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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • sorry if i used "clearly", it's just my speculation. Still, i hope that it's a new build.
    Last edited by warren; 06-04-2013, 06:15 AM.


    • Everything indicates it's the same build.


      • Originally posted by geluda View Post
        But that would imply the build was on the 6th of November, we all know the backgrounds from the Trial Edition are from late December less than a month apart from from the Bioflames build which would be rather unlikely, would it not? If that actually is the case then I'm stunned at how close the PSM build and the Bioflames build actually are to each other.
        Well, this 1.5 trailer was apparently released in November '96, according to the video description:
        Everything shown in it is exactly the same in the 40% build (right down to Leon being Iron's placeholder), so it's either the very same build or one pressed just either before or after it.
        Also, the finalized version of the lab freezer room on the trial disk is dated November 8, 1996. The 40% build uses an earlier version without a keycard reader and keypad on one of the freezer's control panels.

        In any case, if the build really is from early November, then there's still a two-month development gap between this and the final build of 1.5. Lots of stuff could've been added in and polished during that timeframe.
        Last edited by biohazard_star; 06-04-2013, 07:09 AM.
        Seibu teh geimu?


        • It's really starting to look like, at least to me, that there is enough data in the PSM build to contribute towards something that would make an accurate representation of the BioFlames build. From people digging around files lately what looks like hundreds of individual animations have been found, animations that have yet to be implemented but were clearly developed ahead of time. It seems like in the months between early November and early December a lot of the time would have been spent fixing bugs like the air Jesus glitch, the magic door glitch and overall preparing the engine for wha is required in the final game. And we know just from the work D.Birkin is doing just how much actually needed to be implemented in order to have all the functions necessary to start populating the game for real. It also seems like a good chunk of the backgrounds were overhauled and many new RDTs added to make it at least from a room perspective, more complete. That is a lot of work!

          But I'm sceptical at this point as to just how complete the Bioflames build is, because the PSM build is a broken mess and while Capcom do work fast, I'm not so sure they can go from the PSM build to something we could call an 80% in just the space of one month. Perhaps the 65% estimate that was once give is a more accurate representation of the Bioflames build. It's either that, or I get the idea that the PSM build might be older than the date it was compiled, that's just speculation at this point but we'll find out for certain when we eventually get to explore the discs files and examine the dates things were last modified. That would give us a better clue on exactly when things were made and what era of development it actually represents.
          Last edited by Guest; 06-04-2013, 08:54 AM.


          • Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
            I hope that the german shepherd breed are present in this build, because my stupid brother brought the same breed to our house last year, and i hate this dog so much that i want to shoot his relatives in the game endlessly !
            The german shepherds are one of my favourite things of 1.5. Poor little thing of your dog Originalzombie!!! Maybe he just wants to lick your hand!!! Haha.

            Anyway, talking about the betas. Maybe that betas don't had to represent the real statement of the game, and was built only with part of the total material present in the development. If you have to show your game to someone, you don't show the unfinished and total buggy parts. Maybe that was the reason of the sewers was disabled in the untouched build.
            Last edited by The_Wes; 06-04-2013, 09:12 AM.
            Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


            • Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View Post
              What makes you so certain ?

              Is it impossible to believe some of the images were taken from pre-existing material and the MZD build ? Think about it, why is the image of the title screen taken from a tv screen and almost all the other pics are captures ? The title screen was one of the biggest distinguishing things between the vanilla build and the MZD build, cover that and you can take whatever pics you want and say its the original.
              In most of the pictures, you can see the lines from the TV. Although it could be possible that it may come from existing material or even the MZD build, I guess time will tell.


              • Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
                Well, this 1.5 trailer was apparently released in November '96, according to the video description:
                Everything shown in it is exactly the same in the 40% build (right down to Leon being Iron's placeholder), so it's either the very same build or one pressed just either before or after it.
                Also, the finalized version of the lab freezer room on the trial disk is dated November 8, 1996. The 40% build uses an earlier version without a keycard reader and keypad on one of the freezer's control panels.

                In any case, if the build really is from early November, then there's still a two-month development gap between this and the final build of 1.5. Lots of stuff could've been added in and polished during that timeframe.
                the crows don't disappear when they die, other than that it's the same. That build is probably extremely close to the PSM build.


                • Team IGAS! Your work is invaluable! Good luck to you!


