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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Skipable doors? Very nice!
    If you read this, you wasted five seconds of your life.


    • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post

      Skippable new doors will give more life than player selector.
      Looks good dude, glad to see we can skip the door sequences.


      • Thanks for adding Skipable doors D.Birkin, another awesome little feature


        • Originally posted by D.Birkin View Post
          Engine had support to skip door transitions but it was not connected to joypad input.
          Interesting. I remember reading before the game was supposed to be released that they were planning to totally remove door animations, but it obviously didn't happen.


          • I reviewed the translations for the Inflames-exclusive images with one of my native Japanese-speaking classmates, and finally made sense of the painfully colloquial line delivered by John in the RPD 3F Briefing Room prior to the simian boss fight. I have uploaded a comprehensive collection of all 22 subtitled images below, including painstaking transcriptions and carefully worded English translations.

            All publicly available dialogue not included in the above document can be found in the PSM build.


            • I never thought this could be possible in a RE engine of PSX... Awesome.
              Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


              • Guys yesterday I entered the deviantart site or typed and resident evil 1.5, is either found this picture of incomplete laboratory rooms or noticed that someone at rebuilt.


                There seems to be this cover of resident evil 1.5?
                It found 5 years ago on Bioflames.


                • Originally posted by Enigmatism415 View Post
                  I reviewed the translations for the Inflames-exclusive images with one of my native Japanese-speaking classmates, and finally made sense of the painfully colloquial line delivered by John in the RPD 3F Briefing Room prior to the simian boss fight. I have uploaded a comprehensive collection of all 22 subtitled images below, including painstaking transcriptions and carefully worded English translations.

                  All publicly available dialogue not included in the above document can be found in the PSM build.
                  Great work in the translations dude!


                  • @ Blackpower - those rooms on the top are 'recreations' of the images on the bottom (Capcom's basic room) The top images were made by DXP
                    (i forgot his name lol)

                    I'm sure the Team's version will look much better and more complete xD

                    As for the cover - it also is not real - a cover was never made as this game was cancelled. You can see the amateur story on the back, aswell as images that are unfinished screenshots of 1.5 - ones that a company would never use may I add, like the black image of Elza from the character select screen XP
                    "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                    • I feel that this project can be defined as "Too many hands in the pot". That's my take on it. I feel they should rely less on our feedback and wants and rather them make it the way they see fit.
                      Well, as already mentioned by D.Birkin, the code for skipping doors and quick knifing were already there, just not programmed for player input yet. I can understand making features such as the quick turn optional, since it was never originally in the game's code(?); the two aformentioned features however, were already there, and were just waiting to be added in. In retrospect, 1.5 functioned as a testbed for a whole bunch of features that got chopped up and implemented bit by bit in the later RE games, so is it really so surprising that it deviates quite a bit from the standard classic RE gameplay?
                      Last edited by biohazard_star; 06-18-2013, 07:47 AM.
                      Seibu teh geimu?


                      • ^ I like the idea .. plus you don't HAVE to use it (if it's assigned to the action button or whatever, just don't press it) hehe

                        They put it back in for RE: Deadly Silence, which I found cool, aswell as 180 turn etc - although they always ran too fast on that game compared to RE1.. xD

                        Glad to see all the creases are being ironed out - keep up the great work Team
                        "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


                        • What I'd like to know is if it's possible to optimize the game code even further so load times will become shorter. Obviously this isn't a problem at all if you're playing on PC ('turn off frame limit' shortcut key ftw), but shorter load times would be a nice bonus if you're playing on a real PS1. ;D
                          Seibu teh geimu?


                          • i think thats destroying the original experience many want to have on a ps1 hardware


                            • Yeah, being able to skip doors at will is definitively gonna transform 1.5 into a totally different game. </irony>

                              Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                              , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                              • first time going through, not knowing whats in the next room, waiting for it to load keeps me on my toes. i love that suspense.

                                but after that it is just annoying and i will be happy to be able to skip the doors. another great feature.

