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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Hmmmmm ... been away for a week and apparently missed nothing. Oh, well. Back to researching the new book I'm writing. Will check in again later.

    Be seeing you ....


    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
      The image is classic..
      It also gives a nice overview of the dumb argumentations fake purists can come up with. "They are destroying the game" or "Blasphemy with their additional material", which later resolves into the oxymoron of "I'm gonna make some crappy renders to fill the holes with horrible visuals, messed up cameras, errors everywhere such as floating zombies, and the general quality dropping into an abyss". It's not even about being purists, it's just about attention whoring in the most clueless manner.

      Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
      , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


      • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
        It also gives a nice overview of the dumb argumentations fake purists can come up with. "They are destroying the game" or "Blasphemy with their additional material", which later resolves into the oxymoron of "I'm gonna make some crappy renders to fill the holes with horrible visuals, messed up cameras, errors everywhere such as floating zombies, and the general quality dropping into an abyss". It's not even about being purists, it's just about attention whoring in the most clueless manner.

        This brief update has something to do with one of my side projects from last year: psiOS. psiOS was intended to be an operating system aimed to replicate Sony’s XMB feel and look on the PlayS…

        Last edited by Mrox2; 06-29-2013, 10:24 AM.
        Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
        ^ Lol ...


        • Hi there, Reon. Check up in a dictionary what's an attention whore, maybe you'll learn it fits you and your friends. If that's the best way you can argument, I guess I did really hit a nerve on the fake purist cult, once again. Also good luck in making Sourcenext go English again on version 1.10, without plain using my notes or even by making a full job for undocumented code.
          Last edited by Gemini; 06-29-2013, 10:31 AM.

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • LOL, Gemini, aren't you the same guy who helped write part of the code for PSIO? I thought I saw some of your posts on ASSEMbler.
            My Head-Fi Page


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              Hi there, Reon. Check up in a dictionary what's an attention whore, maybe you'll learn it fits you and your friends. If that's the best way you can argument, I guess I did really hit a nerve on the fake purist cult, once again. Also good luck in making Sourcenext go English again on version 1.10, without plain using my notes or even by making a full job for undocumented code.
              Oh look hes calling me Reon now, dude I might know alot more than you think, better try not to cause more drama or it will all flame back on you.
              You were pretty much attention whoring on 123 and that's all you did.

              Do you even have any evidence on what you say ? back off yourself or provide evidence.

              I'm outta here, for now...
              Last edited by Mrox2; 06-29-2013, 10:45 AM.
              Darkness : Tactical reload wasn't even in deadly silence LMAO
              ^ Lol ...


              • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                LOL, Gemini, aren't you the same guy who helped write part of the code for PSIO? I thought I saw some of your posts on ASSEMbler.
                Yup, I tried contributing to the community the best I could. For psiOS I ported zlib and libpng, wrote some code for it when I supported the project a few years back - when I realized it was a complete hoax and a waste of time, I dropped it entirely. The whole post on my blog was later written when Haunted / Shadow crossed the line and started using my code for proceeding with the scam. Of course, mrox doesn't know that and he thinks it's a nice way to discredit people. Unfortunately for him, facts should be kinda clear and they are completely unrelated to this discussion.

                Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                Oh look hes calling me Reon now, dude I might know alot more than you think, better try not to cause more drama or it will all flame back on you.
                How cute, one of the people always starting the flame now plays like good and tough guy, even threatening because he knows "more". Yes, I'm calling you Reon, just like you and few more guys always try to make random people forcedly belong to the team, even when they clearly aren't part of it.

                I'm outta here, for now...
                For now - I wished that was forever. People like you are what make the community stink. Go back to the cultist board, instead of coming here just to enforce your argumentations with unrelated stuff that you clearly don't even know a thing about. Your attempts are quite dull.
                Last edited by Gemini; 06-29-2013, 10:53 AM.

                Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                • Not to be picking sides or anything but Mrox2, you never seem to agree with much on THIA. More you seem to be involved in a lot of flames. So yeah that's all I'm going to say. Now on the other hand, I do agree with some stuff said on the 123 boards, just not much. The purist force is strong there it is.

                  Gemini, what are you looking to see most from IGAS? I'm just hoping to have a new RE game, just as many are. While I have conflicting views and feelings on what they are doing, I have no right to bitch or complain I guess.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • Mrox2 has yet to call someone a cunt. A new record I feel!
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Yeah, I think Mrox2 missed the target on whatever it was he was gonna prove with those links to Gemini "stuff". Also, what's with the lame ass "threats"? I'm amazed by the fact that anyone can, with a straight face, write something as absolutely retarded as "better try not to cause more drama or it will all flame back on you" - that's like the dumbest fucking "MY DADDY'S STRONGER THAN YOUR DADDY!" comment I've seen online since "DO YOU EVEN LIFT!?".

                      Grow up, kids. It's 2013, and at least SOME OF YOU I believe should be over 13 by now (since that's actually part of the lock on the forum registration).

                      Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      Gemini, what are you looking to see most from IGAS?
                      If he says "a new font" (thin font?) I'll have him hanged

                      Either way, let's try having a whole day without any drama, shall we? Free biscuits or whatever on the house or something if you succeed.


                      • Originally posted by Mrox2 View Post
                        I'm outta here, for now...

                        Have a nice day.
                        Last edited by SonicBlue; 06-29-2013, 11:44 AM.


                        • On the topic of useless IGAS requests for RE 1.5, I'd request a Purist Cultist robe for Leon and Elza as an unlockable costume change. You'd find a cd in the game labeled "Pure Build", and it would electronically unlock a storage room with an altar and robes.


                          • Originally posted by Eteponge View Post
                            On the topic of useless IGAS requests for RE 1.5, I'd request a Purist Cultist robe for Leon and Elza as an unlockable costume change. You'd find a cd in the game labeled "Pure Build", and it would electronically unlock a storage room with an altar and robes.

                            Parasite Eve II got you covered.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • i like trolly newsbot more.
                              purist mode should make it so you can only use the handgun LMAO


                              • And have Zombies that take 20 rounds each to kill, game crashes, and missing features . "You have unlocked True Mode. Enemies are tougher and the game will less features akin to classic RE. Also, GLITCHEZ BIACHES.". LOLOLOLOLZ

                                Oh what a good day. I got my PG Gundam MK-II AEUG model in as well. Well anyways no drama from me. Great work IGAS, sorry about the headaches, and to everyone "stay frosty".
                                Last edited by Zombie_X; 06-29-2013, 01:00 PM.
                                My Head-Fi Page

