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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
    But that was a result of engine limitations. They had to reduce the polygon count of enemies and player models in order to get more on screen. The BIO1 engine was a mess so this was probably due to it being messed up.

    So perhaps IGAS can improve the engine and perhaps improve the polygon count of the models too?
    Didn't D.Birkin just say they have to reduce the polygon count in order to improve textures and engine performance?
    Last edited by Guest; 06-01-2013, 11:47 PM.


    • I like the look of the 1.5 zombies more, ZX, not less


      • Doh, that's my bad... quite tired here... I vaguely skimmed his reply.

        Anyways, lets see if the fabled beta will be released online tomorrow.
        My Head-Fi Page


        • You know, regarding the vanilla build, has it ever been officially confirmed that Team I.G.A.S. got their RE 1.5 build / disc from Curator? I know most people assume this is the case, but has D. Birkin or B. Zork ever actually flat out confirmed it? Just something I've been wondering.
          Last edited by Eteponge; 06-02-2013, 02:10 AM.


          • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
            Well B.Zork, what you say about "implementation" for zombies is very difficult but possible? Well i think that opportunity of adding new zombies expands the variety of them like in BIO3 (RE3).

            I have three questions for D.Birkin:
            1.-In the current build(VANILLA ONE) we have only saw 1 battle of birkin in the warehouse in the 80% and the Complete Disc Builds we can estimate about 4 or 5 battles... The Warehouse, In a room where Brikin jump and attack Leon (VIDEO OF THE COMPLETE DISC WITH A MISSING TRACK), the battle near the Train (SAME VIDEO OF THE COMPLETE DISC), The battle in the gasoline puzzle (80% BUILDS, only images) and the final in the train(80% Build, only images)... Those battles are going to be with their appropiate soundtrack?

            2.-how the team is going to implement the other doors if the animation (WHEN PRESS SQUARE AND THE SCREEN SHOWS THE DOOR) of the doors weren´t present on the current build? Because there are Lab doors, giant doors, etc... with their appropiate sound...

            3.-We have heard soundtracks released by fans, but tracks stracted for videos and the community knows about two that we want to heard: the warehouse battle shown in trailer videos: (JUMP AT 1:46) and this one, ignore the voices of sherry and elza... and these from the SPIDER TUNNEL: Are these tracks will avaible in the final release of the project?

            Sorry for bad english.... And good luck with the project...
            To answer your first and third question, the build the team is working on has some tracks but the soundtrack was very incomplete at that point. unfortunately some of the tracks in the videos might be left out of the loop. The boss battles with birkin could use the tracks from retail but in all honesty thats up to the team. I can't say for sure but i think most of the bosses are in the build but they're incomplete. some might exist only as textures or skeletal models and some might be implemented but lacking their proper AI. I don't think the team can give a straight answer on that because they want some things to be a surprise.

            to answer your second question, its not that difficult for the team to plug in other door designs from the other games as well as crafting some of their own. I believe they stated that each door design has its own slot and file type.

            hope that helps.

            as for where the build came from, Its probably for the best that we don't know.


            • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
              You know, regarding the vanilla build, has it ever been officially confirmed that Team I.G.A.S. got their RE 1.5 build / disc from Curator? I know most people assume this is the case, but has D. Birkin or B. Zork ever actually flat out confirmed it? Just something I've been wondering.
              I actually asked him a while back about a few things similar in regards to how long ago they began looking for it, the timeframe in which they obtained, etc. but I never got a straight answer because (I'm assuming) the information is sensitive to other things of interest just like what I asked the other day.

              It's beneficial to us and them that we don't know when and where it came from it would seem. Perhaps we will find out long after the project is over?

              Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
              Well B.Zork, what you say about "implementation" for zombies is very difficult but possible? Well i think that opportunity of adding new zombies expands the variety of them like in BIO3 (RE3).

              I have three questions for D.Birkin:
              1.-In the current build(VANILLA ONE) we have only saw 1 battle of birkin in the warehouse in the 80% and the Complete Disc Builds we can estimate about 4 or 5 battles... The Warehouse, In a room where Brikin jump and attack Leon (VIDEO OF THE COMPLETE DISC WITH A MISSING TRACK), the battle near the Train (SAME VIDEO OF THE COMPLETE DISC), The battle in the gasoline puzzle (80% BUILDS, only images) and the final in the train(80% Build, only images)... Those battles are going to be with their appropiate soundtrack?

              2.-how the team is going to implement the other doors if the animation (WHEN PRESS SQUARE AND THE SCREEN SHOWS THE DOOR) of the doors weren´t present on the current build? Because there are Lab doors, giant doors, etc... with their appropiate sound...

              3.-We have heard soundtracks released by fans, but tracks stracted for videos and the community knows about two that we want to heard: the warehouse battle shown in trailer videos: (JUMP AT 1:46) and this one, ignore the voices of sherry and elza... and these from the SPIDER TUNNEL: Are these tracks will avaible in the final release of the project?

              Sorry for bad english.... And good luck with the project...
              Have you checked out MarkGrass OST compilation? There's a wealth of files and the tracks in question may in fact be there.
              Last edited by Graco; 06-02-2013, 05:10 AM.
              "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


              • I'm not sure why people here are so obsessed about every little single change, yet some make request for the most absurd features ever. Sometimes I also have the impression some can't read or don't even bother making any research, or it's just a gigantic oxymoron.

