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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    Most people who played BH3 had already played the previous two. There was less need for a learning curve, so they could afford to throw you in the deep end. Complaining about a mechanic doing precisely what it was intended to is pretty weak. You're meant to be eclipsed by Nemesis. You're meant to have a fight or flight decision in its wake. You're meant to learn its attack patterns on your own.
    Hopefully the mechanic wasn't intended to bore the life out of me because that's exactly what it does. I have actually never completed RE3 because of this very reason, even though I'd completed RE2 on many occasions prior to playing RE3. If you want to learn his attack patterns as a console player guaranteed you'll be looking at the memory card screen on multiple occasions. That's not a good way of learning, it's a bad way of learning at that stage in the game. Playing through the game its self should teach you his attack patterns, it should make use of all the mechanics that were implemented and reward the player without removing them from the experience, unless they made an important strategic mistake. Not mashing the buttons fast enough or not running passed his right arm fast enough at the start of the game is not an important strategic mistake, it's an example of bad boss design. The "important" strategic mistake was choosing fight instead of run, at which point death is the only way you're going to learn how to fight him, and that's an unnecessary chore that detracts from the experience. Once you learn how to do it then sure, the game is fun, you could sit there on an emulator to your heart's content and perfect the technique, but on console in the way the game is supposed to be played that's not possible. You have to do it the long, dull and tedious way by reloading until you get it right, and by the time I've done all that I just can't be bothered to play the game any more.


    • Some people just don't know a good thing. But to each his own, that line of thinking is the reason every game needs to hold our hand these days.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • I guess I prefer RE from an artistic stand point. I prefer immersion and experience over difficulty and challenge, I find fear in music and atmosphere not jump scares and ramped difficulty. Don't get me wrong I love difficult games, I had a hell of a time doing 100% runs of IWBTG, but RE isn't the kind of series I like those elements in. Immersion is the most important element to me, I need to be immersed in the horror and cut off from everything else around me, a mechanic that encourages me to go in and out and in and out learning techniques to kill a boss twenty minutes into the game is too many breaks in the immersion. On the times that I have played RE3, once I killed Nemesis and got the Eagle I could finally forget about it and actually enjoy the game its self, like the artwork, the animations, the music and so forth, and forget about the rubbish that constantly wants to take me out of the experience. It's not like I made an error of judgement or a serious mistake, it's simply that I hadn't spent the time loading the game over and over figuring out AI patterns and mastering techniques, and in a game that I want to be immersed in from the very beginning, it's not a very good way for me to enjoy those kinds of features.


        • Wait, isn't this thread about 1.5...?


          • Originally posted by geluda View Post
            I guess I prefer RE from an artistic stand point. I prefer immersion and experience over difficulty and challenge, I find fear in music and atmosphere not jump scares and ramped difficulty. Don't get me wrong I love difficult games, I had a hell of a time doing 100% runs of IWBTG, but RE isn't the kind of series I like those elements in. Immersion is the most important element to me, I need to be immersed in the horror and cut off from everything else around me, a mechanic that encourages me to go in and out and in and out learning techniques to kill a boss twenty minutes into the game is too many breaks in the immersion. On the times that I have played RE3, once I killed Nemesis and got the Eagle I could finally forget about it and actually enjoy the game its self, like the artwork, the animations, the music and so forth, and forget about the rubbish that constantly wants to take me out of the experience. It's not like I made an error of judgement or a serious mistake, it's simply that I hadn't spent the time loading the game over and over figuring out AI patterns and mastering techniques, and in a game that I want to be immersed in from the very beginning, it's not a very good way for me to enjoy those kinds of features.
            That all sounds pretty stupid. The game doesn't order you to kill Nemesis. It actually gives you the choice to run. It's designed so that only more experienced and patient players will be able to take on Nemesis, because that's the whole point of an overpowering enemy. Making him easy to beat would be pointless. It is not the game's fault that you aren't good enough or don't feel the series should be difficult just to appease you. Fear is not just one aspect.

            Originally posted by Renard View Post
            Wait, isn't this thread about 1.5...?
            I think everyone can take a break from arguing about a hallway.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • That's why I still play RE2 to this day and have yet to actually complete RE3, because one is inspiring while the other is boring. If you want to make a game difficult do it in a creative way instead of giving a boss retarded AI and stupidly high health points. It's laziness, not good design.
              Last edited by Guest; 07-18-2013, 07:46 PM.


              • Nemesis now has bad AI because you can't beat it? And "stupidly high health points" even though it's not much stronger than the Tyrant in BH2 you don't have a problem with? I still play both games because I find them both brilliant. I don't expect BH3 to be a rehash of BH2, but I think that's what you went into it hoping for. Thank god it disappointed you in that case, honestly.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  I think everyone can take a break from arguing about a hallway.
                  At least it was pertaining to 1.5. And that was in the other 1.5 thread by the way. No, in this 1.5 thread, people have been needlessly arguing over RE3 vs. Code Veronica (and now RE2 vs. RE3 for some reason) for the past three days.


                  • *posts about 1.5 to get people back on topic*


                    • Elza needs a Crow Launcher Cannon, IGAS Plz.


                      • Since we're all going wildly off topic here, I just thought I would add that reading this thread becomes a thousand times more pleasurable when listening to the "Midnight Express" theme song, "The Chase". I highly recommend it.


                        • For some reason I have an image of Alzaire sneaking through CAPCOM Japan while the theme for Mission Impossible plays in the background. Oddly fitting, the stealthy hunt for 1.5.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • u guyz r rilly funnheh


                            • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                              I hated Nemesis, he's the sole thing that ruined that game for me. It isn't fun trying to learn how to kill him, everyone wants the gun parts, but having to spend the time learning his paterns over and over just to get one part each time ruins the fun for me. Shoot, shoot, run, repeat.. yawn. It's bad game design in my opinion, sure I understand that RE3 is supposed to be an extension of RE2 and add new levels of difficulty to the series, but difficulty shouldn't come in the form of repetitive boss battles, it detracts from the experience and makes it a chore to get through as opposed to something which is fun and has good levels of progression like its predecessor. I get what Nemesis was supposed to be about, adding new levels of fear to the player and making them more on edge, but it wasn't inplemented very well at all and encouraged me to switch off the game instead of keep on playing it.
                              I thought they did Nemmy very well, the second you heard that music or you heard the door open OR you heard the sounds he made.... you went into panic mode, the first few play through;s of the game were intense..... but I also feel he did ruin the game, my first couple play through's I didn't search a lot of areas very well due to running away from Nemesis..... at times he seemed impossible to kill. Now that i'm a master of Re3, I enjoy Nemesis, fighting him and even messing around with him... but at first, it was weak.


                              • My biggest complaint about RE3 is the lack of boss battles I know Nemesis appears a ton but most of the encounters are optional so I barely count that

