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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Since when was an October demo even hinted at? I have heard no mention of the re;ease date and have looked at this thread everyday. There's been no dates given at all.

    Also the initial release date was TBA 2013, and they have not said otherwise. Youtube tage still say TBA 2013, so yeah. Now I can see this project stretching till 2014, and it's still a bit disheartening, but worth the wait in the long run. I'd rather them get it a polished and balanced as possible and not try to rush it out there.
    My Head-Fi Page


    • Originally posted by strikedio84 View Post
      yes you are absolutely right, but to be honest i think that all the progres the team has shown until now it not the latest update of the game development progress, i think that maybe they have even the voice over complete and a lot of things they will not reveal, the proof its the halloween trailer, when they released that trailer i lot of things shown on the making of series are covered, its just they are very wary of things and when we never expect it boom they will release it. even if the game goes to en of 2014 it will be worth the wait.
      If it were me I'd say their updates are quite representative of progress. D.Birkin in particular has posted in this thread detailing problems with the engine and updated us as he's fixed them, so at least where the engine is concerned I think what you see is very much what you get. Background art is another question entirely and probably the most time consuming of all the work involved. In order to keep a consistent art style and levels of standard background art is probably done by less than a handful of people, so progress on that front can be expected to be done on a room by room basis and it's probably slow going. Assuming that once the RPD is done, the team have many Biohazard 2 Trial Edition backgrounds to work with and time can be spent building the RDTs while background artists work on original renders, so from that point onward everyone has some work they can be doing to keep the development rolling along at a steady pace and gives the artists time to play catch up on the missing areas.

      In regards to the RE scene over the years, I've missed out on a lot! I wish I was around in the BioFlames days, I'm pretty sure I tried to register at one point or another in 2007-2008 but couldn't because registration was closed, I really don't remember. But the enthusiasm for the series seems it isn't quite the same as it used to be, I think a lot of people are burned out of research and it's kind of a "been there, done that" time for the community as a whole. For me there is still a lot to be learned but I'm mostly playing catch-up with the veterans, I've missed out on a lot of the excitement, and a lot of the drama, during the chase.
      Last edited by Guest; 07-08-2013, 08:10 PM.


      • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
        Ah, memories. I'm getting old.

        Anyways, I have some fond memories of Neo-WU, even though, it was very short-lived. It still amazes me, thinking about it - a 'one-stop' site for any and everything Bio/RE. Video games, trials/betas, soundtracks - the site had everything.

        One question, though... whatever happened to Deacon Willis? I miss the hell outta that guy. We used to have some epic private-messages, typically having nothing to do with Bio/RE. Generally, we talked about life in Poland/USA, guns, God, government, etc. - truly, just one of those 'rare' people one meets online... I do hope he is alive and well.
        I met Deacon a couple of years ago in London (2008 I believe). He's a great guy, he was telling me how he talked down a crazy immigrant guy with a knife - the area he used to live in is kind of a dodgy area (I was passing through to go to a club). He has very straightforward views which I respect. It was so strange to discuss Resident Evil in person with someone as I'm so used to reading it on screen, I was like "Project Omega, he does exist in your reality too?" as a test rofl. He has a lot of stuff going on in his life and is not interested in RE at all, but he knows 1.5 has been released so he may lurk every blue moon or so!

        I have his email if you want to PM me, I'm sure he can fill you in better than I can on a public forum

        Thanks for the Neo-WU compliments also I know BHXTyrant deserves some credit for the excellent design and effort on that (though Dot50Cal says a border was copied from THIA - I'm not sure what happened there). It was probably our best site, but amazingly short-lived compared to the others.

        Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
        I remember having my share of fights with Scream/WU (and other webmasters/fans) calling me a hoarder, because I didn't want to trade/share some of my stuff... I can completely understand how IGAS feels with their project ;)
        Eh.. I honestly don't recall anyone caring about what you had or not, especially from WU.