                Originally posted by geluda View Post
                How does simplifying a mesh become unseeable to the naked eye but at the same time make things look better?
                Single mesh objects tend to use less polygons because they don't need to fill holes between joint, yet they look worlds better - that's how, and it's only one of the possibilities in smart 3D programming. There's really a million strategies that can be used to make things look or work better. Plus the 1.5 zombies look like ass: they have some of the worst geometry and textures ever made. Just because it's 1.5 it doesn't mean they can't be improved, especially when some enemies are clearly not on par with the rest of the style for several reason (one being: "prototype'd!"). So far all the improvements we've seen are far from turning 1.5 into something else.
                Last edited by Gemini; 06-02-2013, 07:55 AM.

                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                  So far all the improvements we've seen are far from turning 1.5 into something else.
                  Pretty much. Stylistic consistency and maintaining the overall look of a late-/mid-90s PS1 title's clearly amongst the things they're embracing and running full force forward with.


                  • This is a bit offtopic, but still curious. I was thinking about the arms without muscles, and the fact without them, the arm can't work. I'm not saying with this the team must include the real damage system in the game, because I don't think is something provided in the final game. And mean a lot of work to them. I'm talking about RE games NEVER WAS REALISTIC from a biologist point of view.

                    All the people who had physics study, known about "dimensional relationships". A spider never become the size of a human, because of those dimensional relationships. His legs can't endure the weight of the body, and his metabolism can't work because of the lack of oxigen (that size needs a lot of oxigen to works, and it's a cuestion of the oxigen disolved in the air). In prehistoric ages, was a lot of oxigen in the atmosphere, and the arthropods could be giants. In few words, a zombie like creature is unlikely can exist, but a giant spider NEVER can exist.
                    Last edited by The_Wes; 06-02-2013, 10:32 AM.
                    Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                    • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
                      I'm talking about RE games NEVER WAS REALISTIC from a biologist point of view.
                      Given how zombies are based on human beings, as a "simple" mutation, they are bound to species limitations and Resident Evil always made it retain some logical sense, no matter how much fiction is added to the mix. Bones do not move on their own will unless there's something that allows them do so: they are not living beings, while zombies technically are. I would say it'd be fine if those bones retained at least a bare minimum amount of muscular tissue, but the footage is kinda clear it's just a bone moving. That makes really no sense whatsoever, even for fiction, unless we're moving into voodoo territory, but I doubt BOW are the likes could ever belong to the field of black magic. RE always kept some sort of realism, even if a little twisted and far from reality in some cases, but it always gave decent explanations of what mutations can or can't do.
                      Last edited by Gemini; 06-02-2013, 09:38 AM.

                      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                      • BIO is realistic, but simplistic.
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                          Bones do not move on their own will unless there's something that allows them do so
                          With my explanation I'm not justifying the inclusion of fleshless arm zombie (really i'm saying totally the opposite), you have totally reason at this point. I'm just saying RE games has a lot of bullshit around them in a biologist point of view, I studied biology career in the past, and I know what I'm talking about.
                          Last edited by The_Wes; 06-02-2013, 09:53 AM.
                          Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                          • I know what you're trying to say: after all they do try to defy logic somehow, but in general RE creatures are rather consistent with the idea of virus mutations.

                            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                            • The addition of fleshless limbs would be nice, but only if it's made so that zombies can only drag them around/can't actively use them. We can just write off that video of the zombie moving its fleshless arm as something that Capcom hadn' gotten around to fixing yet. Also, different hairdos for the regular zombies would be pretty neat. I noticed the "salary man" zombie originally had a haircut similar to Leon's in its concept art, but the 3D model for it only has a bald head with some random strands of hair. Creating new models based on existing concept art would be one way of keeping things authentic, I suppose.
                              Seibu teh geimu?


                              • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                                I'm not sure why people here are so obsessed about every little single change, yet some make request for the most absurd features ever. Sometimes I also have the impression some can't read or don't even bother making any research, or it's just a gigantic oxymoron.

                                Single mesh objects tend to use less polygons because they don't need to fill holes between joint, yet they look worlds better - that's how, and it's only one of the possibilities in smart 3D programming. There's really a million strategies that can be used to make things look or work better. Plus the 1.5 zombies look like ass: they have some of the worst geometry and textures ever made. Just because it's 1.5 it doesn't mean they can't be improved, especially when some enemies are clearly not on par with the rest of the style for several reason (one being: "prototype'd!"). So far all the improvements we've seen are far from turning 1.5 into something else.
                                I see, thanks. I'm not well versed in game development so it's hard to understand exactly what's being said at times and what the actual implications are. If it means keeping the engine running smoothly, allowing the game to keep its nature and make things look better all at the same time, then I guess it's worth the changes. It's just the thought of changing the way models are structured sounds like it would change them aesthetically quite a bit, from the textures right down to the animations, and that's an of putting thought. Animations (and textures) are a very important part of the whole appeal of 1.5 and anything that could potentially alter those animations and make things look not as they're supposed to is something I would be concerned about. But if it has to be done for the benefit of the engine then I can support that, although ideally it's not the way I would have liked to see things done. It would be interesting to see a before and after shot to see exactly just how things could be improved.

