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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • ^and zombies should take a billion bullets to kill. Important.

    Anyway, all the sour grapes that've turned into wining and all the beef going about in these communities lately made me hungry ...

    Dinner is served!


    • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
      ^and zombies should take a billion bullets to kill. Important.

      Anyway, all the sour grapes that've turned into wining and all the beef going about in these communities lately made me hungry ...

      Dinner is served!
      instafood lol!!!!


      • Yellow tail is an excellent wine. Good choice.


        • Comment

          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            Gemini, what are you looking to see most from IGAS?
            Probably something that makes the game not feel like a junky old title due to outdated mechanics. I remember when I tried playing Code Veronica right after countless hours of Nemesis. CV felt kinda unpolished compared to RE3, as CAPCOM could have easily lifted some of the features from there, instead of sitting on an older iteration of the engine and making it feeling more or less like a clone of RE2 with 3D environments (they didn't even bother updating the sound library). That's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you can improve something, I don't see what's the point in tactically forgetting about progress made in the meanwhile. In other words, I'd like to see (or rather, suggest to have - I learned in the past requests aren't the best way to get something implemented) a mix of old and new to efficiently improve a game from almost 15 years ago.

            Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
            Yeah, I think Mrox2 missed the target on whatever it was he was gonna prove with those links to Gemini "stuff".
            That's what you get when clueless people try their best to discredit somebody who has been in the PSX scene for almost a decade, when the only result is failing pretty badly and eventually looking like a complete joke.
            Last edited by Gemini; 06-29-2013, 05:16 PM.

            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


            • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
              Probably something that makes the game not feel like a junky old title due to outdated mechanics. I remember when I tried playing Code Veronica right after countless hours of Nemesis. CV felt kinda unpolished compared to RE3, as CAPCOM could have easily lifted some of the features from there, instead of sitting on an older iteration of the engine and making it feeling more or less like a clone of RE2 with 3D environments (they didn't even bother updating the sound library). That's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you can improve something, I don't see what's the point in tactically forgetting about progress made in the meanwhile. In other words, I'd like to see (or rather, suggest to have - I learned in the past requests aren't the best way to get something implemented) a mix of old and new to efficiently improve a game from almost 15 years ago.
              That's a good way of describing Code Veronica. It certainly felt "out-dated", especially in the mechanics, everything had a rigid and stiff feel to it. Having played it after RE3, it was definitely a step back, as RE3's engine and mechanics are very flexible and organic.


              • I definitely agree with that, in RE3 the player can move freely on stairs unlike the newer CV where you have to press the action button every time you want to get up or down stairs, just like RE1 & 2 ! Also CV doesn't contain any random events or different endings like RE3 !
                Last edited by Guest; 06-29-2013, 06:51 PM.


                • Which is why I love that IGAS is making such later RE conveniences available in the RE 1.5 Restoration. For a pure nostalgia "Purist" feel, you can simply disable them in options. For the rest of us, they are a welcome addition. Yet, some people still complain.
                  Last edited by Eteponge; 06-29-2013, 07:51 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                    Probably something that makes the game not feel like a junky old title due to outdated mechanics. I remember when I tried playing Code Veronica right after countless hours of Nemesis. CV felt kinda unpolished compared to RE3, as CAPCOM could have easily lifted some of the features from there, instead of sitting on an older iteration of the engine and making it feeling more or less like a clone of RE2 with 3D environments (they didn't even bother updating the sound library). That's not necessarily a bad thing, but if you can improve something, I don't see what's the point in tactically forgetting about progress made in the meanwhile. In other words, I'd like to see (or rather, suggest to have - I learned in the past requests aren't the best way to get something implemented) a mix of old and new to efficiently improve a game from almost 15 years ago.
                    As I recall it, Code Veronica, Resident Evil Survivor and RE3 were all in development simultaneously by 3 separate Capcom teams, who didn't always know what the other guys were doing. If the teams didn't communicate and share ideas during this time, it's sort of understandable why CV didn't have all the same ideas that RE3 had. From their point of view, the Code Veronica-team only had Resident Evil 1 and 2 to use as reference points.

                    Also, consider: The Code Veronica-team created a new game engine from scratch, most likely under a strict schedule, whereas the RE3-team could fall back to an older, proven engine and codebase. With that much less work to do with the engine, they had that much more time to experiment with new features.


                    • BH3 was made by Planning Room 2 in CAPCOM's head office in Osaka. BHCV was made by TOSE.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        BH3 was made by Planning Room 2 in CAPCOM's head office in Osaka. BHCV was made by TOSE.
                        Afaik TOSE could have been involved only with ports of Code Veronica X (tho Nextech is credited for these) and a few other titles such as the Gun Survivor series, since their "speciality" is really just porting and developing (most of the time with horrible results) spin offs. Still, it's kind of weird that they didn't fix the stiffness in following rereleases of CV, like CAPCOM did in the end with Deadly Silence and all its updates.

                        Originally posted by Northman View Post
                        Also, consider: The Code Veronica-team created a new game engine from scratch, most likely under a strict schedule, whereas the RE3-team could fall back to an older, proven engine and codebase. With that much less work to do with the engine, they had that much more time to experiment with new features.
                        Nah, pretty sure CV runs on an updated build of the RE2 engine. The basic core is pretty much the same, with the only changes being the hardware API and the fact that it uses fully 3D environments. It's more or less the same case of RE0 N64 using the RE2 N64 engine as a base, even with the same software limitations.
                        Last edited by Gemini; 06-29-2013, 08:53 PM.

                        Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                        , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                        • Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                          Afaik TOSE was involved only with ports of Code Veronica X a few other titles, since their "speciality" is really just porting and developing (most of the time with horrible results) spin offs. Still, it's kind of weird that they didn't fix the stiffness in following rereleases of CV, like CAPCOM did in the end with Deadly Silence and all its updates.
                          They were in charge of general development, just uncredited. They were openly credited for the ports (and Mercenaries 3D and Revelations).

                          They also developed Gun Survivor... and Zero.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • They seem to be more like a minor partner in the development of these titles, especially those that don't suck. :/

                            Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                            , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                            • Nah, they were pretty major. CAPCOM provided the design aspects, FLAGSHIP provided the scenarios, and TOSE did the grunt work. For those three games, anyway, and that's coming from CAPCOM developers.
                              Last edited by News Bot; 06-29-2013, 09:02 PM.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • Code Veronica is too damn easy, I´m glad it doesn´t have improved mechanics and controls, they are not needed.

                                And for 1.5, I don´t really care about new control features, limitations allways gave more challenge to old generation games. I still prefer to play RE2 and RE remake with auto-aim disabled.
                                Last edited by Lanzagranadas; 06-29-2013, 09:31 PM.
                                The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase

