Sounds like a bug to me. From what I can remember of RE2, characters like Ada tend to stay away from your when you turn in their direction and begin stepping closer to them (or was it Barry?). They either take a few steps back or just move somewhere else, so that you don't have to push them in order to get through whatever spot behind them.
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Last edited by Gemini; 05-27-2013, 11:47 AM.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
It's most noticeable after downing an enemy. If you run "into" them, you can push them a little ways. It's still present in 1.5. It might have something to do with the fact that enemies are "moveable" when they are alive, so that, perhaps this attribute carries over while they are "dying", but after they are dead/have been downed long enough, it no longer applies.
Originally posted by Gemini View PostSounds like a bug to me. From what I can remember of RE2, characters like Ada tend to stay away from your when you turn in their direction and begin stepping closer to them (or was it Barry?). They either take a few steps back or just move somewhere else, so that you don't have to push them in order to get through whatever spot behind them.
More likely it's really a bug as it also affects zombies laying down on the floor in a few funny ways (plus they can't seem to be able to grab your legs when they are playing dead). It's probably something related to how idling entities are managed.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
Originally posted by Graco View PostIt's a shame that we've lost things over something so...worthless. I keep hearing about these patches and I never give a damn about them because I'm waiting on what's coming, and now the community lost out because of these?Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostNo. B.Zork, Carnivol, News Bot, Alzaire, and Darkmoon (please correct me if I'm mistaken), among others, publicly lamented the loss of these special opportunities long before the DB patches were unveiled (and some even before the Colvin incident came into light). Has everyone forgotten the GMAN fiasco already?
Originally posted by Darkness View Postso after all this has been explained, seems like its still just the welshy colvin. DB is pretty innocent, just making patches for us to tide us over for now.
I've been watching everything unfold over the past few months and I kind of feel the need to say something now. While I'm sure DB's patch is nice, you guys have to understand how much attention is focused on team IGAS. I'm sure everyone in the beta scene is aware of their 1.5 project and their possession of the PSN build. Every time data from that build shows up, regardless of whether or not it came from them, people are gonna see it as a leak. With every "leak" the teams access to other builds dwindles. I believe DB's heart was in the right place, but you all have to understand that there's consequences that come with releasing stuff before its ready.
That being said, i'm in the process of building up a list of everything about this might take awhile because i have a lot of threads to sort through but i hope we can stick it somewhere so people can stop asking the same question 50 million times.Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 05-27-2013, 02:21 PM.
Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View PostEvery time data from that build shows up, regardless of whether or not it came from them, people are gonna see it as a leak. With every "leak" the teams access to other builds dwindles.Last edited by Enigmatism415; 05-27-2013, 02:43 PM.
Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View PostI've been watching everything unfold over the past few months and I kind of feel the need to say something now. While I'm sure DB's patch is nice, you guys have to understand how much attention is focused on team IGAS. I'm sure everyone in the beta scene is aware of their 1.5 project and their possession of the PSN build. Every time data from that build shows up, regardless of whether or not it came from them, people are gonna see it as a leak. With every "leak" the teams access to other builds dwindles. I believe DB's heart was in the right place, but you all have to understand that there's consequences that come with releasing stuff before its ready.
That being said, i'm in the process of building up a list of everything about this might take awhile because i have a lot of threads to sort through but i hope we can stick it somewhere so people can stop asking the same question 50 million times.
Was this us being greedy? We avoided reaching out to people outside our own group for money and resources. But we were also patient and had a slight sense of forward thinking - seeing a bigger picture - and we had a total disregard for our own "fame" and personal gain as far as getting things out there went. All about the timing, the place, and the thought of hwether or not we'd done everything we could or not with it. A funny thing about certain types of public releases, though, is that you often see people grab them "while they're hot" and then the links will die, seeds vanish, etc. and *blam* barely a few months later it's as if it was never released in the first place and no one seems to have it anymore. So much for the claims of preservation.
Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View PostI'm sure the members of IGAS and the prototype community can shine more light on this, but I don't think that "leaking" is a gradual grey-scale process as you seem to believe. In the eyes of these beta collectors, a leak is a leak, and it only takes one of any magnitude for them to get spooked and bail on potential recipients. Do you want to see a real damaging leak? Take a look at the first post of this thread.
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostA funny thing about certain types of public releases, though, is that you often see people grab them "while they're hot" and then the links will die, seeds vanish, etc. and *blam* barely a few months later it's as if it was never released in the first place and no one seems to have it anymore. So much for the claims of preservation.