        I do remember taking the piss because you were French, we all thought it was funny, especially when you got angry. It was nothing personal. I apologise if you took offence! We were just rival sites, nothing more.


        • Ah, huge Thank You for letting me know Deacon is alive and well.

          I had kinda figured that his interest in Bio/RE had dissipated - he kinda hinted at that the last time we talked (which was 2008, too). Toward 'the end', our conversations had been reduced to 'Christmas/Happy New Year' messages. It would surly be interesting to hear how life is going for him, so please, drop me a PM with his email.

          As I said, I have very fond memories of Neo-WU. At that timeframe, it really was my 'dream-site', in many ways. I was all-about 'anti-elitism' at the time, and wanted everyone to have everything. Needless to say, I had no clue how the politics worked. I had forgotten about the THIA/Neo-WU drama, haha - wasn't aware about the border issue, but I do remember Dot50Cal being unpleased with my decision to be both THIA and Neo-WU staff.

          And LOL@talking about Resident Evil in-person. I've had a few of those moments, as well. This one incident at a local GameStop, several years ago, had me a bit worried though - it's a strange feeling being identified as "That resident evil guy!" in-person. I haven't been back, since.
          Last edited by MeganGrass; 07-08-2013, 08:44 PM.
          I'm a blackstar.


          • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
            Since when was an October demo even hinted at? I have heard no mention of the re;ease date and have looked at this thread everyday. There's been no dates given at all.

            Also the initial release date was TBA 2013, and they have not said otherwise. Youtube tage still say TBA 2013, so yeah. Now I can see this project stretching till 2014, and it's still a bit disheartening, but worth the wait in the long run. I'd rather them get it a polished and balanced as possible and not try to rush it out there.
            LIKE I SAID ITS WHAT I THINK, not official dates, some people dont read or what? that its why the drama EXISTS.


            • Originally posted by geluda View Post
              If it were me I'd say their updates are quite representative of progress. D.Birkin in particular has posted in this thread detailing problems with the engine and updated us as he's fixed them, so at least where the engine is concerned I think what you see is very much what you get. Background art is another question entirely and probably the most time consuming of all the work involved. In order to keep a consistent art style and levels of standard background art is probably done by less than a handful of people, so progress on that front can be expected to be done on a room by room basis and it's probably slow going. Assuming that once the RPD is done, the team have many Biohazard 2 Trial Edition backgrounds to work with and time can be spent building the RDTs while background artists work on original renders, so from that point onward everyone has some work they can be doing to keep the development rolling along at a steady pace and gives the artists time to play catch up on the missing areas.

              In regards to the RE scene over the years, I've missed out on a lot! I wish I was around in the BioFlames days, I'm pretty sure I tried to register at one point or another in 2007-2008 but couldn't because registration was closed, I really don't remember. But the enthusiasm for the series seems it isn't quite the same as it used to be, I think a lot of people are burned out of research and it's kind of a "been there, done that" time for the community as a whole. For me there is still a lot to be learned but I'm mostly playing catch-up with the veterans, I've missed out on a lot of the excitement, and a lot of the drama, during the chase.
              now that you mention it, yes, you are right the only thing i see clearly its that the TEAM have a lot of good things in the shadows and will not reveal until its released.

              i want to tell something about the RE scene to be honest im to new in this community, im a veteran resident evil player since 96 and i did know of the resident evil 1.5 thing back en 98 but never crossed in my mind the posibility of having a beta leaked, yes we have missed a lot of excitement but in other hand we are gonna be able to play the real ending of the resident evil saga, its weird dont you think? maybe this game will be released when resident evil 7 comes out and if resident evil 7 its the last one its going to be 2 diferent endings the one that kamiya san made off and the one capcom could give.


