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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots ;)

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  • oh damn the things i'd do to hear all the 1.5 tracks.....
    Last edited by Darkness; 07-19-2013, 01:24 PM.


    • Originally posted by Grem View Post
      In fact, it's just like RE1. There's no normal mode, in the japanese version it says Chris=hard and Jill=easy.

      To be honest, I don't consider neither Chris nor RE3 hard mode to be hard.
      The first play through of RE1 classic, you didn't find Chris to be harder than Jill?..... There was a big difference in difficulty.


      • backtracking for the shotgun, less ammo, more key finding, it was definitely harder.


        • It wasn't exactly harder, which is why the "HARD" caption was removed from every later iteration of the game, including Director's Cut and Dual Shock editions for Japan. Chris' scenario needed a little more planning because of the 6 slot inventory (which means you should only take with you one weapon and shells for it), but it was basically Jill's with more resistance to damage and no grenade launcher (replaced by more ammo for the shotgun, iirc).

          Resident Evil: Behind the Mask twitter
          , also in Facebookian flavor for great justice.


          • Originally posted by Drunkdog
            The first play through of RE1 classic, you didn't find Chris to be harder than Jill?..... There was a big difference in difficulty.
            Yes, it was a bit more difficult. There were also more enemies. But my point is, even if it was harder than Jill it was still nowhere near as what you would expect from a "Hard" mode. To me, Chris was "normal" and Jill was "easy".
            Last edited by Grem; 07-19-2013, 04:11 PM.


            • Originally posted by Darkness View Post
              oh damn the things i'd do to hear all the 1.5 tracks.....
              They're the most interesting aspect of the game to me. It's great that a large majority of it made it over to the final game, and there's no denying more BH2 tracks were saved than we know about (The Second Malformation of G and This Is My Nest springs to mind here).
              Last edited by Accell; 07-19-2013, 04:15 PM.


              • And of course, the laboratory self-destruct theme was used as The 4th Survivor theme. My personal favorite tbh.
                Last edited by Renard; 07-19-2013, 04:53 PM.


                • Originally posted by Lanzagranadas View Post
                  Yes, it´s valid. It doesn´t matter if it was not part from the original game, hard mode, and extremme battle, are part of RE2, same way Separate Ways is part from RE4 and Lost in Nightmares + Desperate Escape from RE5. They had the opportunity to add a harder level to RE3 if they wanted but they added nothing but two extra costumes.
                  It seems you havent played RE3 on hard mode.. It's actually 6 costumes, on the PC version it's 8 costumes and on the dreamcast version it's 9... Not to mention the 9 Epilogues..
                  Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                  • Originally posted by Alfred View Post
                    It seems you havent played RE3 on hard mode.. It's actually 6 costumes, on the PC version it's 8 costumes and on the dreamcast version it's 9... Not to mention the 9 Epilogues..
                    And what did I said? Two more costumes added for the PC port plus the already existing costumes from PSX. And this has nothing to do with having played Hard mode or not, all costumes are unlocked from start in PC and DC versions. Of course I played Hard mode or I wouldn´t be comparing it with RE2.
                    And epilogues are 8, not 9.
                    The Resident Evil 3D Animation Showcase


                    • imo Chris was REALLY difficult for first time players specifically in the american original release but thats cuz they heavily beefed up the difficulty for the american release.


                      • People maybe able to correct me, this is from memory.

                        The major changes were in item numbers, ammo amounts were dropped as was number of ink ribbon saves. Herb healing was slightly adjusted, as was however health amount which actually went up slightly due to increased difficulty. The knife was more or less rendered useless for decent damage and the handgun damage in particular was lowered. Some enemy damage and health tweaks were done but most everything else is the same.

                        Chris Advance in DC is a nightmare. Even now if I consider playing it I generally also highly consider being a pussy using the cheat to make it easier. The amount of ammo is almost unfairly balanced and the number of rooms set up as death traps with enemies either hidden around corners so tight you don't even have time to aim or directly in front (esp hunters) is madding. Plus the adjustment in puzzles with the limited slots increases the backtracking at least 50% more. Just thinking about it gives me shudders. Lol


                        • Yes, the advanced mode for Chris is awesome! THAT can be considered "hard". I think Chris' advanced mode is the perfect exemple of REAL survival horror, and the most shocking moment is when you discover there are three hunters in the basement. Ha ha! Fucking brilliant. Nightmare mode for RE2 is equally awesome.


                          • Originally posted by Grem View Post
                            the most shocking moment is when you discover there are three hunters in the basement.
                            I had to restart that part of the game so many times. It was really challenging, if I remember correctly Hunters could one shot the player even at full health. The lack of ammo was compensated by the fact we could randomly one shot some zombies.

                            The nightmare mode of RE2 was just plain stupid, it was just an increase in enemies health and damage, nothing as subtle and good as the advanced mode of BHDC.


                            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                              I had to restart that part of the game so many times. It was really challenging, if I remember correctly Hunters could one shot the player even at full health. The lack of ammo was compensated by the fact we could randomly one shot some zombies.

                              The nightmare mode of RE2 was just plain stupid, it was just an increase in enemies health and damage, nothing as subtle and good as the advanced mode of BHDC.
                              The hunters were only able to decapitate or eat you if your status was at least caution.
                              Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                              • Originally posted by Rick Hunter
                                The nightmare mode of RE2 was just plain stupid, it was just an increase in enemies health and damage, nothing as subtle and good as the advanced mode of BHDC.
                                You're a bit harsh and you forgot there was also less ammo for biggest weapons. However I agree on one thing, the increase in zombies health was rather stupid. 10+ bullets to kill a zombie is a bit too much for my taste!

                                But I think I liked nightmare mode because normal in RE2 was way too easy.

                                Originally posted by Alfred
                                The hunters were only able to decapitate or eat you if your status was at least caution
                                No, they could also decapitate you if your status was "fine", but I think you need to take at least one or two hits before they could do so.
                                Last edited by Grem; 07-20-2013, 10:47 AM.

