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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
    the screenshot thing was more or less a shot at you.

    what i was getting at was, if it was just to show what he could do, he did not have to release anything. so it leads me to believe he did it for the public to enjoy, not to make a name for himself.
    Sometimes you gotta invite people over to keep 'em interested, or to remind them of what they're missing out on.

    Know what's funny? Everytime I've seen Gemini post screenshots of his fan translation work on one game or another over on his own old site or on the RHDN forums or such, people generally provide feedback, spanking or praise. Occationally, some asshole (often yours truly) will barge in and either go "WHEN'S THIS SHIT GONNA BE DONE?" or start tearing him a new one (Bla bla! Bad glossary terminology! Get a new translator! Why're you hating on previous translation? Suck viking dick and taste the milk!). But I've NEVER seen so many scream TORRENTZ PLZZ!!!11! as that one time when he showed a couple of shots of him having doing that quick rush job on text engine for the SourceNext version of Biohazard 2 to insert the English script in it for a quick playthrough in English or whatever (To be honest, going by the RE community, I'd say doing something like that just to take the piss out of someone for a few cheap laughs is totally within the scope of what I'd consider doing for the sake of pissing someone off if I had nothing better to do one night than to troll people.)


    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
      I agree that it's kinda funny that certain people now get a free pass from the shitlist whilst at the same time supposedly sitting on vanilla content without releasing it to the public (guess people will always need something to stroke one out to), but I'd dare say that what the Curator has done for the PlayStation community far exceeds anything most of everyone in this community has ever done for anyone in their life so far, and going by certain people's attitude on these forums and other corners of the RE community ... I wouldn't be surprised if it'll remain that way till the day you all die. He has, out of his own pocket, for man years, funded a massive website where he's been documenting and sharing media and content from old PlayStation games to whatever extent he's been allowed to. Respecting all the wants and wishes of anyone who's ever approached him and/or agreed to share content with him. Clearly being capable of acquiring media and content from games others could only dream of ever managing to dig out stuff from. Of course, his personality might leave a lot to be decided, but he's still shown more care and dedication to these types of causes than most others -- and most certainly produced better results than all the people expecting him to do all the manual labor for them.

      As for the 1.5 "incident" with him; I was pissed, Dot50Cal was pissed, everyone were pissed, back then, but it was mainly due to how things ended up on his site and how he didn't seem very thankful for the help and assistance we provided on certain matters ... and the fact that we still tried to keep up appearances and a straight and professional face for these parts of the RE community at the time (and it was right about between the silly death threats, the bullshit translation arguments from people and a set of other trust related leaks that occured at the time that we all more or less planted "Fuck it!" seeds and slowly saw them grow into delicious "Fuck this shit!" plants.)
      You applaud him for that? Theres a better site, Unseen64, thats ran by a community, that covers way more content. I dont like this "Curator" guy at all. Mainly because the bioflames people had attempted to pay More for 1.5, but he got it for less and decided not to release it, while bioflames would have.
      Im not sure how long its been, 5 years or so? I was a random browser on bioflames, did not have a user but always kept watching 1.5 because i always thought it was interesting. I stopped going to bioflames after it all died down.
      Last edited by ccrogers15; 05-26-2013, 08:49 PM.


      • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
        You applaud him for that? Theres a better site, Unseen64, thats ran by a community, that covers way more content. I dont like this "Curator" guy at all. Mainly because the bioflames people had attempted to pay More for 1.5, but he got it for less and decided not to release it, while bioflames would have.
        Im not sure how long its been, 5 years or so? I was a random browser on bioflames, did not have a user but always kept watching 1.5 because i always thought it was interesting. I stopped going to bioflames after it all died down.
        Shows how little you know. Unseen64 is totally different. They, which includes me by the way, look for mostly public media of games, with the occasional video or source from a developer. No one there actively looks for builds of games like the Curator or myself does. You know nothing about releasing games, and about making agreements with people that matter most in this situation, the developers. I have tons of stuff I cant release, not to spite some community of unthankful people, but because that is the agreement I made.
        Last edited by Borman; 05-26-2013, 08:59 PM.


        • I missed all the drama, I have no idea what's going on haha, I intentionaly never watch vid's or play any 1.5 build, waiting for the final release.

          It's going to be worth it, but the wait is killing me.


          • Originally posted by Borman View Post
            Shows how little you know. Unseen64 is totally different. They, which includes me by the way, look for mostly public media of games, with the occasional video or source from a developer. No one there actively looks for builds of games like the Curator or myself does. You know nothing about releasing games, and about making agreements with people that matter most in this situation, the developers. I have tons of stuff I cant release, not to spite some community of unthankful people, but because that is the agreement I made.


