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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Hideki Kamiya although I've never seen anything to the contrary I find it highly doubtful that capcom don't know about this restoration, and neither capcom nor Hideki himself have tried to stop it...Hideki was in fact dismissive and didn't really want to talk about it.
    Last edited by MeatSMurderer; 06-06-2013, 03:16 PM.


    • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
      Yeah, is a common Japanese urban legend. Read this:
      Hah thanks I spent the hour before heading into work reading Japanese urban legends


      • It seems like the BH1.5 community is polarised into two camps: those who love BH1.5 the game and those who love BH1.5 the prototype. Well, the members of IGAS have clearly stated that they are making the former, and it's the best decision they could have made.


        As for Capcom finding out, if they ever actually moderate their Unity boards, then they know full-well what's going on.
        Last edited by Enigmatism415; 06-06-2013, 04:10 PM.


        • Capcom would've known one way or another; pretty sure the guys at IGAS mentioned that one of the things they initially wanted to pull off, before people screwed them over, was to try to pitch a full PSN release for their project. [edit]was it in the readme or in this thread? forgot. correct me if I misquited, Zork or Birkin.[/edit]

          You know, to be honest, going by some of the stuff I've received in my inbox over the past 10 years, people don't really give a damn about anything other than the feeling that they think they're doing everyone a great deed by downloading some random prototype to their HDD and "preserving" it. You see this type of OCD'ish behavior in general release channels too. People leeching all sorts of 0 day stuff just to "archive/preserve" it. Never to consume. Rarely to share if someone asks. Anyway, story time! One of the things I did some technical voodoo on, for a release of an unreleased title, like ... half-a-decade(?) ago or so, came with a note about how the 1:1 copy of its ROM data wouldn't be released - and that it was "either this solution or nothing" and there were some guys who literally flipped the shit out 'cause of this "tampering", with some even going as far as to throw me death threats and stuff, not in my junk mail, but my personal work mail ... slightly alarming ... And all because the source who provided the build had one simple request regarding any evt. public release plans for it people might have if he were to agree sharing it.
          Last edited by Carnivol; 06-06-2013, 04:33 PM.


          • I was around the Emulation community back in early 1998 when the Earthbound Zero prototype was first discovered and released. Demi hacked the title to add "Zero" and hacked the game to remove copying protection that would have made the game unplayable past a certain point. No one complained about that "tampering". Though, hilariously enough, I remember there was a group of idiots back then who claimed that the prototype was a fake, that Demi had actually translated the Japanese Earthbound, censored the graphics to make it look official, added extra ending scenes and dash feature and stuff, just to get $400 or so from the community. Even after the actual translator who worked on the prototype at Nintendo confirmed the prototype rom was beyond a doubt the real deal, that crazy group of doubters still claimed it wasn't. People are weird.


            • ^ Ahahah. Yeah. I remember that stuff. Guess the fact that Mother 1 on the GBA uses assets from the unreleased US version was the final nail in the coffin for the non-believers there


              • Of course, some people are just that dumb. I can imagine a few people claiming they are right about something even after they've been proven wrong. It's kind of like how that Chris Bores guy was proven to be using a sock puppet account (saying it was his mother) even after a fair bit of proof (such as his IP address) saying other-wise. Some people just can't admit their own faults...


                • I got a response from the seller and here's what he had to say:

                  "Relax....I'm not selling it I put it up as a joke jeeeezz just wanted to see how many views it would get relax!"

                  I don't find this funny at all though, because what if someone did bid? You can you retract the auction if a bid is placed, but you still get charged a fee.

                  Also, IGAS, when I emailed you, the email got kinda messed up somehow. It had a huge error in one of the sentences.
                  Last edited by Zombie_X; 06-06-2013, 05:36 PM.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                    I got a response from the seller and here's what he had to say:

                    "Relax....I'm not selling it I put it up as a joke jeeeezz just wanted to see how many views it would get relax!"

                    I don't find this funny at all though, because what if someone did bid? You can you retract the auction if a bid is placed, but you still get charged a fee.

                    Also, IGAS, when I emailed you, the email got kinda messed up somehow. It had a huge error in one of the sentences.
                    If this post is meant as joke - true genius! If not ... then i messed up this quoting
                    ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                    • How is my post meant as a joke? It's what the seller said to me.
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • Why do I get the impression that the seller is (or was) likely a member of THIA and/or RE123?


                        • Who knows..
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                            Capcom would've known one way or another; pretty sure the guys at IGAS mentioned that one of the things they initially wanted to pull off, before people screwed them over, was to try to pitch a full PSN release for their project. [edit]was it in the readme or in this thread? forgot. correct me if I misquited, Zork or Birkin.[/edit]
                            Is it really that unlikely now that they'll have the opportunity to have it added to the PSN? I would imagine they'd have a more difficult time due to the fact that it's 1.5 rather than any particular incident. Capcom has always given me the impression that 1.5 is one of the worst things they've ever done, but I honestly feel that whichever version of RE2 they chose to release would have been destined for success.
                            "Must the State continue to exist once the question of labor and capital shall be practically solved? We reply in the negative. We are anarchists."


                            • Originally posted by Graco View Post
                              Is it really that unlikely now that they'll have the opportunity to have it added to the PSN? I would imagine they'd have a more difficult time due to the fact that it's 1.5 rather than any particular incident.
                              Well, Capcom's been very open and welcoming to fan efforts and going the extra mile for a good few things (especially in cases where odd legal obstacles have been in the way); people probably don't know, but stuff like the old Marvel vs Capcom games getting re-released and a new one being made (with the cast it has) is pretty impressive from a egal standpoint. The biggest hurdles a PSN release of something like this would face is;

                              1. Bending the rules a little. Most vintage DLC platforms have been a bit of a dick in terms of releasing content on a market where it previously wasn't released. But after Sony opened up to doing the "Imports" section on PSN + people like Victor Ireland talking about how new translations of retro titles not being impossible ... it does lend hope to also seeing "previously unreleased" or "completely new" titles released in such a manner.
                              2. QA. Someone certified/approved by Sony would have to ensure that it works without problems on their "PlayStation suite" platforms.
                              3. Ratings. Someone would have to get it rated for all target territories.

                              Though, in general, there's always a security/legal concern for stuff ... and those leaks certainly doesn't exactly make things look good in terms of content security, which is a major concern for both Sony (SDK + platform holder) and Capcom (IP holder + Investor + Reference material provider), considering what material would possibly have been made available to that team, had such a cooperative effort taken place.
                              Last edited by Carnivol; 06-07-2013, 04:54 AM.


                              • Well, Capcom supported Megaman X Street Fighter so much so that they funded the rest of the development, although I think it's a lot easier to release something on PC than it would be to release something on PSN. It might not be impossible, but I imagine there'd be a whole bunch of licensing issues given the title Biohazard 2/Resident Evil 2 and the fact that 1.5 doesn't actually have a game ID. I'm not totally certain how Sony's policy works with releasing original Playstation titles on PSN, but I imagine the games have to have had a game ID in order to be considered, and I'm not sure Capcom could purchase an ID in this day and age. :/

