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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Thank you for the clarification SonicBlue; I've always enjoyed your posts and backgrounds (however few and far between).


    • Aaaaaand ... end scene?

      Guys, can we cut the local drama too. I'd hate to spend time figuring out whom to deal with and how to deal with it - 'cause it makes me cranky (just like "He did it!" fingerpointing makes me annoyed too when a person isn't exactly innocent him-/herself)


      • Oh man, this shit again? lmfao.

        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
        This is why mental illness should be taken more seriously.
        I'm starting to think the majority of these people smoke crack, for real.
        Last edited by Guest; 06-11-2013, 06:12 PM.


        • Seriously we need to stop the drama! Can't we all just get along?

          Last edited by Ultimacloud123; 06-11-2013, 10:28 PM.


          • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
            @sonicblue: thanks for the comparison, its easy to see it was not pixel perfect now.
            Come on, it's clearly the opposite case without a doubt.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
              Oh man, this shit again? lmfao. I'm starting to think the majority of these people smoke crack, for real.


              ReonZCanaada was probably the same guy who ran that first eBay auction. The timing's too close, and there are other things about that whole business that makes one wonder. My theory? He tried to generate a lot of hype with the Church and their crowd in order to do that auction. He figured they'd be fanatical enough to go for it. Considering what that final sale price was, I'd say he succeeded - and the winner is either a very lucky guy (or gal) or about ready to go medieval on anything and anyone within reach. And then that other business, or leak, or whatever it was supposed to be, following on the tail end of it. That makes one wonder, too.

              Still ... US$2600 is a far cry from the "over US$9000" the Team supposedly paid for the Curator's build. Personally, if it was for real, I'd say the buyer got a bargain. Anybody wanna lay bets on how low the next one will sell for? THAT's a measure of the impact that the free release of the MZD build has had on things.
              Last edited by RMandel; 06-12-2013, 02:58 AM.


              • so...anybody doing side projects to kill time ? I'm working on a Left 4 dead Map version of 1.5's RPD. its the first map i've ever made so its gonna take awhile but i think it could make for an awesome mini campaign.


                • Originally posted by OfficerRedfield View Post
                  so...anybody doing side projects to kill time ? I'm working on a Left 4 dead Map version of 1.5's RPD. its the first map i've ever made so its gonna take awhile but i think it could make for an awesome mini campaign.
                  That sure sounds interesting. Have played retail R.P.D. for L4D and it was nice. Got any screenshots already? And you should do a separate thread for it i think.
                  ja i am made of dur butter and you are worth 2k monies


                  • I seem to recall somebody doing the RE15 RPD Lobby in either L4D or L4D2. It looked quite impressive. Can't remember if the project was ever finished, but maybe a Google search would turn up something.


                    • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                      Come on, it's clearly the opposite case without a doubt.
                      but the barrel and the handle do not match. the straight white line on the barrel is a give-away.


                      • Originally posted by J0shuaKane View Post
                        but the barrel and the handle do not match. the straight white line on the barrel is a give-away.
                        Nope, layer subtraction or any other color math process about picture differences speak clearly about it. Here's what subtraction looks like:

                        It's undoubtedly the same exact picture with only a few indexes switched around. It wouldn't be almost black for the most otherwise.
                        Last edited by Gemini; 06-12-2013, 07:45 AM.

                        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                        • well damn... alright then.

                          thanks for explaining.


                          • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                            No, those are my old basement backgrounds, that Team Butthurt said are part of the B1 IGAS recreation.

                            320x240.rar (989 KB)
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                            But I have more for you:

                            On May 26 2013, Mrox2 posted a series of screenshots, one of them is this:

                            He said the RedHawk was taken from a screenshot released by OkeijiiDragon, this:

                            On May 28 2013, "ReonZCannada" released a series of screenshots, one of them being this:

                            The weapon is slightly altered in colours and maybe contrast, but if you compare them (by upscale ReonzCannada to double it's size) you can check for yourself that all the pixels matches, some have different colour (same colour of the nearest pixel).


                            overlap them ;)

                            Now, who is this ReonZCannada? And who are the multispammers who seems to have the same behaviour of "some" people who we already know? if you can make 2+2 is it easy to find out, to the others, enjoy the good Samaritan fairy tales.
                            Now Now would you be happy if I told you I have the original games files ? I even have the pure build but I won't give it to you, I bought it for 3$, happy ?
                            Seriously what's your point ? because I was thinking the opposite of what you said ...

                            Now, who is this ReonZCannada? And who are the multispammers who seems to have the same behaviour of "some" people who we already know?
                            Cleary, Creating troll accounts and saying shit then implying its us because we onced said something along those lines? sounds like very well planned ! In order to point fingers at specific people, I wouldn't expect anything better than this of course.
                            those who did this of course they know who they are because rapidly spamming our own topics doesn't make any sense, and before all of that happened two stupid spammers pretending to not know how to speak english properly came spamming the forum with useless cheap comments which is obviously done on purpose and i'm sure all of these were sent by someone.

                            Oh by the way, how many were butthurt about our so called "fake masks" pictures ? GO GRAB THE TOOL NOW from 123 and see for yourself.
                            Last edited by Mrox2; 06-12-2013, 08:28 AM.
                            Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                            ^ Lol ...


                            • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                              Oh by the way, how many were butthurt about our so called "fake masks" pictures ? GO GRAB THE TOOL NOW from 123 and see for yourself.
                              I think nobody really cares, especially when the so popular warring masks aren't even assembled the correct way (RE and other games with pre-rendered backgrounds used several rects and squares, both vertically and horizontally, depending on a variable depth factor based on OTag values). And yes, those pictures looked extremely fake to anybody who can turn on their brain and figure out how 2D distortions work like.
                              Last edited by Gemini; 06-12-2013, 08:38 AM.

                              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                              • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                                I think nobody really cares, especially when the so popular warring masks aren't even assembled the correct way (RE and other games with pre-rendered backgrounds used several rects and squares, both vertically and horizontally, depending on a variable depth factor based on OTag values). And yes, those pictures looked extremely fake to anybody who can turn on their brain and figure out how 2D distortions work like.
                                I don't even care about what you think, It's not typical to point fingers and saying that something is fake while you clearly don't have any Idea what you're talking about.
                                Last edited by Mrox2; 06-12-2013, 08:52 AM.
                                Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
                                ^ Lol ...

