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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    Europe/PAL territories only got PEII. No PE1 for us PALs
    Yeah I was sad about that but I just imported it , it was one of my very 1st import games ( good old days )
    I now also own them on the ps3 through my U.S.A account.

    I'm a huge fan of parasite eve I have both parasite eve Diva manga's
    Aya and Melissa doll collection (very rare) , all the ost's , guide books , t-shirts. the Book and movie.
    I just hope we see her again but not on some cheap mobile phone device type of game.
    I miss the ps1 days games seemed to have alot more love and care put into them ( to me)
    Last edited by chrisliam2; 06-30-2013, 06:30 PM.


    • The parade level in Final Fantasy 8 has a very Parasite Eve feel to it imo


      • Originally posted by chrisliam2 View Post
        Yeah I was sad about that but I just imported it , it was one of my very 1st import games ( good old days )
        I now also own them on the ps3 through my U.S.A account.

        I'm a huge fan of parasite eve I have both parasite eve Diva manga's
        Aya and Melissa doll collection (very rare) , all the ost's , guide books , t-shirts. the Book and movie.
        I just hope we see her again but not on some cheap mobile phone device type of game.
        I miss the ps1 days games seemed to have alot more love and care put into them ( to me)
        I grew up in the years of the Genesis/Mega drive and snes, then the N64 and Playstation. The playstation was probably the last good year of good gaming, even the ps2 never compared to the fun I had on the ps1. Yes I agree Liam the ps1 days were great! The amount of diversity and difference available on that console, unlike the amount of indifference and lack of choice now available. The problem now is that Japan which were the prominant designers of games that created the likes of Parasite eve, Sonic the hedgehog, silent hill, final fantasy, Streets of rage, biohazard, even wwf smackdown; are no longer doing it. The corporate companies are now mostly american owned or run, and that is one of the reasons why video games as we know it are being run in to the ground.

        Take the silent hill series for example. Team Silent were formed by a majority of developers that after making silent hill, went on to make silent hill 2. They then went on to do 3, and after Akira Yamaoka and what was left of the team made 4, the series effectively came to an end. Silent Hill games have continued to be made but their true Japanese essence has began to disappear like Alessa's ghost at the lighthouse! Silent Hill like a lot of games that were Japanese based have now moved over to US third party companies and it shows! Because of this the series has turned in to a complete mess! The same goes for Resident Evil, it's now more an american action game than it is a Japanese US based survival horror.

        The other reason is multiplayer. Online multiplayer to be exact! I think it's the second thing that's killed video gaming. It was always fun racing your friend in sonic 2, or even the death match games in Goldeneye 64, but come on! I think it's all gone too far now to the point where developers, and even some gamers are now more concerned about multiplayer, ie listening to some randomon foreign accent squabbling in your ear hole, than they are an interesting single player experience.

        As for gamers nowadays what really used to annoy me was when you used to get these silly children that were new to the world and they say: "Resident evil 2 sucks, look at the awful graphics".
        "Does it have multiplayer?" "I think they should so remake resident evil 2 with full co operative multiplayer" Oh you mean like in THE DARKSIDE CHRONICLES?! Grrr. But I digress! Now that the new generation have had enough time on youtube to study what an actual good game is, they too are starting to want gaming to revert back to what it once was to the point where people are even buying and playing consoles as old as an Amiga! As long as this trend spreads and continues the gaming industry may have hope yet. Team IGAS is only helping the situation by re producing and finishing an older resident evil type of game, this will hopefully wake even more people up to real gaming.
        The parade level in Final Fantasy 8 has a very Parasite Eve feel to it imo
        Yes it does doesn't it, and Edea's err moving vehicle is a bit like Eve's Cinderella cart complete with a horse on fire


        • "Now that the new generation have had enough time on youtube to study what an actual good game is, they too are starting to want gaming to revert back to what it once was to the point where people are even buying and playing consoles as old as an Amiga!"

          Or older. My nephew played the crap out of my old Atari VCS. He openly admired the deceiving simplicity of some of its better game carts. I finally had to get the thing back from him before he wore it out - literally. Kids are still kids, after all ... And he's got a "new" reissue of the same ol' handheld Mattel Football electronic game I remember his dad playing when were both his age. Plays the crap out of it, too. He's got a GBA, but "I can BEAT this if I play it hard enough," he grins. (shakes head) Kinda makes me wish I hadn't sold my JVC X'Eye ....


          • Edea Kramer even has an eve like quality about her.


            • OMG .. just listened to those 3 fan made RE tracks - one word .. awesome.
              Love the last one with all that creepy piano thing going on - reminds me of Zero for some reason - very Classic.

              I wonder if the Team would use some custom music from this guy? Hmmm...
              1.5 looked pretty modern though, and this music seems more fitting to a darker atmosphere (RE1,CV,Zero)
              "I never thought any of this stuff my brother taught me would work!"


              • I thought the team already said that they were going to use the rest of the music from the re 2 retail. That makes sense to me.


                • Believe Zork said that stylistic consistance was the main priority for any external and/or original tracks added in the process.


                  • Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
                    Wow. Team IGAS is really trundling along with this restoration. I honestly thought that it would have fizzled by now... I guess I had been jaded by all the previous RE restoration/remake projects that have come and gone. XD Jolly good show.
                    Same here! It really has come a long way. Even if it isn't the "original" 1.5, it still blows my mind that a team is going this far to restore a game that disappeared - sometimes where we were close to getting the original one, but drama came around those times ...

                    Originally posted by originalzombie View Post
                    Man, I love Parasite Eve! As much as I like RPGs, I suck at them lol, but this series was different, very original, and creepy for an RPG. I still have yet to beat it!

                    Other than that, that video is the first time I'm ever seeing early builds of the game. I'm curious now lol


                    • lol that video. Early parasite eve looks like final fantasy 7 and resident evil 2 had passionate sex and made a love baby


                      • ^This has sense when part of the team of RE 1.5 run away of Capcom, and made Parasite Eve of Squaresoft. The resemblances must be there somewhere.
                        Last edited by The_Wes; 07-01-2013, 02:22 PM.
                        Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


                        • IMO PE2 looks a lot like 1.5 with some of the areas. I know some previous CAPCOM employee's worked on the game.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • I love how this thread went from inconceivable levels of drama regarding 1.5 all the way to discussing different games entirely. What happened in one hundred pages? xD


                            • I think Using tracks from retail is a great idea, especially since the music thats already present on the build shares recurring motifs.
                              Last edited by OfficerRedfield; 07-01-2013, 03:23 PM.


                              • I hope they use that one creepy track from Resident Evil 2 Trial Edition that sounds like it belongs in 1.5, and was never in retail RE2.

