Originally posted by doriantoki
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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
Originally posted by doriantoki View PostI know people are discussing more uniformed officers, but to be honest, I think we need at least one more type of both male and female civilians.Last edited by The_Wes; 06-02-2013, 05:31 PM.Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?
Originally posted by Inkfliction View PostWas there any updates on how, or if, they will include the final boss as shown in one of the action scenes killing a chimera from the biohazard 1.5 demo. It looked as though it could have been a final form of William Birkin.
I really hope so. Ever since I seen that cut scene when I was young, I was always so curious as though who could it have been and how was he mutated in that way. And I guess that's how some concepts that never made it to the retail version ended up in the third series. ( e.g. A higher mutated being killing off whatever its in its way; nemesis killing and using his bazooka on any zombie or creature in its way)
I've been digging through the ITPS.ITP from the vanilla build and can extract all the beta icons for everyone if they want. Or I could even upload it online for everyone.
And no, I've not gotten the vanilla build, but have the ITPS.ITP from it. I've been sitting on this file for quite some time and until recently it has been released by a certain someone on the 123 boards. So now I plan on extracting everything from it and uploading it online. There's no reason to sit on it anymore.
Here's a sample:
Originally posted by News Bot View PostThat's incorrect and I'd like to see what people base this assumption on. Leon and Kevin were regular police officers (Kevin also being a trainer like Marvin) who simply happen to be wearing an armored uniform that was issued in response to the rising "crime" (people eating other people alive) in Raccoon City.
There is no way a rookie cop would be thrown into SWAT of all things. At least Rebecca had an excuse in the nature of S.T.A.R.S.
Here's more extracted files. Unfortunately it does not contain item images ment for the inventory.
Here's the vanilla builds ITPS.ITP and extracted .TIM files from it > http://www.the-zombie-x.net/downloads/ITPS.exe. It's a self extracting archive. Hope you all enjoy this!
Last edited by Zombie_X; 06-02-2013, 06:47 PM.
Originally posted by Zombie_X View PostHere's more extracted files. Unfortunately it does not contain item images ment for the inventory.
Specifically, each one is located immediately after the corresponding TIM. It is headerless TIM data, and requires a header. Also, each icon is 0x4B0 bytes.
I've attached an example, below.I'm a blackstar.
Ah, so they are in this ITP then? If so, I've released the file online for everyone to play around with.
Originally posted by MarkGrass View PostActually, those 40x30 icons are located in the *.itp archive.
Specifically, each one is located immediately after the corresponding TIM. It is headerless TIM data, and requires a header. Also, each icon is 0x4B0 bytes.