              • No reason to be upset by it and I'm not the one starting drama here. Is asking a question warrant that response? I must have missed you saying it was your opinion. The way I read it was if you were stating an already know fact. I meant no il will or anything, it was a genuine question.
                My Head-Fi Page


                • Originally posted by Zombie_X View Post
                  No reason to be upset by it and I'm not the one starting drama here. Is asking a question warrant that response? I must have missed you saying it was your opinion. The way I read it was if you were stating an already know fact. I meant no il will or anything, it was a genuine question.
                  im not upset bro.


                  • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                    Eh.. I honestly don't recall anyone caring about what you had or not, especially from WU.
                    I remember you complaining (quite loudly ) when I told you that I will not release publicly the 4D Executer videotape. Also some beta(s) but i don't remember the details. You wanted to trade them against stuff I wasn't interested into. But in the end, it was mostly a disagreement about two different philosophies: you wanted to make everything available to the visitors and I disagreed (mostly due to NDA and stuff like that).

                    Originally posted by Scream View Post
                    I do remember taking the piss because you were French,
                    Wow, really? I don't remember that at all! It is funny what people remember and what they forget. Reminds me of the joke with the 3 blind men and the elephant Maybe if we put together, in one room, all the "old-timers" from the RE community, we will discover some unknown secrets
                    Last edited by imacwesker; 07-08-2013, 10:00 PM.
                    Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                    • Reading all the posts in here alone is a trip down memory lane.

                      Was going to mention it but imacwesker already did, lot of early 2 beta and 1.5 discussion on Evil Online in the late 90s, also remember discussion at one of the mods Darkness' site when he left. That was also where Enrico started posting very early PC and skin mods and very early console mod ideas.

                      If you want more links to old sites see if you can find any web archives of my link list RESitez - address' were like and There was usually 50-70 fan sites listed at any time between 1999 and 2004.
                      Last edited by Rombie; 07-09-2013, 05:14 AM.


                      • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                        And LOL@talking about Resident Evil in-person. I've had a few of those moments, as well. This one incident at a local GameStop, several years ago, had me a bit worried though - it's a strange feeling being identified as "That resident evil guy!" in-person. I haven't been back, since.
                        Alright, PMed! That's sort of strange you were recognised in Gamestop, I guess it would be there rather than anywhere else I suppose Is that Liev Schreiber in your avatar lol?

                        @imacwesker: I know that 4D movie was on neo-wu eventually. I do largely forget many details of these sort of minor things now though. So how about beta 2 was that also under NDA? :/


                        • The more I think about the situation, I really did get off the bandwagon at the time the deeper digs into the unreleased materials happened. But I was always more about the latest news and supporting the community more than anything else.

                          I wish though I hadn't lost my archive drive like I did a few years back. I am sure there would be some stuff of value on it.


                          • any updates for us?


                            • I hear you, geluda. I missed out on a lot, too. Seems the more I dig, the more I find.

                              Thanks for the memories ... and the CA/NDA advice. Looks like I'm in for some major rewriting of that RE15 dev timeline to work around it. (I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I KNOW I can, I KNOW I can ...)

                              I'll try to dig for that Beta 2 .NFO. I know I've got a copy of that build somewhere, but I dunno if its the Bioflames post of the one(s) floating around eMule. Sounds like the kind of thing I'd be interested in.

                              Perhaps ... once I get my videos done ... I can take of my "poor man's Surigama" hat and put one one for "unofficial scene historian." I've always loved research ... collating all the data, trying to make it fit together and flow in a proper fashion. It would be nice for the archives, I guess - once the Team is finally (?) done with their work.

                              Then again, looking at the job they've got, they're going to be busy for QUITE a while ....

                              This day sleeper is hitting the sack. Later, guys.


                              • sorta off topic idk bout you guys but I still can't get over how AWESOME the end of this clip is!!! Plus seeing Birkin walk towards you after impaling the Man-spider is just SCARY AS F4CK!!!

                                A video from Biohazard Director's Cut: Dual Shock Version - Complete Disc.Please visit for the latest information regarding the Resident Evil (Bi...

