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  • I beg to differ. Code Veronica was very good, and was also a resounding success marketwise - if you take it for what it is. It took the dramatic elements that made RE2 the success that it was and built on them. It kept RE2's gameplay style - which was a safe move, although I've heard plenty of you gripe about it not being more like RE3's. It was made to look and feel like an interactive movie - even more so than, say RE2 - and in that sense it was damn nigh perfect. It also opened the door towards the expansion of the franchise - which it NEEDED (you can't stay in Raccoon City forever), although how and where it went from there is an entirely different discussion ....

    Of course, everyone has their opinion, and mine's a bit slanted. RECV was my first RE game. It made me want to play the others, and I ended up playing them in reverse order (RE3 -> RE2 -> RE1) as I was able to get them. When RE2 first game out I watched my brother play it for about 10 minutes and then said "I'll pass." I wasn't impressed ... then. It took the wonderful experience I had playing RECV to encourage me to give the other classic RE games a second look.

    I know that for a lot of you hardcore RE types it was RECV that opened the door to everything bad that the franchise has since become. To me, though, and maybe my positive experience with it colors my perspective, it's always been the last "true" RE game. One where you fight zombies and monsters - instead of freakishly mutated, geneticically engineered monstrosities. One that still had suspense and kept you on the edge of your seat, one that would genuinely scare the crap out of you at times, instead of just throwing a bunch of shit at you and not even bothering to say, "Good luck." One where the characters were still three-dimensional and evolved as the game progressed, instead of being carcboard cutout stereotypes whose actions and reactions were almost entirely predictable. One where over-the-top voice acting was actually put to good use for once (Alfred Ashford), and where Wesker was still a threatening villain instead of a cartoon pastische that looked like he had watched The Matrix one too many times. One that ... well, never mind.

    Sorry, Darkness. Didn't mean to vent on you. I respect how you feel about RECV and why. Hope you respect my different opinion.
    Last edited by RMandel; 07-16-2013, 09:06 PM.


    • I see what some people say tho Code Veronica was the first one to have stupidly over the top villains that felt very cartoony but I felt in Code Veronica's case it was more progression. I also loved the insane challenge the game has on your first playthrough


      • Code veronica was one of the best Resident Evil games ever made and it held true to the original PSX style Resident Evil games. Re 1 original, Re2, Code Veronica, Re3, ReRemake, RE0.
        Last edited by Guest; 07-16-2013, 11:43 PM.


        • Originally posted by drunkdog View Post
          Code veronica was one of the best Resident Evil games ever made and it held true to the original PSX style Resident Evil games. Re 1 original, Re2, Code Veronica, Re3, ReRemake, RE0.
          It especially held true to the original release of RE1 with the high level of challenge


          • Where have all the zombies gone?
            Where can they be?
            Now we face genetic freaks,
            Ganados and manjini ...

            What we need is less hardware,
            and more "good game;"
            Still Capcom thinks it knows what's best,
            And gives us more of the same ...

            ... crap.


            • I for one have always liked the perfection fusion of 3d Models on superimposed 2d images. Up until a few years ago, I didn't even know the backgrounds were 2D lol. I wasn't one to question the mechanics of how a game works. I've only played 1-3 really. Haven't tried CV:X, and 4 yet. I plan to when I repair my Ps2. I won't bother playing 5 and 6. Hardcore retro gamer here. Last system I bought was a Psp Lol.

              I don't own an Xbox or any of that, and to me it all seems that if games don't have an FPS mode in it, they won't sell/get good critical success("these days"). Nothing has interested me for years, making games more like Hollywood flicks definitely doesn't appeal to me either. Snes-ps2 for life

              Originally posted by RMandel View Post
              Where have all the zombies gone?
              Where can they be?
              Now we face genetic freaks,
              Ganados and manjini ...

              What we need is less hardware,
              and more "good game;"
              Still Capcom thinks it knows what's best,
              And gives us more of the same ...

              ... crap.

              Lol. Signed
              Last edited by Guest; 07-17-2013, 04:04 AM.


              • CV was vastly better than RE3 IMO. I was surprised to see some people listing CV as one of their least favourite RE games in the other thread. As others said, it took the games out of Raccoon City while keeping the heart and soul of the series, the gameplay was varied (disc 1 and 2 were like separate games) and challenging (boss fights, puzzles). You couldn't walk up the stairs like in RE3 but who gives a crap? I'd rather have a good game than walk up a flight of stairs freely.

