin is moody haha anyways, If Jills shirt she has warped around her waist was thinking and wearing that before night fall then I can see the outfit working. In fact i don't feel like she'd be cold at all anyways with her adrenaline running.
                        Well maybe Raccoon City was in a place thats warm all year long? Idk.
                        Who knows what they were thinking. But remember she was getting ready to travel to europe with chris, barry and rebecca last i knew, so maybe all her other clothing was packed already and she only had those around.


                        • Her clothing still doesn't fit the time of year. I've seen women wear stuff like that in September, but it varies greatly. Last year we had 90 degree days till the middle of September so it's a stretch, but unlikely.

                          On another note, why is this relevant to 1.5? Seems like a pointless discussion.

                          D.Birkin, how hard would it be to port animations and models from other games to 1.5? I was thinking it would be a cool bonus if the original RE1 characters were playable in a bonus mode.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • some RE3 animations are from 1.5, such as the mikhael limping scene outside the trolley where jill helps him, its when leon helps marvin into the security office at the beginning of lab area. Bioflames footage shows these animations. bet its the same with john
                            Last edited by Darkness; 05-24-2013, 11:31 PM.


                            • Any idea if theres plans to use the originally intended marvin? You know, the "Tall as hell" marvin?

                              Every photo and video i see with marvin from the bioflames content, marvin is at least like 6 foot tall.


                              • Originally posted by curse420 View Post
                                Replies: 11,985
                                Views: 1,006,531

                                o my goodness!
                                Remember Capcom requesting 1.5 million likes in FB teasing us but revealing a crappy artwork. SHAME!

