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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by RaccoonSurvivor View Post
    Mrox2 is pointing out that the music in the background of this video - isn't from 1.5 but RE1 when you fight the snake boss Yawn.
    They just added a creepy ''zombie breathing'' SFX ontop.. EDIT: OMG lol .. no it's actually Yawn's hiss noise - but deeper and slower Deffo is
    Lol, it sounds like they locked someone in a room with the yawn and pressed record. I don't hear Jill or Chris crying out so they must of been good players.
    Cool movie though! Mega long (compared to what I saw of that movie before). The enemy animations seem more beta-ish and kinda creepy. That licker in the room with Claire also looks more formidable than ordinary lickers (probably just my imagination though!).
    Last edited by Scream; 07-03-2013, 04:13 PM.


    • If you monitor Leon's model, you can easilyc see that the demo reel's compiled of footage from different development stages. Still, pretty neat to see the "full" footage, rather than just the even further trimmed down version that I seem to recall being dug out like 10+ years ago from a Finnish computer magazine's old video vault.


      • Originally posted by Scream View Post
        Lol, it sounds like they locked someone in a room with the yawn and pressed record. I don't hear Jill or Chris crying out so they must of been good players.
        Cool movie though! Mega long (compared to what I saw of that movie before). The enemy animations seem more beta-ish and kinda creepy. That licker in the room with Claire also looks more formidable than ordinary lickers (probably just my imagination though!).
        Yes the music used is comical, and you can even hear it looping! Such is the way of 90's sound recorders.
        Last edited by Ohmycod; 07-03-2013, 05:41 PM.


        • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
          What RMandel and Zombie_X said: it is just a mistake from Capcom's HR. They were told to put some footage together to promote RE2 (or they took the initiative themselves) and did a mess of it, using footage from both RE1.5 and RE2 beta vers1 and mixing them together.

          Maybe, at that time, Capcom Japan provided only footage of Claire (from RE2 beta vers1) and Capcom USA (or whoever edited this trailer) thought "we need also to show the male hero. Let see what is the last video that we got from the developers" and they took the video from Leon in the lab. Something like that.

          Even the "Resident Evil 2" logo is a crappy edit of the original logo with a big "2" number on top of it ;) My point, The_West, is that you shouldn't think too much about it. Capcom did a lot of communication mistakes in their early days.
          Agreed. And yes, I meant TGS '96, not '97, when talking about the era 1 footage. My bad.
          Last edited by RMandel; 07-03-2013, 06:50 PM.


          • Well looks like CAPCOM made a mess with those trailers and hi again... well looks like the game is getting more exciting with the implementation of the Storage Box/Save Games/Doors Transition/Puzzles... And with the A/B scenario, that would be like the retail RE2, but the only thing is missing from the ingame scenes are the moves (Animation), when leon or elza or marvin talking... they move... a something that the game needs, to be more "RESIDENT EVIL" if anyone know what i mean... when the character talks to other they move, move their hand, the character ponting something or other character and do other things... but i think the Team I.G.A.S. are going to put the animation for the dialogue in a 70% - 80%, who knows... Maybe in the next update video... Sorry for bad english...


            • Originally posted by STARSRedfield View Post
              Well looks like CAPCOM made a mess with those trailers and hi again... well looks like the game is getting more exciting with the implementation of the Storage Box/Save Games/Doors Transition/Puzzles... And with the A/B scenario, that would be like the retail RE2, but the only thing is missing from the ingame scenes are the moves (Animation), when leon or elza or marvin talking... they move... a something that the game needs, to be more "RESIDENT EVIL" if anyone know what i mean... when the character talks to other they move, move their hand, the character ponting something or other character and do other things... but i think the Team I.G.A.S. are going to put the animation for the dialogue in a 70% - 80%, who knows... Maybe in the next update video... Sorry for bad english...
              They have hundreds of animations to play with, most of retails animations were from 1.5, so don't worry about that. ;)


              • Yup, they could pretty much make or port anything. Perhaps porting RE3's "help Mikhail" animation could be used for helping Marvin into the security office. Looks very similar and might need to be tweaked for the new models.

                Still though, just thoughts of running around the labs in 1.5 make me giddy. Perhaps IGAS should not show any gameplay in the sewers. Screenshots are always welcomed though. I still want it to be a mystery.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                  That licker in the room with Claire also looks more formidable than ordinary lickers (probably just my imagination though!).
                  Oh no, that licker was definitely strafing around Claire's bullets. I guess Capcom thought such behavior made combating them too difficult in the end.

                  Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  Still though, just thoughts of running around the labs in 1.5 make me giddy. Perhaps IGAS should not show any gameplay in the sewers. Screenshots are always welcomed though. I still want it to be a mystery.
                  I just can't wait to see how boss fights play out, and of course what Birkin's other forms actually look like. Apparently they're those "reptilian" forms seen in concept art?
                  Last edited by Accell; 07-03-2013, 10:48 PM.


                  • I think it add flavor to the typical bullet sponge/static enemies. Wether it worked well was another story, one we may never know..
                    My Head-Fi Page


                    • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                      I think it add flavor to the typical bullet sponge/static enemies. Wether it worked well was another story, one we may never know..
                      I think more clever enemy AI would work greatly, especially if applied to the baboons. It probably would have worked just fine, but maybe some whiny playtesters got in the way.
                      Last edited by Accell; 07-03-2013, 10:57 PM.


                      • Most likely it was play testors or CAPCOM themselves didn't like it. Either way I think have adaptable AI would be cool for the older games. Maybe even having random spawn points in a level would be cool.
                        My Head-Fi Page


                        • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                          They have hundreds of animations to play with, most of retails animations were from 1.5, so don't worry about that. ;)
                          Well thanks the answer, now i will more relax now... , well.... i have to wait for the part 4 of the BIOHAZARD 2 (RESIDENT EVIL 1.5) Making of Series now... but... if 1.5 have a lot of animations... that means that contains animation from early builds... the only and rare build that we hope to have, but i doubt is the V-JUMP 1996 Show BIOHAZARD 2... or was 1997... where Leon looks like Chris... but... lets get see what happpens next... and lets see if they add A.I. from enemies and bosses new models from the 80% build fights or the possibility of the recreation of them...


                          • They are making the missing enemies from scratch and coding new AI and animations for them. It's exciting indeed.

                            I wonder if there will be a variety in the Ap's enemies AI/attacks. I know the existing AI will probably be overhauled for all enemies. Heck even the zombies AI was changed now and can be shot as they rise. "Variety is nice - D.Birkin"
                            My Head-Fi Page


                            • I seriously doubt you'll ever see a V-Jump '96 build disc. I'm fairly certain one doesn't exist, and all of that footage was recorded directly from dev hardware. Now the Leon Jacket build - that's another matter entirely ... and then there's the matter of that third shotgun the 123 Modders found not long ago. Hmmmmm ....

                              Hey, while we're adding animations back into the game, how 'bout dat wicked up-down-up-down pull Claire gets with the MC-51 in the BH2 Beta 1 footage? Just kidding.
                              Last edited by RMandel; 07-04-2013, 01:39 AM.


                              • I actually pulled that model up a while before they even found it. It's a Mossberg.
                                My Head-Fi Page