                RE4 was the game that opened the door to everything bad not CV, while RE4 was a good game, I thought Brave Fencer Musashi did the statue chase scenes SO much better. That had a rolling head statue instead of a mechanical one, which is way more fun to play against IMO.


                • BH3 is perfection and, in my opinion, the peak of the series.

                  CV is just good. It started the series' trend of missing every ounce of potential from there on out with the exception of the REmake. It's also just not very well designed at all (the fact that it was actually developed by TOSE probably had something to do with that).
                  Last edited by News Bot; 07-17-2013, 06:05 AM.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • The real problem with CV is that it feels kinda unpolished compared to other titles in the series. CAPCOM could have easily improved it with later iterations of the engine, but it seems like they didn't even bother trying and added Matrix elements to Wesker instead. Also TOSE, yeah.
                    Last edited by Gemini; 07-17-2013, 06:18 AM.

                    Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                    , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                    • While i do like CV, i dont like it anywhere near as much as i like 3. I would say it's my personal favorite in the series

                      Also CV can become really easy once you learn the knife trick (wish they would of fixed it in the HD re-release, they added aload of new graphical effects in)
                      Last edited by Don Piano; 07-17-2013, 06:38 AM.


                      • RE3 missed out on it's potential by not offering two scenarios (or four), that was a major stepback for me. CV sort of covered that up by being huge and having Chris come in.. which was also a memorable plot point along with Wesker returning. RE3 had no outstanding memorable moments for me other than the nuking of Raccoon City, it was all just fairly steady (but decent) gameplay. I also love the CV soundtrack compared to RE3 which I felt was quite weak for a major RE title. I never really had problems with the CV engine myself..


                        • If you consider how bad some animations look compared to even RE2, that makes the game look kinda bad for an engine running on superior hardware. To each their own, but it looks not exactly like the best they could do with CAPCOM's resources.

                          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
                          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


                          • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                            RE3 missed out on it's potential by not offering two scenarios (or four), that was a major stepback for me. CV sort of covered that up by being huge and having Chris come in.. which was also a memorable plot point along with Wesker returning. RE3 had no outstanding memorable moments for me other than the nuking of Raccoon City, it was all just fairly steady (but decent) gameplay. I also love the CV soundtrack compared to RE3 which I felt was quite weak for a major RE title. I never really had problems with the CV engine myself..
                            BH3 made up for lack of multiple scenarios with the multiple choice system. The epilogues also increased the replay value quite a bit. Considering it was initially planned (and initially developed) as a small-scale side story and was created on that budget in a very short time (just about one year), it absolutely rocketed itself out of the water.

                            CV had a longer development time, bigger budget, superior hardware, TOSE, CAPCOM and Nextech working on it, and it's still pretty inferior in almost every possible aspect. The story is also significantly worse than BH3, so it's not as if Flagship helped at all. BH3 was also written by one writer... CV had SIX. That's not counting seven script editors...
                            Last edited by News Bot; 07-17-2013, 07:26 AM.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • Personally, I didn't like the RE3 engine.. combat went backwards, you could no longer decimate zombies like you could in RE2 with the upgraded shotgun. Felt so restrictive. The multiple choice system was rather meh, I don't recall it being universally praised or criticized. Same with the ammo system. Both elements that wern't really used again IIRC?

                              The RE3 opening was bizarre like some sort of demo, you're just blasted out of a building or something, cue weird zombie sound effects. And wtf was with that? Did someone record themselves when they wake up in the morning? It was a pathetic whimper. It really put me off being absorbed in the game. Contrast that to CV's epic attack on an Umbrella lab followed by imprisonment on an unknown island where, I guess unfortunately, you are let out to explore the hell it has become..

                              Plus the backstory with the Ashford family and the T-Veronica virus really piqued my curiosity about what was possible in the RE series. RE3 had Nemesis..a one-line wonder. It closed the Raccoon City chapter well enough but as a result had very little scope and really led nowhere even with its prologues (which I guess remain mostly unfinished plotlines to this day? I don't know), it's an unambitious title, this is why they wanted to call it RE 1.9 or 1.8 or whatever. Technically RECV should be RE3.. CV left me waiting for the next game, RE3 did not. Nicholai was awesome though!


                              • I find RE3 miles ahead of CV. CV is heavily censored, wasn't that good looking (god that mist...), too long, not enough replayability, the main antagonists sucked (a transsexual and a matrixed wesker, wtf really), its gameplay was dated, its bonus mode sucked, and it introduced the whole "family" drama in the series.

                                I really hate that game. RE3 with its efficient gameplay and mercenaries mode offers a much better experience in terms of gameplay and pure fun.

