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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • All the conversation about the 3D model was ontopic RMandel. We are talking about how IGAS can improve the characters, the only offtopic was my link of the songs...

    I can't find the videos RMandel was talking about, but this is still curious, 1.5 and 2 footage mixed in E3 1997. Maybe that theory about there were playable areas of RE 1.5 in RE2 "Beta 1" is true:

    RMandel, Can you put that videos of 1997 with disappearing zombies???

    By the way, Gemini has the reason. Picture 1 is using the technique suggested by him, picture 2 is without them. Can be seen the deformed model in picture 2.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Sin título.png
Views:	1
Size:	84.6 KB
ID:	403148
    Last edited by The_Wes; 07-02-2013, 02:30 PM.
    Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


    • I'm pretty sure the 1.5 footage was spliced in by CAPCOM. I highly doubt RE2 had areas from 1.5.
      My Head-Fi Page


      • But there are something strange with that video. The only model shown of Leon is 1.5 model, and the gameplay of the lab is from 1.5. It's possible in "Beta 1" Leon and the lab was placeholder from 1.5, because they are very similar to retail version. And other strange thing is Claire using the machinegun from 1.5...
        Last edited by The_Wes; 07-02-2013, 02:48 PM.
        Si guisante se dice "pea" y chiflado "nut", ¿Un cacahuete "peanut" es un chiflado de los guisantes?


        • Originally posted by The_Wes View Post
          But there are something strange with that video.
          What RMandel and Zombie_X said: it is just a mistake from Capcom's HR. They were told to put some footage together to promote RE2 (or they took the initiative themselves) and did a mess of it, using footage from both RE1.5 and RE2 beta vers1 and mixing them together.

          Maybe, at that time, Capcom Japan provided only footage of Claire (from RE2 beta vers1) and Capcom USA (or whoever edited this trailer) thought "we need also to show the male hero. Let see what is the last video that we got from the developers" and they took the video from Leon in the lab. Something like that.

          Even the "Resident Evil 2" logo is a crappy edit of the original logo with a big "2" number on top of it ;) My point, The_West, is that you shouldn't think too much about it. Capcom did a lot of communication mistakes in their early days.
          Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


          • Zombies disappear as well in the final build. (at least, in some instances.)


            • Ew, that licker strafe moves stinks!!!!
              Last edited by yurieu; 07-02-2013, 04:09 PM.


              • What about when retail scenario was first born and work was beginning? Did they start out with the 1.5 engine and make changes to it? Perhaps in the beginning the graphics rewrite wasn't done? Who knows. And how long did it take to replace the BGMs on the disc and how long did they use 1.5 sound as placeholder?


                • But it's still interesting AI. Only Hunters and some other enemies dodge your attacks. I think it adds a more dynamic feel to each encounter. "I've got one grenade shell left (shoots at Nemesis). Shit he dodged it! All I have is a few handgun rounds now with no aids/herbs!".

                  It'd be cool to see something like that implemented in RE1, maybe the apes can side step or duck out of the way of incoming fire. Well maybe not but I think it's a cool feature. Heck even the man-spider could use something like this. Maybe you damage him a bit, he crawls into a vent and reappears from another in the same area? Kinda like Chimera's in remake.
                  My Head-Fi Page


                  • I think it's likely we'll find that beta 1 runs on the 1.5 engine, holds many more 1.5 secrets and uses many more 1.5 assets than we can imagine!
                    Last edited by Guest; 07-02-2013, 04:59 PM.


                    • Maybe, but I always thought they tossed most of the stuff from 1.5 out the window when they restarted. Beta 1 seems to run on the same engine as retail, at least from that video. Who knows what's on the disc though. Maybe it has lots of unused 1.5 assets. Maybe music, enemy models, ect.
                      My Head-Fi Page


                      • One thing I've learned is that there's no definitive build which we can actually call beta 1, the names get thrown around a lot but are pretty meaningless chronologically. I can think of three distinct eras of BIO2 development which predate beta 2, the E3 build, the Trial Edition and the build in the 1.5 labs with the moths. The terms beta 1/beta 2/beta 3 etc are kind of redundant, they don't reflect media at all, why beta 2 has come to be known beta 2 I'm not sure, but it's possible they reflect builds in the wild and not actual builds we've came to analyze from media pictures, meaning beta 1 could be anything, even a hybrid (which is where my bets would be placed).

                        From what I've come to learn exists in the wild:

                        Beta 1 - Unknown Leon and Claire build
                        Beta 2 - Leon build no debug
                        Beta 2 v.2 - Leon build with debug


                        Thanks to Biohazard 1995 and THIA for the images.
                        Last edited by Guest; 07-02-2013, 08:03 PM.


                        • There's probably 500 different builds or more of RE2. After anything is added/modified, the build would be different IMO. The same goes for 1.5. Look at the Alpha version, there were like 4 different Leon (looks like Chris) models. I'm sure the 40% build is one of dozens if not hundreds of builds.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                            There's probably 500 different builds or more of RE2. After anything is added/modified, the build would be different IMO. The same goes for 1.5. Look at the Alpha version, there were like 4 different Leon (looks like Chris) models. I'm sure the 40% build is one of dozens if not hundreds of builds.
                            Exactly. You would think at first they would have experimented with the old engine in the early stages of the redesign, exactly what they thought they needed to change or improve on at that point in time is anyone's guess. This is just my opinion but, I would have thought that the Trial Edition would have intentionally been made to represent near final design since it was intended for public viewing, where as anything that came before it wouldn't have had quite the same priority. You don't need to change much of anything to introduce a new scenario, a new script and a new setting to the game; the BIO2 RPD could've quite easily been implemented into the 1.5 engine, as well as new 3D models and enemy AI with minor changes. The team's work has showed us exactly what's possible and how slowly over time the game has went from a 1.5 state, to something which doesn't quite resemble its former self as they try to expand on and improve the engine. I imagine back in the day Capcom would have faced similar problems and came to similar solutions when they tried to improve on the 1.5 engine and turn it into the retail product, so much to the point that beta 1 being a 1.5/2 hybrid is entirely possible.


                            • I've been trying to compile all known 1.5 music tracks and I'm having a hard time locating a specific theme used for the 3rd floor corridor, this one to be exact:

                              It doesn't seem to be present in MarkGrass' PSF rip. Does anyone know where it can be found?
                              Last edited by Accell; 07-02-2013, 11:16 PM.


                              • trial edition track man
                                Last edited by Darkness; 07-02-2013, 11:41 PM.