                  • I had a dream that I will have team IGAS poster (atleast 2 m high) on my room.... it could make it to wall-altar. This evening I wear 1.5 robe as long as I want! (mom is not home)

                    Elza...i need you...
                    ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      A lot of the .TIM files that I extracted are BOSS placeholders. There's only 5 icons in there that are for picking up/examining items. I gotta figure out how to extract the item menu icons.
                      This is the best I could do all the icon's appear properly apart from double space items TIM's.
                      I split the ITPS.ITP into 71 parts, then split those parts as 8,608 bytes TIM, 3,680 bytes PIX I used BioPix to convert those PIX's to TIM's it found 3 TIM'S in each PIX, the first TIM in each single space item is valid the other two are blank black TIM's, the double space items use two TIM's but both appear garbled
                      Attached Files


                      • About Marvin! I always have dreams about 1.5 Biohazard! It looks like I snozhu crazy! =)


                        • I'm still very confused about something that happened to me during the night. As I usually do I was browsing the forums on my phone in bed and one night was browsing through some collections of 1.5 scans both on the forums, various websites and Google images. That night I stumbled across a scan that had an image of the real, legit background for the observation mirror room, it looked very similar to the BIO2 observation room, the interrogation room through the glass looked almost exactly the same as BIO2, but in the observation room the walls were the same shade of gray instead of brown (like BIO2) and there was a metal shelving unit stood next to the door.

                          I am absolutely lost to this because I don't know whether I was looking at a very rare piece of material that hasn't yet been shared with the community, or whether I fell asleep and had a dream that I was browsing the web for scans lol. I hate the second idea because it really makes me question what exactly happened, the picture was so clear, I remember it just as if it was real, if I was a decent artist I could draw the picture in exactly the same way as I saw it. In case it was real, here are some details, in case it's not real, well here's an insight into my mind and what my mind in visions this room to be.

                          It looked very similar to this. The room you see through the glass looked exactly the same, but the walls in this room were gray instead of brown. There were no paintings on the wall and there was only one shelving unit, except instead of being wooden the shelving unit was metal very similar to the one seen in the armory. There were less papers scattered on the table and there was a white coffee mug sitting on the table next to the chair where someone had been sitting.

                          The scan page the image was on was white, there were various images on the page and this one was located in the bottom right hand corner of the page. I didn't save the scan because I thought that it must have been documented already and didn't think it was necessary to do so. A big mistake! Obviously if it was a dream saving the scan would have been a futile effort!

                          It might have been real, or it might have been a dream, who knows? Only the person with the scan!
                          Last edited by Guest; 06-04-2013, 02:07 PM.


                          • So...wich one is the famous "80%" build? The PSM one or the Bioflames one?

                            As far as we know, there are 3 "oficial" builds right? The "vanilla" 40%, the PSM and bioflames one??Wich one is the latest?

                            Birkin, are you fixing or facing any new bugs you would like to share with us? do you have plans to create any cutscene that works as an intro to elza's and leon's scenarios??

                            Thank you and the whole team! you're making a lot of people a little big happier day by day with your awesome work!


                            • Originally posted by Hepatus View Post
                              So...wich one is the famous "80%" build? The PSM one or the Bioflames one?

                              As far as we know, there are 3 "oficial" builds right? The "vanilla" 40%, the PSM and bioflames one??Wich one is the latest?

                              Birkin, are you fixing or facing any new bugs you would like to share with us? do you have plans to create any cutscene that works as an intro to elza's and leon's scenarios??

                              Thank you and the whole team! you're making a lot of people a little big happier day by day with your awesome work!
                              There are two known builds in the wild, PSM build = 40% and the Bioflames build = 80%. There are other known eras of development with builds which were shown in the press and media, a few alpha builds and various other builds throughout the beta stages of development. Finally there is the Complete Disc build which is assumed to be the most complete and final build of them all.


                              • Originally posted by Hepatus View Post
                                So...wich one is the famous "80%" build? The PSM one or the Bioflames one?
                                "80%" traditionally refers to the Bioflames build in the community, though I question the accuracy of that label.

                                Originally posted by Hepatus View Post
                                As far as we know, there are 3 "oficial" builds right? The "vanilla" 40%, the PSM and bioflames one??Wich one is the latest?
                                Alzaire and Ridley Hayes defined five eras, each containing any number of builds. The so-called "vanilla 40%" build is the "PSM" build; it is classified under Era-4.


                                @ Geluda

                                I'm pretty sure that someone else on this forum has had a similar vision of the BH1.5 interrogation room and insisted that it was real. It wasn't too long ago, but nothing came of it. Maybe I need to do some sleuthing myself...

