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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • the build depicted in these photos is clearly more recent than the psm one. what do you think about this birkin ?


    • Originally posted by warren View Post
      the build depicted in these photos is clearly more recent than the psm one. what do you think about this birkin ?
      I see no evidence of this....


      • It looks like Elza caught Leon with his fly down lol. Oops!


        • Originally posted by geluda View Post
          For me this is really a legit copy (not the disc, but the data inside) of the untouched 40% of 1.5.


          • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post

            Now he applies correct translation factor that was missing is early test shots. Zombie twitch at random intervals too. Maybe I can make them react to weapons different ways.
            That sounds interesting. I like the ideas to break away from the monotonous nature of the enemy behaviors and looks.
            Last edited by Graco; 06-03-2013, 10:10 PM.
            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


            • Originally posted by warren View Post
              the build depicted in these photos is clearly more recent than the psm one. what do you think about this birkin ?
              What makes you so certain ?

              Is it impossible to believe some of the images were taken from pre-existing material and the MZD build ? Think about it, why is the image of the title screen taken from a tv screen and almost all the other pics are captures ? The title screen was one of the biggest distinguishing things between the vanilla build and the MZD build, cover that and you can take whatever pics you want and say its the original.


              • What I speculate, is the guy on the RE 1.5 Purist Cult forum, who claims he owns the Vanilla Build, and lied that he would release it on Sunday, was only saying that to get people stirred up for his Auction of a copy (not original, just ISO passed off as a faked original) of the build. Someone taking a cue from Colvin's antics apparently.
                Last edited by Eteponge; 06-03-2013, 11:28 PM.


                • Im sure someone on here or in the community won the auction.
                  See No Evil


                  • Now we wait and see if they have good intentions with the build. Perhaps they'll be nice enough to release it?
                    Last edited by Zombie_X; 06-03-2013, 11:54 PM.
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      Now we wait and see if they have good intentions with the build. Perhaps they'll be nice enough to release it?
                      I wouldn't count on it.


                      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                        Looks good to me! You work fast and make good progress! I'm looking forward to seeing the new mesh types you plan on using for the models, I'm curious to see how they look before and after.

                        If you wanted a before-after picture this of 2 in 1 zombies should satisfy. Programming AI is easy and hard. Many tries needed but the engine makes automatic changes to enemy structures sometimes. AI involves very very much mathematics logic.

                        Originally posted by warren View Post
                        the build depicted in these photos is clearly more recent than the psm one. what do you think about this birkin ?
                        Truth lies in executable internal timestamp.

                        Originally posted by RetroRain View Post
                        I was wondering if the firing range puzzle is actually a mini-game, where you can actually shoot at the turrets.
                        It will have one. Vanilla build has no mini games.

                        Since you are modifying the zombie behaviors, I was wondering, do you plan on adding the hunter from RE1, adding the hunter gamma from RE3 in conjunction with the baby alligators, and making the pipe an actual weapon like in Outbreak?
                        I am not changing zombie AI. Some will have 1.5 moves and others will have different code made for special occasions with optimization strategies. More enemies will be added. We have special plans for the pipe.

                        Also, 1.5 had an interesting way of making the blood pools leak from the enemies. In some of the videos, the blood pools leaked out like a diamond shape, if you watch some of the Bioflames videos. I really liked that better than the round pools. Do you plan on changing the blood pools?
                        Shadows are only round or oval but never of other shapes. Diamond shape is possible but not very realistic and more like footage glitch.
                        “How far can they control my mind? But to know God you must be God! And to be God you must let go of anything you thought you were... So we return the gift...”


                        • just looking great, Dbirk.
                          Once it's polished you're gonna have some excellent winsauce.
                          More than one behavior from a zombie will get interesting! Makes things tougher. 1.5 looking more and more impressive everyday you work on it


                          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                            we all know the backgrounds from the Trial Edition are from late December less than a month apart from from the Bioflames build which would be rather unlikely, would it not? If that actually is the case then I'm stunned at how close the PSM build and the Bioflames build actually are to each other.
                            Does anyone here even know when the Bioflames build was created? The only thing that we can deduce beyond a reasonable doubt is that the Bioflames build was minted sometime between the PSM build and the latest Trial Edition backgrounds. As for the close coincidence between the PSM and Bioflames builds, a good chunk of the assets seen in the latter were probably already made but had been omitted from the former.


                            • I wouldn't be surprised if more things in some areas could be accessed in the civilian Leon build before sewers changed for example. It would be really interesting to have different builds and compare them.


                              • I hope that the german shepherd breed are present in this build, because my stupid brother brought the same breed to our house last year, and i hate this dog so much that i want to shoot his relatives in the game endlessly !

