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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • I think there are a lot of things much more relevant than if door animations are skippable or not, longer or shorter, with or without sounds or whatever, especially considering we are talking about an unfinished game with lots of missing content, bugs, glitches and crashes which have priority.
    Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 06-19-2013, 09:45 AM.
    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


    • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
      ^ They should be thankful they're playing a completed 1.5 at all - some people are so ungrateful xP

      I'm all for it - plus if it's optional (via button presses or controls options menu) then I don't see the problem. Its a choice and not a forced thing..
      Some people .. Geez
      people will always be ungrateful and want more and more out of things , as many people have said before on here we should feel lucky we are getting anything at all I think the team should just stay quite and release there trial demo when it's done so people don't keep hounding them with stupid childish fan boy requests and also saying what is classic and what isn't..... when it comes down to it all it's up to the team if they want to add certain things to their version of 1.5.


      • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
        why in the hell would ya want that? Hmmf..
        Why? Because the PS1 had special loading whirs, that are instantly recognisable to anyone who played the original REs. It is the ultimate form of nostalgia, almost like a drug straight into your veins.

        My Dreamcast was a beast. It never once gave me problems, still running to this very day.

        Anyone know how the Dreamcast and PS2 emulation scene is these days? Last time I checked it was hideously cack compared to PS1/Gamecube. And I want to play Shenmue again one of these days.

        Edit: just checked my 3D TV and I don't even see a scart socket on there, wtf.
        Last edited by Scream; 06-19-2013, 10:56 AM.


        • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
          Did you want a US cover with the subtitle "prototype"? I can make that if you wish.
          Please do! My suggestion would be to use a font similar to that of the Trial Edition logo and put it in the same place except use the word "Prototype" instead.

          Last edited by Guest; 06-19-2013, 10:54 AM.


          • ^ Yeah I am in total agreement. 1.5 just sounds bitter-sweet compared to Resident Evil 2: Prototype.


            • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
              ^ Yeah I am in total agreement. 1.5 just sounds bitter-sweet compared to Resident Evil 2: Prototype.
              id love to see the title screen as Resident Evil 1.5, u know, the game IS 1.5, not 2.


              • Erm, the game's always been Resident Evil 2, long before it was nicknamed "1.5".

                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                • I think that Resident Evil/Biohazard 2 Prototype would be better but that's just me.


                  • Originally posted by Ultimacloud123 View Post
                    1.5 is the technical nickname the community made for this build.
                    I have read that on THIA forums a few times and I have no idea who started this rumor, but it is wrong.
                    It is Capcom staff that calls the scrapped version of Resident Evil 2, "RE1.5".

                    According to Famitsu issue 10/10 1997 (cover is here: ) he says:
                    Shinji Mikami: "I think that the 1.5 version would have sell well, even if we keep going with it. But nobody would have buy BH3."
                    Journalist: "What do you mean by "version 1.5"?
                    Shinj Mikiami: "That's the name that we gave to the 65% scrapped version"
                    (First paragraph on the left of this page: )

                    So the 2 different tidbits here are *we gave* (i.e., Capcom) and *65%*. Which became a few years later "80%". Must be some internet magic at work ;)

                    Edit: Also, before everybody and there mother ask me to provide the original scans (which I don't have anymore) please do as I did:
                    - Go to Yahoo Japan Bidding Auctions
                    - Find the magazine (usually among a batch of other magazines)
                    - Bid and win the auction
                    - Do what you want with your prize
                    Last edited by imacwesker; 06-19-2013, 12:51 PM.
                    Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                    • it is more of a nickname, i agree, even with the devs calling it 1.5 at some point.

                      but 1.5 means all the epic poesy around it, but that's just me!


                      • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
                        Edit: Also, before everybody and there mother ask me to provide the original scans (which I don't have anymore) please do as I did:
                        - Go to Yahoo Japan Bidding Auctions
                        - Find the magazine (usually among a batch of other magazines)
                        - Bid and win the auction
                        - Do what you want with your prize
                        This doesn't really fly these days, unfortunately. It's a pity there was no effort to archive them in the past.

                        The game has been given different percentages of completion by different people. The Internet hasn't inflated it at all, it really just depends on who you ask (and in turn, which CAPCOM staff they heard it from).
                        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                        • Anyone have all the magazine scans for 1.5 in a zipped folder they can pm me? =)


                          • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            This doesn't really fly these days, unfortunately.
                            What do you mean by that? It was a lot more difficult in my time to buy something and get it shipped outside of Japan, than it is now. At least, today, you have companies who do it for you - and for a fee, of course.
                            I spend literary thousands of dollars and bought hundred of magazines over a few years just so I could get my hands on the few dozen issues I was really looking for.

                            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            It's a pity there was no effort to archive them in the past.
                            Yep, too bad nobody but me seems to be interested into finding these guides and magazines and scan them all at 300dpi. I would have love to have some help 10 years ago! Oh well, that's life. I am glad to see today some people like RMandel, Geluda, biohazard_star, Enigmatism415, etc having the kind of talk I had with Alzaire and Inflames back in the days.
                            Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                            • 1.5 seriously sounds like a revised version of the original. In technicality "rebirth" is 1.5 as it is an enhanced and revised edition. "Prototype" is what would have been RE2.


                              • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                                Anyone know how the Dreamcast and PS2 emulation scene is these days? Last time I checked it was hideously cack compared to PS1/Gamecube. And I want to play Shenmue again one of these days.
                                Fifty-fifty, some games fully playable and some others not, depends on what do you want to play, according to Youtube Shenmue is playable (nullDC).
                                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase

