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  • partaking in this thread I have begun to see why everyone who ever gets their mitts on 1.5 doesn't share...because a sizable portion of the 1.5 community don't deserve it...they are so wrapped up in the idea that someone else has 1.5 and they don't, that they don't even stop to think about how the owner must's these very same people who are now demanding access to something they have no right to access and have no real use for, the vanilla build
    I honestly wish this project had stayed in the dark, maybe then there wouldn't be leaks left, right and center...and people wouldn't argue over something as trivial as an old broken build


    • i thought this thread was for fans to discuss what they feel about this project.

      its pretty arrogant to think what you are saying is ok, and what someone else is saying is not. is that what it means to grow-up? keep your mouth shut to keep other people happy/from being offended?


      • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post partaking in this thread I have begun to see why everyone who ever gets their mitts on 1.5 doesn't share...because a sizable portion of the 1.5 community don't deserve it...they are so wrapped up in the idea that someone else has 1.5 and they don't, that they don't even stop to think about how the owner must's these very same people who are now demanding access to something they have no right to access and have no real use for, the vanilla build
        I honestly wish this project had stayed in the dark, maybe then there wouldn't be leaks left, right and center...and people wouldn't argue over something as trivial as an old broken build
        Forget the vanilla, the real tragedy is the later builds. I too wish it had been kept secret until it was completed. I'm still thankful for what we're being given though. I'd never have around $10,000 laying around to toss at it nor the connections to find a copy at all.

        I'm curious as to how one goes about finding a legit copy of 1.5, nevermind ponying up the dough.
        "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


        • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
          ...they are so wrapped up in the idea that someone else has 1.5 and they don't, that they don't even stop to think about how the owner must feel...
          ^ lesson summary from previous 10 pages.

          Next chapter, now, folks?
          I'm a blackstar.


          • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
            Wow .. just .. I'm speechless.

            I just don't get people sometimes .. greed and ego take over and - well - everyone else misses out

            Still, 1.5 was never released anyway - so no matter what version gets completed, I won't know know any better and enjoy it just as much
            Keep up the moral and good work guys

            Sometimes I wish this thread would be closed - avoiding all this drama - letting the IGAS work in peace
            I agree, it's because of peoples greed and egos that everybody has missed out on builds before. It's annoying coming on and seeing more pointless arguments between people. We should be able to avoid full-on arguments, but instead people tend to it a lot. I don't think the thread should be closed, since it's entertaining to talk about the build and 1.5 in general while we wait, of course, when people aren't at each others throats.

            It's clear that even when the Team release their final product, there will still be people asking for more, asking for other builds and whining when they're told otherwise.


            • [QUOTE=Carnivol;255184]Evidence regarding what?

              People accusing DB of "Stealing" builds.


              • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                ^ lesson summary from previous 10 pages.

                Next chapter, now, folks?
                yeah, don't talk about the project, just make posts talking about how other people choose to post. that really helps your agenda or crusade or whatever. that is directed towards all white knights.

                we were talking about where data and icons came from before all this BS about how "drama" filled this thread is.

                who is really DE-railing the thread here?
                Last edited by J0shuaKane; 05-27-2013, 08:55 AM.


                • Originally posted by MeatSMurderer View Post
         partaking in this thread I have begun to see why everyone who ever gets their mitts on 1.5 doesn't share...because a sizable portion of the 1.5 community don't deserve it...they are so wrapped up in the idea that someone else has 1.5 and they don't, that they don't even stop to think about how the owner must's these very same people who are now demanding access to something they have no right to access and have no real use for, the vanilla build
                  I agree, I wonder what would have happened if somebody else on the forums got a hold of 1.5 information/builds...


                  • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                    People accusing DB of "Stealing" builds.
                    People with proof, apparently - and not just builds of games, from what I could see for myself. Seems like he's got quite the habit at being involved in shady stuff and just pretending nothing bad's happening. But hey, he's making so much great progress you can't really be mad at him, yay!? YAY!
                    Last edited by Gemini; 05-27-2013, 09:00 AM.

                    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                    • Originally posted by Dust View Post
                      Remember guys, patient is a virtue.
                      I'm a fisherman, patience is my middle name


                      • Originally posted by Akimbo View Post
                        I agree, I wonder what would have happened if somebody else on the forums got a hold of 1.5 information/builds...
                        It's a bit of both, give and take, I wouldn't want to share a copy of 1.5 if all I got was abuse and threats, but on the same note I wouldn't let those few f*****s spoil it for everyone else so ultimately I would share it.

                        Then again if I didn't have 1.5 and I knew someone else did I would expect them to share it, not through some deluded sense of entitlement, but because at the end of the day when it is all said and done do you want to be the guy who will remembered by all classic RE fans as the hero who finally released 1.5 (hero might be going a little far, but you know what I mean), or do you want to be the guy who could have put the waiting to the end, but choose not to.

                        There may be some circumstantial reasons to not share it, but I can't see any of those reason being big enough to just pretend you don't have it and leave everyone else hanging out to dry.
                        I don't want to sound cheesy but, I couldn't enjoy 1.5 if I had it and no one else had it, all I would be able to think about is how badly so many people want to play it and how happy it would make them if they got it, even if only for a short time.


                        • Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
                          Well, not know really what the problem is here, I use my free time to do this work, to give people a more stable and complete version to play and could enjoy better this great game, not to get "attention" or "be famous" (like the stupid things I see in the other topic).

                          I'm sure there are people here who follow my work since 2008 (when I started recently in the world of modding) and know me, know who I am.

                          And yes, in my last patch I have used a few of elements that can only be obtained from the vanilla build, things I use to fix some cutscenes and to make more stable some rooms.

                          I do not have the vanilla build, only I have some data of the same, that a friend (obviously not going to say his name) very kindly, sent me to help me to make this work.

                          All this was done with the best intention, not to cause fights or anything. ;)

                          And to reply to Gemini: Yes man... yes... I have these famous emulator call PSX 1.14... I hope you are now finally satisfied and stop talking about that.


                          • War does not brings out the worst in us, it's RE 1.5.


                            • This is aimed at the modders and veterans out there (D.Birkin?) who might know the answer to this question. Why in RE games, especially RE2, is it possible to push an enemy or NPC around but only for a short distance? If you walk into an enemy or an NPC at the right angle you can move them around slightly out of position but once they've moved so far you can no longer push them. Is this just a bug of some sort? Or is it an intentional feature to prevent the player from being pinned into a corner and unable to escape? I was first aware of it in the BH2 Trial Edition but after messing with 1.5 more have came to realise that this "feature" is present in that game also. Was this something intentional by the developers or is it a bug? Are you aware of the code that causes this? I'm just curious as to why it happens and why it's present in both games (if not more).
                              Last edited by Guest; 05-27-2013, 12:30 PM.


                              • I noticed in the...


                                In a way, it would make sense to feature it, just in case somehow you get trapped in the corner by your partner and they just stand in the way.

