I can't wait to tryout the demo, for the first time in many years since the original gamecube remake, im actually excited to play a resident evil game !
No announcement yet.
Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)
My notes say era 3 - about September of 1996. That's the time we first see the Armory and original 8-booth Firing Range, Elza's original low-poly model, etc. All those Famitsu Special '96 images - of which the October '97 issue is the key. That would have been printed the month before so it would hit the stores right about the first of the month on the cover.
I'm working on a detailed timeline/history of RE15 on the side, in case you need any more such dates.Last edited by RMandel; 06-21-2013, 11:38 AM.
Originally posted by blackpower View PostGuys what do you think of a first-person mode in resident evil 1.5 when you finish the game?
And an option to set the color of the blood as it happened with resident evil deadly silence?
Like has been said many times, RE engine don't support first person view. The fps view in Deadly Silence is an specific situation with another camera angle of the room. But you can't move over there.
There is a thing I was thinking about... The "Build 3d" engine (Duke nukem 3d). Use a plane texture with information about the height... But still is just a plane texture... If someone with knowledges of Build 3D and a lot a free time, could take the scenarios of classic RE and use it in Build 3D... It's possible make a classic RE fps with pre-renderes scenarios... Don't mind, my mind just blowing...
P.S: Im not saying this is a good idea for RE, but like experiment could be very interesting...Last edited by The_Wes; 06-21-2013, 12:18 PM.Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?
I'm not even sure what's the point of most of the stuff blackpower spams, because it either makes no sense or it's totally out of place. Now, stylus-exclusive feature on a hardware that uses for the most only a gamepad? Seriously? Feels like a troll or just full derp.Last edited by Gemini; 06-21-2013, 03:14 PM.
Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter, also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.
I actually didn't mind survivor. It's a resident evil game for a start, and I would sooner play it over re 4 any day! The voice acting is by far the worst in the series, but the game as an arcade type shooter wasn't bad. I liked the fact you could choose different routes too.
I'm Vincent i'm a murderer, IT'S ALL MY FAULT!
*Half an hour later* Wait a minute i'm Arrrrk!Last edited by Ohmycod; 06-21-2013, 05:52 PM.
Originally posted by Ohmycod View PostI actually didn't mind survivor. It's a resident evil game for a start, and I would sooner play it over re 4 any day! The voice acting is by far the worst in the series, but the game as an arcade type shooter wasn't bad. I liked the fact you could choose different routes too.
I'm Vincent i'm a murderer, IT'S ALL MY FAULT!
*Half an hour later* Wait a minute i'm Arrrrk!