            • Missed a lot of drama. Regarding repeated questions I think it would be helpful to have a separated locked sticky thread of 1.5 IGAS FAQs, I know there are some people who ask the same twice or more, but there are also users who want to ask something they don`t know and never listened and finding an answer between more than 600 pages is pretty hard, also people don`t have eternal memory.
              The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


              • Originally posted by Axz View Post
                I missed all the drama, I have no idea what's going on haha, I intentionaly never watch vid's or play any 1.5 build, waiting for the final release.

                It's going to be worth it, but the wait is killing me.
                Remember guys, patient is a virtue.


                • So, to sums things up, Dark Biohazard somehow got ahold of a leaked vanilla build of the game, used the data to make his latest "fix patch", and we just lost important later dated RE 1.5 builds from people in talks with Team I.G.A.S. as a result?

                  Why couldn't the later build owners simply give vital information / data of events, item placement, enemy placement, rooms, trigger, screenshots / videos, etc, of their overall build instead of giving the actual game data if they were just scared of it getting leaked like I.G.A.S. other build, cutting off contact? Sounds like they just gave them basic screenshots, videos, info, etc, to prove they had it. With just vital game information from those builds, I.G.A.S. could do a lot, even if they don't give them the actual builds and game data. Was that compromised too?
                  Last edited by Eteponge; 05-26-2013, 10:40 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                    Missed a lot of drama. Regarding repeated questions I think it would be helpful to have a separated locked sticky thread of 1.5 IGAS FAQs, I know there are some people who ask the same twice or more, but there are also users who want to ask something they don`t know and never listened and finding an answer between more than 600 pages is pretty hard, also people don`t have eternal memory.
                    Some of us do have a seemingly eternal memory of this thread's important contents. Other users can help take the load off of IGAS by addressing questions whose answers are buried deep within the abyss of this thread.


                    • Originally posted by Borman View Post
                      Shows how little you know. Unseen64 is totally different. They, which includes me by the way, look for mostly public media of games, with the occasional video or source from a developer. No one there actively looks for builds of games like the Curator or myself does. You know nothing about releasing games, and about making agreements with people that matter most in this situation, the developers. I have tons of stuff I cant release, not to spite some community of unthankful people, but because that is the agreement I made.
                      You write for them? So do I. Thats a different thing though.

                      Some things i can understand not being released, but RE 1.5 was a different story, because of how many people have actually tried to get the game, and how many succeeded. Sadly, each time someone gets it, it seems like its always the same kinda person: A greedy bastard.


                      • You are sounding like the greedy one to me, what with all of the demands.


                        • Indeed..

                          It seems some people want more and more. I know I can be greedy and all, everyone can be, but some people ask a bit too much. We'll get more info and material in due time, so demanding stuff is pointless. We are still going to get the 40% build, so demanding for it or whining that we don't have it yet is stupid IMO. The WIP build is a modded 40% build, so that gives you a good idea on what to expect. Though I say The Teams WIP build is more stable.

                          Me? I'm burnt out on the WIP build but I eagerly await more info from The Team on their build. I'm sure it's a ton more developed than the WIP build. Can't wait for the Trial Edition guys, keep up the good work!

                          This statement is not directed on anyone in particular, just most of the whiners in the community.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • For all those whiners:


                            • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                              So, to sums things up, Dark Biohazard somehow got ahold of a leaked vanilla build of the game, used the data to make his latest "fix patch", and we just lost important later dated RE 1.5 builds from people in talks with Team I.G.A.S. as a result?
                              No. B.Zork, Carnivol, News Bot, Alzaire, and Darkmoon (please correct me if I'm mistaken), among others, publicly lamented the loss of these special opportunities long before the DB patches were unveiled (and some even before the Colvin incident came into light). Has everyone forgotten the GMAN fiasco already?

                              Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                              Why couldn't the later build owners simply give vital information / data of events, item placement, enemy placement, rooms, trigger, screenshots / videos, etc, of their overall build instead of giving the actual game data if they were just scared of it getting leaked like I.G.A.S. other build, cutting off contact? Sounds like they just gave them basic screenshots, videos, info, etc, to prove they had it. With just vital game information from those builds, I.G.A.S. could do a lot, even if they don't give them the actual builds and game data. Was that compromised too?
                              Oddly enough, D.Birkin had already responded to your inquiry regarding this issue:

                              Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
                              More builds no, more data neither, more information yes.
                              That's better than nothing beyond the PSM build, I suppose. Although I wonder if this exclusive information came from the private reserves of News Bot...
                              Last edited by Enigmatism415; 05-27-2013, 02:09 AM.


                              • Whatever have fun with the drama.

