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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Why do people get their panties in such a huge knot over the vanilla 1.5 build? Do you guys even realize just how buggy as shit even the early IGAS release was? Just imagine what a train wreck disaster the original vanilla build would be. Besides novelty, I just don't see the appeal. Like, at all.


    • But the thing is we don't know how buggy it is. D.Birkin hinted at it being bad, but how bad? I'm sure it's no train wreck but is probably more glitchy. Who knows though.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • Only thing that really excites me is looking at the dates of last modification for various files, something which was effected in the MZD build. Other than that I think I can wait to see the way Capcom left the build, I doubt it's quite as broken as the MZD build but I also doubt there is much difference besides there being slightly less content to actually play with. Deffinately something that can wait untill they're finished with the game.
        Last edited by Guest; 05-30-2013, 10:11 PM.


        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
          But the thing is we don't know how buggy it is. D.Birkin hinted at it being bad, but how bad? I'm sure it's no train wreck but is probably more glitchy. Who knows though.

          Geluda basically said it; besides air-jesus, it will be just as broken as the early IGAS build, and with less content.


          • Yes but thats not really the point. There are many people who simply want the vanilla build for collective purposes.
            Anyone who really says that releasing it will slow IGAS down, they are very wrong. IGAS build is way more complete and playable, this is a very early build with models not even fully created and missing several areas. What would be the big deal? It will give people something to talk about.
            No offence to IGAS, but the only thing i can think of, is they dont want someone to leak the vanilla yet because they may be hiding something.
            Last edited by ccrogers15; 05-30-2013, 10:24 PM.


            • Originally posted by doriantoki View Post

              Geluda basically said it; besides air-jesus, it will be just as broken as the early IGAS build, and with less content.
              The purist RE 1.5 cult on the other forum might have fun with it, wearing their RE 1.5 robes, worshiping the shitty original 1.5 placeholder icons and fewer rooms and missing content, holding their Elza Walker deity dolls, but in the end, for those of us who are actually sane, it only means more missed opportunities at later RE 1.5 builds for Team I.G.A.S. Even though it's pretty much their own fault for the initial leaks in the first place, leaks are still leaks. Even if it's released by second and third hand sources who got it from an original passed down rogue I.G.A.S. source some time ago.
              Last edited by Eteponge; 05-30-2013, 10:25 PM.


              • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                Yes but thats not really the point. There are many people who simply want the vanilla build for collective purposes.
                Save up the money, locate the source, buy the build and then you can happily place it in your collection.


                • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                  Save up the money, locate the source, buy the build and then you can happily place it in your collection.
                  Many many times i have tried. I had been in contact with a guy when i was on betaarchive who had a copy, i tried to buy it for around $1000, he said no, he wanted around $10000. I was like, not gonna happen. Ill wait for a leak.


                  • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                    Many many times i have tried. I had been in contact with a guy when i was on betaarchive who had a copy, i tried to buy it for around $1000, he said no, he wanted around $10000. I was like, not gonna happen. Ill wait for a leak.
                    Circa 1999 / 2000, I myself was in contact with a source who had RE 1.5, he sent me a number of screenshots back then of him playing the game on his TV, but the fucker was just a tease and never gave me a copy. To this day, I'm convince those who own it are using it as penis size compensation, and nothing more. The guy I knew was a dick with ears, as was curator. I think I see a pattern.

                    EDIT: For clarification, this guy and I had a deal for the game, I traded him something he wanted for it, then he responded, "Nah, not gonna give it! ;P" Hence my personal disdain for such prototype collectors.
                    Last edited by Eteponge; 05-30-2013, 10:41 PM.


                    • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                      How in the world does leaking a massively incomplete and almost junk build slow the release of a more complete and playable build? That makes absolutely no sense at all. Thats like saying i took a pee in the toilet and my shit was constipated because of it.

                      You people technically all sound like you became feral. Bashing anyone who says they will leak 1.5.
                      Just remember that before IGAS showed up, you guys were all DYING to have 1.5 leak. Now that IGAS is here, you think they are the god and thunder of 1.5 and nobody else can have it.

                      Go to betaarchive and say this crock of shit, see how much You get bashed.
                      Its not strictly a matter of content, its a matter of trust. Like it or not the info contained in any original build is still valuable, if collectors see somebody tossing bits of that valuable data around like singles in a strip club all its gonna do is make them hold on to their builds and whatever value they have left. Why do you think the team is trying to be so cautious about what they release and when ? Being able to use later builds for reference speeds the process, they won't be getting any access to said builds if no one trusts them.
                      Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 05-30-2013, 10:46 PM.


                      • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                        But the thing is we don't know how buggy it is. D.Birkin hinted at it being bad, but how bad?
                        “Bare bone” is what you can call it. Leak build has many small and big changes.

                        Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                        No offence to IGAS, but the only thing i can think of, is they dont want someone to leak the vanilla yet because they may be hiding something.
                        Vanilla has no naked Elza code. There is nothing hidden other than story details we know.
                        Last edited by D.Birkin; 05-30-2013, 10:44 PM.
                        “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                        • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                          Yes but thats not really the point. There are many people who simply want the vanilla build for collective purposes.
                          Anyone who really says that releasing it will slow IGAS down, they are very wrong. IGAS build is way more complete and playable, this is a very early build with models not even fully created and missing several areas. What would be the big deal? It will give people something to talk about.
                          No offence to IGAS, but the only thing i can think of, is they dont want someone to leak the vanilla yet because they may be hiding something.
                          lolololol ISO collectors


                          • Ccrogers - I can only speak for myself here but I personally never gave a rats ass if it did or didn't ever appear. It's not that I don't enjoy that it did but I could happily live my life without it. But you're entirely dismissing the point of why their project could flourish better without all the bullshit that's sadly surrounded it for as long as its been public. I think anyone working on something massive works better without all the external pressure and any and every thing seems to have a chance to do that on this.

                            you also missed my point made in the topic before the rant you posted, that even if another build was released, if its as broken as everyone expects it to be then I can't imagine it will make any big waves outside of the collection and fan community. Personally I don't see the issue for the team other than more finger pointing and bitching over stuff they dont care about and any other missed chances of data from any other builds but those alone is probably enough to annoy anyone at this stage.

                            Zork is right, the whole project would have been far better if we had no clue until they just released it. After that anyone else with builds could just decide what they wanted to do without anyone knowing or demanding a thing. Like the communities already have and will likely continue to do.

                            In short News Bot already said it best.


                            • Originally posted by ccrogers15 View Post
                              Many many times i have tried. I had been in contact with a guy when i was on betaarchive who had a copy, i tried to buy it for around $1000, he said no, he wanted around $10000. I was like, not gonna happen. Ill wait for a leak.
                              That's just it though. Someone did fork over $10,000 to bring something to the community at no cost to us. Which is why the shit this Colvin jackass pulled is despicable. And now with this random person trying to beat IGAS to releasing the vanilla build. But I couldn't care less for the vanilla, and in all honesty it wouldn't bother me if they never did. My only interest in it is to compare it with their final work which will be superior in every way.

                              I can understand that purists would want the untouched build for collection's sake, but why screw with people that have sacrificed so much for everyone? That's why people are upset.
                              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                              • Let's try and turn this convo back into a happy place. Was screwing around with the game for the 500th time and found this ;)

